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Everything posted by HollyMilo

  1. $20 for 500grams = $40 per kilo. Considering beef scotch fillet sells for around $28 per kilo in Australia, I very much doubt that an animal like a koala, which would be as rare as hens teeth in China, would be for sale for such a small amount. It's not likely to be a koala.
  2. Letter to the editor in todays Courier Mail. A very sad story detailing how the actions of a pathetic dog owner have affected more than just their poor dog. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/opinion/death-of-an-abandoned-dog/story-e6frerdf-1226159536801?sv=f486076e7f47f1e7885514613e0eb82
  3. My sister had a 5 foot brown slither into her house last Wednesday, when she left the screen door open for only a minute, she turned around and went to walk back inside and saw the rear end of it slithering inside the door. Thank God my niece wasn't toddling around on the floor. The snake catcher told her she should always check the pool before letting the kids get in because snakes sometimes go for a dip. Make sure you check inside the skimmer box as well, as a friend found a small snake floating in the skimmer years ago.
  4. I bought a self cleaning slicker like this, though mine's a different brand, got it from the pet section of Woolworths and it is better than the more expensive slickers I've gotten from pet supply stores in the past. The self cleaning action works well so far.
  5. Check out this video of an American soldier being greeted by his dog after returning from service.......they don't forget
  6. There is video footage in the link http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/dpp/pets/seeing-bark-buddy-helps-blind-labrador-jul-11-2011
  7. King Charles Spaniels (3 - 5 kgs) are smaller than Cavaliers (5 - 8 kgs). King Charles have a squished in face (that's the correct technical term you know ) and a high domed head. Cavaliers have a skull that is flat between the ears and their muzzle is longer than a King Charles. No offence intended to King Charles Spaniel lovers, but everytime I see one, I think of a Cavalier that's been smacked in the face with the bottom of a frypan
  8. My bitch had some hormonal incontinence last year. She was prescribed stilboestrol which did the trick and *touch wood* she's not had any problems since.
  9. My bitch sounds just like a wookie when she gets excited playing with her toys. We used to joke that she should be named Chewy.
  10. This doesn't totally suprise me, and I think I know which one. I was in there the other day and noticed puppies and kittens in cages up the back. Is it the one that's just gotten a lot bigger right near the big shopping centre? I am really happy I use Isis Vets for all of our refuge dogs, he would certainly never do anything like that. I'm sure that's the one, right near the shopping centre that no longer has a pet shop.
  11. Why is it that some cavalier breeders get so defensive when anyone asks questions about syringomyelia? I would think it's because the report referred to in the OP was on the study of syringomyelia in CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIELS. Had the study been conducted on syringo in toy poodles, yorkies or poms then perhaps shortstep would have mentioned those breeds.
  12. So very sorry for your loss RIP Brock
  13. Oh dear my jammies are almost the same froggy pattern as Atlas'sess's's's(???).........and I'm not a dog
  14. I'm so, so sorry Sunnyflower Like others have said, I've shed many tears whilst following this thread. I hope you and Oscar have a wonderful last week together. If he is enjoying food now, then let him be a little piggy and indulge him with treats he wouldn't normally get. I will be thinking of you next Saturday and wishing Oscar a peaceful journey to Rainbow Bridge where he will feel no more pain
  15. What a horrible little b@stard! I'm glad they caught him and the dog is ok.
  16. More proof of what amazing creatures dogs are. There is video footage in the link of the poor little thing walking/crawling with 2 broken front legs. http://mxp.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/19/tornado-dog-walks-home-on-two-broken-legs/
  17. If the chook owners didn't want the dog destroyed then how did the Ranger become involved in the first place? eta just re-read 'someone' rang the ranger, another neighbour who heard the commotion I suppose.
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