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  1. Today
  2. Sorry. I meant the Giant Schnauzer. He looks a lot like my boy.
  3. Happy birthday Rose. She looks so sweet and surely not guilty of destroying the poor little giraffe.
  4. just had a (very) quick look - and some very nice dogs. Agree re the GS - especially on the stack. I have silently despaired over that once noble and sound breed (yes, I am old enough to remember Serendipity - a truly magnificent bitch). So nice to see
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckr5rn1evmko Very nice GS.
  6. Rose has very mischievous looking ears.
  7. What lovely girls you have unstuffed toys notwithstanding
  8. Phoebe getting back first
  9. poor little giraffe
  10. Rose turns 7 today and has been with me 5 months tomorrow. Has totally destroyed her stuffed toy and I put her new ball away after play or it would go the same way
  11. Yesterday
  12. Interesting that it's the police who have charged the woman, and not RSPCA... Upside of that is that the woman will be tried to the fullest extent of the law and not plead down to some lesser charge for only a fine. T.
  13. A Horsely woman pleaded not guilty to throwing her dog off a cliff in Woolongong court today. The dog was found emaciated in a crate at the bottom of the cliff, and was later euthanased. ABC News
  14. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-14/westminster-kennel-club-dog-show-in-new-york-2024/1038433682024
  15. Last week
  16. I wonder how many are rehomed from farms - particularly small farms. In the farming and poultry forums I follow, I often see them recommended as an easy solution for people with predator problems. It’s concerning that people may get them on those recommendations, without thinking through the implications of taking responsibility for another animal - one that could live twelve to fifteen years and cost thousands of dollars per year in food, preventative medicines and vet care. Sometimes, other solutions such as better fencing or more secure housing may be a more effective and far less expensive solution to predator problems.
  17. My sister was given one , she loved it large big bundle of fluffy white fur ,, Then it got bigger lucky they live in the country and had a big backyard because walking it became a problem for them , there is only her and my neice and neither were strong or capable enough to walk him , he just dragged them to wherever he wanted to go , lovely dog though that unfortunatly got some desease and died at around 2 ,,, WHAT IT DID DO WAS MAKE THEM AWARE OF WHAT DOG TO GET NEXT they got a little sausage dog (daschund ) , much more suitable to them and there lifestyle
  18. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-10/maremmas-surrendered-by-unprepared-owners/103825668
  19. It's not just vet students left off the list... vet nursing and most other animal related courses have student work placement requirements also. When I did my captive animals (zookeeping) course, I had to to one full day of classes and two days of student work placement every week - which meant that was 3 days per week I couldn't work in a paid job for those 3 days. My vet nursing course had one full day of classes and one day of student placement in a vet clinic - taking 2 days a week away from being able to do paid work. You also need to factor in time outside of those hours to complete assignments, etc too. And after completing both of those 2 year courses, I can work in those professions for minimum wage or less... Funnily enough, some Sydney zoos are taking full advantage of the free TAFE student work placements, often with free student labour and other volunteer positions making up a larger component of their workforce than paid (read qualified) keeper staff. Same with vet clinics - some rely on the fact they will get a couple of free work placements to cover each day and so they have extra hands to get the workload done for less cost. We won't get into the fact that most animal industry jobs are also mostly casual or part time, meaning that full-time positions are rare and therefore highly contested when they do come up. As a result there is also very high turnover, as people leave the profession as they can't afford to live on minimum wages and sporadic hours. T.
  20. fascinating so our pollies are happy to hand over millions to the rspca yet refuse to contribute towards future vets? so much for any concern for animal welfare
  21. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2024-05-09/student-vets-excluded-from-commonwealth-prac-payments-scheme/103818536
  22. Earlier
  23. Your never going to stop this because simply theres money involved , I know of a lady , i've only spoke to her a couple of times through mutual freinds , she apparantly bred labradors , i have heard her very vocal in the past totaly against labradoodles , claiming it was byb 's doing the wrong thing for money ect ect , throwing out all the against ideas , not in favor one bit , got to say i agreed with her a lot and could'nt then and still cannot understand why people will pay THOUSANDS for a mongrel she was always happy to hear my opinion , my wifes freind payed 5 grand for one ,, 5 GRAND FOR A MONGREL WITH HEALTH ISSUSES . Anyway that was then , now is now and she's changed her whole ideas and attitudes , now its great there introducing a new breed , there doing a great justice for the dog world and all the other associated rubbish , but what changed her mind , thats an easy one , she bought herself a poodle and now sells labradoodles charges nearly double than she did for the labs has well , she don't like me any more because i just casually said its amazing what 5 grand a pup can do for your mindset LOL .
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