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Everything posted by puggy_puggy

  1. I would recommend you get the xrays done then take it from there. Invest in a crate to keep him confined in as well. The wire ones are the best. Is it the actual knee cap that is fractured or is it the knee cap that is slipping out of it's correct position or has the top of the fibula fractured?
  2. I think the dry food and the fact that Fletcher is ment to be in a cold climate (not in heated comfort) would be the cause of him drinking and peeing alot. The diluted urine is due to him drinking copius amounts of water. If it was a medical condition I would be testing him for diabetes. The difference between the amount of water that dogs on raw diets drink and dogs on dry food diets is amazing. I have pugs staying here sometimes that bring their own dry food and they drink half the water bowl (massive water bowl) a day whereas my two who are on totally raw food will only have a drink every now and again.
  3. How many incissors does the pup have? Is there a space for the canine? Could you be mistaking the missing canines as incissors? If you were really worried you could get it looked into when the pups are desexed.
  4. Most vets do not send a dog home with take home pain killers after desexing. If the desexing had complications they will sometimes send home piankillers. The collar should be left on untill the stitches come out in two weeks. She will cope fine with the collar it will be you that gets over her bashing you up the legs with it.
  5. Most likely to be kennel cough. There are quite a few strains of it so your dog might not end up getting a cough but can still have snotty runny noses. Keep them away from other dogs for the next week or so. A vet can do nothing for them unless they get a secondary infection which can be treated with antibiotics. If they are generally happy then a vet trip is not needed.
  6. Fantastic news. I bet you feel like it's all been worth it so far now she is back using her leg.
  7. Maybe he knows we are talking about him on the net and is embarrased.
  8. I'm pretty sure that some frenchies are total water hogs and will drink and drink. If they run around afterwards they will throw it up. Hiatus hernia does sound possible. Has Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency been ruled out?
  9. Your neighbours are very rude letting their cat wander the neighbourhood. Inform your neighbours that they should keep their cat contained. If they do not ring the council and see what your options are.
  10. When did she start her season? I would hope that someone that has an entire female would know this. I would desex at the same time as aborting. Why hasn't she taken her to the vets yet?
  11. If your dog hates getting it's nails cut it wont matter if you use nail clippers or a dremmel type machine they will still hate it.
  12. I might be completely wrong but I am sure that desexed dogs can not produce semen. I would be thinking infection. Blood in his urine may not be visable to the naked eye but under a microscope it may be very visable. I would be putting an elizabethan collar onto him, so he can't lick, and bathing the area in warm salty water for a few days to see if there is an improvement. If not then collecting a urine sample and taking him to the vets.
  13. You can always take precautions of getting her to remove her shoes and wash her hands before she plays with your puppy.
  14. If they are not pedigree show dogs then you really have no reason to not desex them. I'm suprised you have not been able to see who the leader is. Is one bigger then the other? One sookier then the other? Who do you feed first?
  15. Great news on both the improvement and her getting more used to the drops. Animal Eye Care have a travelling clinic that you might find easier to get to. Travelling Clinic Details
  16. Your father would get the PF under the PBS as he is on a pension. Dogs are not entitled to PBS for medication. Yes you may find that your chemist will sell PF cheaper then $50, because chemists are able to purchase in bulk, but you certainly will not get it for $5.
  17. I would not use malaseb that often - it is quite harsh and drying. Yes Malaseb is very drying. Unless the dog had mange or the like I would not be using it that often.
  18. Your pup really shoud be getting soft bones where it can eat both the meat and the bone. If your pup can not fully consume the bone as well as the meat you could be setting him up for muscle and bone problems due to his calcium (bone) and phosphorus (meat) levels being out of whack. Soft bones .... lamb chicken turkey
  19. The marrow, which you are talking about, does not contain calcium it contains protein and fat. Calcium is found in the actual bone.
  20. You would only need the regular and it lasts for months and months. I purchase the 2.5 litre every 6 months and I wash two pugs, usually I have extras as well, every week.
  21. Could be an infected hair follicle. Fatty lumps are usually not that hard and are movable.
  22. I totally agree. Dogs should be able to consume the whole bone not just the meat. Lamb flabs (lamb ribs) are a favourite here. Lots of crucnching and teeth cleaning occurs with them. Reduce your dogs other food if they recieve a big bone.
  23. Get rid of the pasta. Dogs don't need grains. Why dogs don't need grains
  24. What do you feed? Has he been running around playing alot? Is he drinking water? Have you taken him anywhere lately? I'm feral but if a dog throws up and wants to eat whet they have thrown up I usually let them.
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