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Everything posted by puggy_puggy

  1. What do you do when he is being crazy? Act crazy yourself laughing and razzing him up or ignore him? If your MRS has a dog phobia the way she is acting towards him could very likely be making him act up even more. Does he have chew toys and plenty of other toys to kill? Do you yelp and tell him off when he bites you or continue to let him bite?
  2. No reputable breeder would let a puppy go to it's new home before it was 8 weeks old. It sounds like you took your pup home when she was just 6 weeks old. Not good at all. The blood could be due to worming. Is there lots of it? And in every poo she does?
  3. Can you return it to where you bought it from?
  4. I wouldn't see feeding Royal Canine as an elimination diet. It could be what is in the Royal Canine that is causing the problem (isn't it full of grains?) and you have to find a food/s that your dog has not had. Some suggestions could be kangaroo, horse, camel etc. What do you bath him with? What do you wash his bedding with? What do you wash the floor with? Have you checked your yard for plants that may be causing him to itch? Does he itch at a certain time or after being somewhere? Have you tried antihistamines? You can use human ones. Claratyne etc.
  5. Tell her to ring around and get quotes if she is concened about the cost. A vet I use has a $30 to $40 'on heat' charge on top of normal desexing costs. How long ago did the mating happen and how long has she been on heat?
  6. If you have a sharp knife you should be able to cut through the bone quite easily. The pugs will get a lamb flap each one a week as their food for the day.
  7. Doggy underpants with pads in them might be helpfull as well. You just want to make sure the urine doesn't burn her though.
  8. Ahh ok. What pain relief is being given? Metacam? I know that dogs can put up with alot more or even don't feel as much pain as humans can because they have less nerve endings etc. Might be worth a trip to a dog physio to show you some exercises to do.
  9. Don't they have to be crated for a certain period of time?
  10. Yes many dogs get vaccinated, desexed and microchiped on the same day.
  11. Cortisone can be used as an alternative to chemo with some cancers to slow the growth and to help with the pain. A pug boy I looked after was on prednisalone as part of his palative care treatment for stomach lymphoma.
  12. I thought that swf's didn't shed hair. Is she desexed? I have a pug girl here that is shedding her coat like nothing else and she supposedly had a phantom pregnancy a few months back.
  13. Lots of vibes for Benson. Sometimes vets have to rule out everything before they get to the real problem.
  14. Is the skin irritated? It could be just where her skin folds or the area that has the most pressure when she lays down. Similar to how babies rub the hair on the back of their heads.
  15. Was the pup the runt of the litter? Is it a male or female pup?
  16. Depends on who does them. A specalist surgeon is of course going to cost more then a normal vet. What grade are they?
  17. I think that you are probably finding some other sort of grub as Witchetty grubs are found in the roots of only some particular bushes/plants. I would think tat most grubs are basically protein.
  18. I wouldn't feed beef ribs as they are probably to hard. Go for lamb ribs instead. Pups can be feed bones from before they start teething.
  19. Spraying them with a water spray bottle whilst growling 'no' should work.
  20. If he is injuring them so often then removal is probably a good idea. It is a pretty big operation so not to be taken lightly. Some breeders remove dew claws when puppies are only days old and some leave dew claws.
  21. its inside the nail, il try and find a pic, ive heard the dogs saliva can casue it, some chemical reaction when they lick there feet It's most likely to be the quick you are seeing if it is inside the white nail. Which is perfectly normal.
  22. I guess it depends on the severity of a dogs joint problems as to how often a dog needs a Zydax/Cartrophen course. The two example that I have with rescues are: - 4 weekly injections every 6 months for a 15 month old that has had extensive orthopedic surgery but as yet has not had any arthritis set in. - 4 weekly injections every 12 months for a 5 year old with a grade 1 to 2 luxating patella that has a slight change in the joint. Vet charged $19.16 for Zydax yesterday. Another vet charged $14 for cartrophen last month. Both only charge for the injections not a consult fee.
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