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Everything posted by HollyMilo

  1. Dogs Queensland http://www.cccq.org.au/Contact-Us-1.aspx
  2. Sorry for your loss :D RIP Shannon
  3. Where did I say that anyone was refusing to test their dogs? All I did was ask what I feel are sincere questions. If you can't answer them shortstep then ignore my post.
  4. So, you keep all pups until minumum of 6 months, max of approximately 2.5 years, and knock off any which are not "A"? Wouldn't you keep your pick of the litter, send the others to pet homes desexed (so no chance of passing SM on if they are affected) then have the dog you kept scanned if you wish to use that dog in your breeding program? If this dog is not an 'A' then it is desexed as per the breeding protocol guidelines of not breeding with anything other than an 'A'. And that, my dear, is why so many breeders no longer breed. There is NO definitive test. NONE AT ALL. EVEN BREEDING DOGS GRADED A DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT NO PUPS WILL HAVE SM. But won't it reduce the number of affected pups if only 'A' dogs are bred with? Doesn't it make sense if the research so far suggests that breeding only 'A' produces 1 in 4 affected and breeding with anything else produces more than 1 in 4, then wouldn't any decent breeder want to go with the best odds? If the only test available, even if not definitive, is to MRI breeding stock then shouldn't that at least be tried? Yet people like Bet Hargraves make it seem that breeders must test - and that will guarantee pups unaffected by SM. I'm not trying to shit stir, it just seems to me from a pet owners perspective that if the 'medical experts' who are the ones doing the studies suggest that breeding with only 'A' graded dogs will get the least number of pups affected then why would breeders not be all for scanning their breeding stock and only using 'A'dogs? edit - oops didn't mean to have size so big like I was shouting
  5. It sounds like he slipped away peacefully. RIP Archie :D
  6. HollyMilo


    :D RIP Harry Sorry for your loss
  7. it's called "seeking an audience" .... anywhere and everywhere ..... Part of that audience was Sunnyflower, a cavalier owner who had never heard of Syringomyelia before, but now, thanks to this thread, is aware of the disease, has realised that her dog has many of the symptoms and is having him scanned. Sunnyflower, I really hope Oscar doesn't have SM.
  8. Just checking up on you Jed. I hope you and Pheonix are enjoying your time together
  9. At least when they are crated you know exactly where to go to save them. If they are roaming free around the house they could be cowering/hiding in any room, it would take a lot longer to find them. Our dogs sleep in the laundry behind a baby gate and I know that in the event of a fire, after I get my kids out, I can go straight to the laundry to get the dogs. The laundry is one of the main escape routes anyway so they can be picked up on the way out if that route is safe. That's how I see it anyway.
  10. Barn laid eggs are from chooks who are able to move freely around a barn but have no access to the outdoors. http://www.hwag.com.au/barn-laid-eggs Free Range eggs are from chooks who are housed in a barn/shed but also have access to the outdoors for at least 8 hrs per day. http://www.hwag.com.au/free-range-eggs
  11. RIP Mozart and Beethoven :D Hugs to you and your family melcatlady.
  12. Your video made me cry Good to hear there was a happy ending for Courage.
  13. You are still in my thoughts Jed. I hope you are getting better every day :p
  14. Rest Easy Jess Sorry for your loss
  15. I still think of you often Jed. I hope your heart and body continue to heal
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