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Everything posted by Monah

  1. My spin is very birdy and brings them to me very gently. THey are always fine...apart from slobber so a wipe down and off they go..her mouth is so big I often don't even realise she has one there.. THe viz will creep and point, but never picks them up, she waits for me I'm sure that's because she's such a good girl and only does what she's told, she is also a tree climber too and is incredible at 'find', whereas the spin always thinks she 'knows best'.. ;) Both are terrific and have never harmed anything. I have had breeds from all groups and love them all, but I do think my heart really and truly belongs to gun dogs..
  2. OMG! absolutely gorgeous. Incredible photos...congratulations on a fantastic job, with the photos and with the training. Lovely :D :D xxxxxxx
  3. As others have said, this is not correct, even cats can get bloat! I think I'd be changing vets.. I thought my viz had bloat a couple of weeks ago, she lay on cold grass in the evening while we were doing wees, something she has never ever done. I watched her and she was uncomfortable but not showing many bloat symptoms, I took her to the vet, both of us in jammies as it was freezing, jumpers over the top.. She had a blood test(pancreas) and physical exam and it was not bloat, but he could not work out what it could be, so she had an injection to relieve pain and tranquilise and gave me another for her during the night...which she did not need. I sat up all night and took her back at 6am as she was still not comfortable when I took her to the loo. He did an xray and saw a lump and thought she may have swallowed something, but when he investigated she had her lining twisted into a lump at her liver, something he's never seen before. It was extremely dangerous and life threatening and she was split open right down the middle. No idea why it occurred or if it will happen again etc... she was in 'hospital' for 3 days, poor baby. I always take animals straight to the vet, better safe than sorry.. so sorry about your dog gsdog2, it's an awful thing and there's often not much time at all, and even if you can get them help, it's very risky. xxxxxxxxxx
  4. I've been bitten by large pythons.. only needed tetanus and antibiotics. Very important to have antibiotics as they carry many nasties in the mouth. xxx
  5. Aus PMs always snub him to toady to the chinese govt but she had no excuse because the Dalai Lama is no longer head of state to CTA. Really gutless act. sorry Back to the dog - they should have offered to buy the jack on the comedy show about her although maybe he doesnt want a shedding dog (pretty funny if he thinks all noodles are non shedders - he could be in for a bit of a surprise) Hope you're not sending up the PMs private life in public. Awful isn't it? Of all the wonderful breeds/rescue etc. out there, they do this. Really amps up the 'oodle' cause and the issues associated with how many are bred and kept. Has the appearance of supporting puppy farms even though she probably doesn't. That will be enough for joe public though
  6. Wonderful wonderful news so very pleased for you and the girls. Marvellous!! :D :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. Happy Birthday Micha, what a stunning boy! Lovely photos, well done. Beautiful. :D
  8. I've put a link on my FB, her name is Anna Grzezulkowska... :D
  9. It's on FB and I've asked if she has a website...they are wonderful collars etc. gadzeciaki.pl
  10. They are really lovely Corvus and even though I spend hours in the garden and we have over 50 species visit regularly, I have never seen (or noticed?) these before. They fly slowly and majestically and look huge on the wing! Also extremely pretty!
  11. thanks , that's them!! They are very stunning birds especially in flight! :D xxx
  12. Does anyone know what these are? thought they may be cukoo doves but the ID says not orange beaks but orange legs... these are around the size of a large hawk, about 45 to 50cm and there were 6 of them, too high up for me to see properly though....very large wingspan and no birdy noises.. I have not seen them in the garden before..
  13. Looks like a cross, but I babysit a NZ border collie who is very similar.. lovely looking pup in the photo!
  14. Awful! I'm so very sorry. Thankyou for the reminder. I spend almost every minute with my girls and love them dearly. I absolutely dread the moments when the time will come. Lovely 'pack' photo, they all look very comfy and content. Lovely memories. xxxxxx
  15. All very out there breeds, my favourite group, gundogs!! It completely depends on the home. I had very boisterous dogs with young children but had very educated and tough kids and rules. Generally (have to generalise sorry), those 3 breeds would knock over young children, would the family cope OK with this? still generalising....they all need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, and some quite a bit of grooming, which it seems is OK with your friends, but it really is crucial to do the grooming. If they live in a humid area (QLD etc) they would have to watch for ticks and with floppy ears (esp the springers), ear infections etc. I know a friends GR got wet in a storm while she was at work and within a couple of days (because of constant humidity etc and the skin not drying properly) the dog had terrible skin infections and had to be shorn and much medications/creams etc for ages and this dog was very well cared for. They are all gorgeous breeds, I'd hesitate to ever recommend a breed as it is dependent on too many variables. Do they have some sort of proper criteria? ALso do agree that often a dog a little older, who you can 'trial' in the family (eg. a rehome etc) is often a great way to make sure you have made the right choice if you are a little unsure of what you want. Gundogs are extremely people orientated and need to be with their family. I've had 2 GRs, lovely. My neighbour has 4 kids, from age 2 to 15, and has 2 cockers who are just wonderful family dogs.
  16. about that age already! Nothing will change for me.... :D
  17. I think water far away from the house is a good idea..it may help. We have a pool and have snakes in it every summer! Even though the pool area is all paved. I have even been in the pool with the dogs when one droped by for a swim Very lucky that both girls have great recall as I only saw the head up and swimming and called the girls over to the steps , acted all excited, and got them out of the pool area into the house FAST. Then went back and got the snake and flicked it over our fence, still our land , but out of the bloody pool!! Had 7 encounters last summer, all of them in very unexpected places, one even on a busy footpath at NIGHT! My girlchild and her dogs were with me and mine and if she had not looked down we would have trodden on it! Snkes are here year round but we do seem to have more encounters in the summer. We have heaps of kookaburras and butcher birds too which may help keep them down a bit. When we lived in SA we had many tiger snakes nesting under the house and decking and they would always drink from a bucket, the kids kept tadpoles and frogs..we also had heaps of scorpions etc..now we have tarantulas!! (bird eating spiders)...LOL. UK is looking better and better..or NZ! :D also, we would often see snakes swimming in the sea!! around the jetty, when we lived in SA, penguins nested all over the area and they used to be pretty interesting to the snakes, these were NOT sea snakes, they were mostly tigers.
  18. This :D I've had a few adult dogs, wonderful experience all round! with each I felt that I was blessed having them, not the other way around. One was a cattle dog, 7 yrs old, and she was the best ever, a nanny to my kids, a truly wonderful girl who we lost to cancer aged 15. she had never been around cats, and we had 4 (still do), so that was about the only hurdle and she came out as very protective of them, but it took me about 10 months to trust her with them on her own..she had never lived indoors but adapted very well to the kid's beds she also taught all our other dogs/pups manners etc. over the years and I miss her dreadfully. So many 'working' dogs get dumped, awful
  19. sounds like heaven Tomas, where are the rest of the boys??
  20. This usually is a local council thing. That's a shame. We always allowed dogs in our cafe and also fed and watered them (if owners were OK with it). Regulars had their names on special bowls I've been watching a program on SBS called Hotel , it's hilarious , reality, and makes Fawlty Towers look tame!! but every week there are several guests with their dogs, no one even blinks! this week two dalmations are on, I think wednesday night at 8.30pm.. anyway , the manager also has a lovely dog he idolises who is in the hotel all the time, gorgeous.
  21. That would have been Viva :D xxx
  22. I saw all the lovely Viva pics!! Wont say anything about the one on the bed I honestly cannot think how old Groucho would be now Maybe about 2 and a half years old? sorry, time gets away from me so quickly!
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