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Fear Aggression/general Aggression In A Great Dane


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I have to agree that in days gone by a dog of poor nerve or unstable temperament for WHATEVER the reason, was deemed by society to be unsuitable for anything, and sent to meet it's maker. No Ifs no buts. I'm not a fan of today's thinking where it seems everything with a pulse gets to live, being managed, rehabilitated, caged, muzzled, leashed etc etc. Having a pet dog is meant to be a mutually pleasurable experience. Micro managing a stressed out, nervy and aggressive dog should not be what it is about, ever. When the he'll did it become so socially unacceptable to euth rotten dogs? :flame: Flame suit on.

to the OP. What a diabolical situation you have found yourself in. Do what needs to be done to protect your family and society, and give the dog it's peace.

I agree with this .

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You need to return the dog and if the breeder will not return your money then you need to contact the equiv. of Fair Trading in your State. You did not know the dog was of this temperament and therefore this dog is not fulfilling the purpose it was intended for i.e. a companion pet.

Without seeing the dog myself but having seen many a dog like this it sounds as if the dog is unsocialised, perhaps never leaving the breeders property and therefore the outside world is a scary place and the dog is a fear biter.

In regards to euthing the dog, No, I don't see how you could feel comfortable euthing a dog when from what I understand it's not in your name i.e. microchip and secondly a Behaviourist should see a dog before its given a death sentence and that should happen this week...if you have the time and skills to work the dog through this.

I wouldn't be euthing the dog if it were me, I would be returning the dog and contacting Fair Trading to get my money back but either way it wouldn't be my place nor responsibility to euth this dog, it would be the owners who rehomed an unsocialised, unsuitable giant breed to a member of the public.

It's unlikely a Dane Rescue will take the dog because it has already displayed behaviours that could deem it dangerous.

Pls, drive the 3 hours and take the dog back to the owners.

sas - the owner will NOT refund any money - and has said they will rehome this dog. What sense is there in the OP returning the dog to them?

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Perhaps a solicitors letter to the previous owners would see the funds returned - they have sold a dog that has attacked another dog and tried to attack a child and it is still chipped/registered to them!

I agree with sas, return the dog - I doubt any vet would euth it for you, as it 'legally' isn't your dog yet (I could be wrong, maybe some vets would)..

I really feel for the OP, what a terrible situation for you to find yourself in.

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Perhaps a solicitors letter to the previous owners would see the funds returned - they have sold a dog that has attacked another dog and tried to attack a child and it is still chipped/registered to them!

I agree with sas, return the dog - I doubt any vet would euth it for you, as it 'legally' isn't your dog yet (I could be wrong, maybe some vets would)..

I really feel for the OP, what a terrible situation for you to find yourself in.

The OP said that the previous owner isn't even sure whether the dog HAS a chip or not! It could be in anyone's name or no one's name.

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Without seeing the dog myself but having seen many a dog like this it sounds as if the dog is unsocialised, perhaps never leaving the breeders property and therefore the outside world is a scary place and the dog is a fear biter.

I say this sincerely to everyone.....don't ever fall for the lack of socialisation routine and blame yourselves for the incorrect raising of a pup who ends up defence aggressive..........it's a genetic nerve weakness in the dog, not the way you have raised it. Dogs of strong nerve and genetic temperament stability don't need socialisation at all as the world isn't a scary place in their mindset. Socialisation and environmental exposure in pups helps to mask nerve deficiency and better prepare weak dogs for urban living in a pet environment.

Unfortunately not all breeders run off strong nerved dogs so socialisation of a pup is an important phase in raising but only because you can't guarantee the pup you have received is bred off stable character ancestry. One of my favourite tests is gunfire testing Labradors and Golden Retrievers and the one's who bolt, ask the breeders why they are breeding gun dogs on parentage who are scared of gunfire....you will be surprised :eek:

No one knows whats wrong with the dog - therefore why should it be euth'd on an assumption, I always believe prior to euthing a dog there should be a behavioural assessment so you know what you're dealing with.

I absolutely disagree that dogs in a domestic environment don't need socialisation with their environment. Although that's a whole other topic so best not to get into it here.

I'm the first to say that weak nerves have become part of Danes however there are a number of breeders that also have their dogs never leave their property, we don't know what the deal is here.

If the new owner does not want to work with the dog then I guess there are little options, I guess I'm just being optimistic.

Hell, I'd return the dog and tie it to their bloody front door and kiss my money good bye > the dirty dead of euthing the dog is not the new owners.

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You need to return the dog and if the breeder will not return your money then you need to contact the equiv. of Fair Trading in your State. You did not know the dog was of this temperament and therefore this dog is not fulfilling the purpose it was intended for i.e. a companion pet.

Without seeing the dog myself but having seen many a dog like this it sounds as if the dog is unsocialised, perhaps never leaving the breeders property and therefore the outside world is a scary place and the dog is a fear biter.

In regards to euthing the dog, No, I don't see how you could feel comfortable euthing a dog when from what I understand it's not in your name i.e. microchip and secondly a Behaviourist should see a dog before its given a death sentence and that should happen this week...if you have the time and skills to work the dog through this.

I wouldn't be euthing the dog if it were me, I would be returning the dog and contacting Fair Trading to get my money back but either way it wouldn't be my place nor responsibility to euth this dog, it would be the owners who rehomed an unsocialised, unsuitable giant breed to a member of the public.

It's unlikely a Dane Rescue will take the dog because it has already displayed behaviours that could deem it dangerous.

Pls, drive the 3 hours and take the dog back to the owners.

sas - the owner will NOT refund any money - and has said they will rehome this dog. What sense is there in the OP returning the dog to them?

My point is is not these poor bloody new owners job to euth this dog.

They want a rescue to take it? You ask me to take it, sure, I'll euth it myself (as a responsible rescue I can't rehome a dog who has behaved in this manner and I'm not a Behaviourist) and ball like a baby when I do it, it's not my job to do that and it's not the owners either. I have returned dogs to owners who send me dogs based on false information.

Edited by sas
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I just want to add that I also question whether it's the OPs responsibility to pay possibly another two or three hundred dollars for a behaviourist assessment, when she's already lost hundreds by the previous owner refusing to refund her if she returns the dog, when she doesn't intend to keep the dog and rehabilitate it (and quite rightly so I think)? What will the behaviourist assessment achieve if a rescue won't take the dog anyway? It can't be rehomed to anyone else and if it goes back to the previous owner there's no point in doing the assessment because the previous owner doesn't think the behaviour is a problem and intends to advertise the dog again. So if a behaviourist says it's possible to rehabilitate the dog to some extent, who takes over from there instead of euthanising?

Of course it is....if they want to work with it...if they don't then return it to the prev. owners regardless of if the they want the bloody dog back or not.

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Perhaps a solicitors letter to the previous owners would see the funds returned - they have sold a dog that has attacked another dog and tried to attack a child and it is still chipped/registered to them!

I agree with sas, return the dog - I doubt any vet would euth it for you, as it 'legally' isn't your dog yet (I could be wrong, maybe some vets would)..

I really feel for the OP, what a terrible situation for you to find yourself in.

The OP said that the previous owner isn't even sure whether the dog HAS a chip or not! It could be in anyone's name or no one's name.

I read that but as it is a purebred dane (which isn't a breed you see offered for sale just anywhere), it is quite possible that it actually is chipped and they will find out tomorrow when it is taken to the vets.

I hope it is chipped and the OP has some recourse to get her money back.

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Perhaps a solicitors letter to the previous owners would see the funds returned - they have sold a dog that has attacked another dog and tried to attack a child and it is still chipped/registered to them!

I agree with sas, return the dog - I doubt any vet would euth it for you, as it 'legally' isn't your dog yet (I could be wrong, maybe some vets would)..

I really feel for the OP, what a terrible situation for you to find yourself in.

The OP said that the previous owner isn't even sure whether the dog HAS a chip or not! It could be in anyone's name or no one's name.

I read that but as it is a purebred dane (which isn't a breed you see offered for sale just anywhere), it is quite possible that it actually is chipped and they will find out tomorrow when it is taken to the vets.

I hope it is chipped and the OP has some recourse to get her money back.

Yeah you do, they are backyard bred like you wouldn't believe, Dane Rescue nationally rehome over 200 a year.

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I'm hopping out of the thread now to do some other stuff, but OP if you want my help in some form, PM me. I wish you all the best and whatever the end result, it's not going to be easy or straight forward from where I'm sitting.

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That's great sas but the OP knows that if she returns the dog it will be rehomed to another unsuspecting person and that could end with serious injury or death to another dog or child. I can understand why the OP doesn't want to do that. I'll ask again, if a behavioural assessment is done who then takes the dog to rehabilitate her?

What do you want me to say that I haven't said already?

If the OP wants to Euth the dog then they'll do it, I've given my opinion of the situation, I'm not the boss, they do whatever they want. I'm attempting to be optimistic. If the OP doesn't want to rehab the dog then they wouldn't get a Behaviourist in would they. If they don't want to return the dog to its previous home then they would euth the dog.

Every one seems to be making assumptions in what the OP wants and feels.

It's up to the OP to decide if they are prepared to work with the dog or not.

Ok, I have to hop out now to do other things.

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Just popping back in briefly to advise VIC Dane Rescue will take her and have her behaviourally assessed if they can find a carer without children - you should get contact from them if you haven't already - I believe this dog has been known to them for a while and have offered to take the dog twice prev. Best of luck.

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Just popping back in briefly to advise VIC Dane Rescue will take her and have her behaviourally assessed if they can find a carer without children - you should get contact from them if you haven't already - I believe this dog has been known to them for a while and have offered to take the dog twice prev. Best of luck.

Sounds like a good result? :)

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Just popping back in briefly to advise VIC Dane Rescue will take her and have her behaviourally assessed if they can find a carer without children - you should get contact from them if you haven't already - I believe this dog has been known to them for a while and have offered to take the dog twice prev. Best of luck.

We have a winner! Please take them up on the offer lauren...


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