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Papillon Kisses

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Everything posted by Papillon Kisses

  1. me too! And my sister was sitting next to me just looking at me like "what is wrong with you??" i thought it was going to be a happy movie. But no. At least the cinema was dark :laugh: It's dark, yes, but I still struggle with holding in loud sobs and then the odd half-choke/snort comes out if I accidentally breathe at the same time. Sorry, ummm, nothing to see here people! :laugh: I'm also bad in any films where a dad dies or sacrifices himself for his daughter but that's just little tears not full on restrained bawling LOL. It would appear that you can add reviews to the site if something is missing. :)
  2. While allergies can cause itchy ears/head shaking, folliculitis can cause itchy ears as well. So it still could be folliculitis. Crusty eyes could be from allergies, the tears from weeping eyes dry to form crusts. Itchy red skin could be an allergic response. Our late papillon had hayfever/allergies which presented as a very itchy nose and sneezing. He was on half a claratyne tablet (he was big for a pap, 4.8-5kg). This dose is in line with what Sarasmum posted. He also shook his head (ears) but that may have been from his ear infections rather than the allergies, or both. You could also try a calendula tea rinse for his itchy red tummy. See the thread on this sub-forum. I know from having allergies myself that you do need to experiment with different antihistamines to see what works best. What helps one person with their symptoms may do very little for someone else. If you're concerned that your dog has been misdiagnosed or that his treatment is wrong, take him back for a follow up or get a second opinion from another vet. :)
  3. I don't know about you, but I just FALL TO PIECES if I watch a movie where a dog is hurt, let alone dies. My six year old self still has not recovered from seeing Beethoven attacked by the bad guys and slated for death. And I don't know what on earth possessed me to watch Eight Below. But someone has come up with a brilliant solution! A movie review website to ensure you don't become a nervous wreck or blubbering mess due to cinematic doggy disaster, at least without forewarning! I present to you: Does The Dog Die
  4. Ah ok, I'm not familiar with Pawshake but with other companies in Sydney daycare seems to be double the price of a dog walk. I forgot to add to my previous post a very well done to Team Scottie (which of course includes Scottie himself). I read through your thread and you've come such a long way, even if week 3 was a bit less successful. :)
  5. Could you pay a vet nurse or someone else to come at midday? Ultimately cheaper than daycare. Vet nurses often do at-home vacation care though I'm not sure if they usually do lunch visits.
  6. Persephone's link was posted today on a Facebook group I'm apart of. Oh. My. Goodness. Comments such as these: "If you don't want to be social then don't own a social breed or any pet really." Wow. Let me count the ways that person has it wrong...
  7. If you use the search function you'll find some posts from former NDTF and Delta students.:)
  8. Pets in the Park: http://www.petsinthepark.org.au They provide basic veterinary care to the animals of Sydney's homeless.
  9. I'd love to be able to try out the puzzle toys before purchase. I haven't bought any because they can be a lot to spend on a toy that my dog may have no interest in using.
  10. I bought some of the Hilde Hemmes Calendula Officionalis tea from Healthy Life for my boy who has been very itchy of late. I washed him in Aloveen then used it as a rinse. He's only scratching the two parts I forgot to rinse: his face and neck! He's stopped biting his thighs and licking his front legs, and his coat is beautiful and soft. Erny/Steve: Is it ok to give a toy dog (3.8kg) a full heaped tablespoon of spent flowers at once? If not, how long can you keep them refrigerated? And do you know if it's ok for dogs with Addison's Disease to eat? I could not find any info online about interactions with his medication (Percorten) which leads me to believe it's ok, but I can ask his vet.
  11. Could you do immunotherapy for your dog allergy? It's been great for my grass and dust mite allergies, but they aren't so bad as to need an epi pen.
  12. Something I've never seen in pet shops near me are the Planet Dog orbee balls. Those balls are amazing. They have raised continents on them which makes them bounce every which way which is lots of fun for the dog. They can fling it around and play fetch by themselves! They have some other cool toys too, but the orbee has got to be the best. Orbee http://www.planetdog.com/orbee-tuff-orbee-ball
  13. My bitza comes up as 99-100% Chihuahua, except when he's wearing his blue puffer jacket with the hood up — then he's an Italian Greyhound. One of my pictures wasn't confirmed as human shot... apparently I am 70+% chihuahua. What's that about people looking like their dogs? ???? Grandma wasn't detected as a human either, with her white bouffant 'do she came back as 96% Maltese! I guess it was either that or a Bichon! And Hubby pulling a face that legit makes him look like Dug from Up comes back as a golden retriever, lol.
  14. Does this jacket fit closely around the arms? My chi x terrier type bitza doesn't deliberately undress himself, but he likes to curl up into a tiny ball with his front legs/paws held tightly against/under his chest, and if the armholes are too large (and most are) he actually tucks them INTO his clothes and gets stuck. I've had success with the jumper below, but it may not come small enough for those of you with very little dogs (my boy is a lean/athletic 3.8kg, 11 inch back, not sure if he's wearing the 25 or 30cm coat). It looks like your average knitted dog jumper but must be cut differently. http://www.petsplus.com.au/pet-shop.asp?id=1050
  15. I must be confused. These already exist? Google dog sensor door. There are ones where the door unlocks and your dog can push it when it picks up the signal but it otherwise remains locked, and I've just discovered one that automatically opens when your dog walks up to it so your dog doesn't even have to push! See here: http://www.jjgroup.com.au/products/electronic-pet-doors/electric-unit/
  16. You mention that you live in a unit. Do your by-laws permit the keeping of a dog? Do you need approval from the Owners Corporation/Body Corporate? If the by-laws permit the keeping of a dog, are there any restrictions on the size of the animal? Often in strata units only small dogs are permitted, if they are even allowed at all. If you are allowed to keep a dog, by-laws relating to noise still apply, so if you want a dog who barks at intruders he or she should not be allowed to otherwise cause a disturbance. If you keep a dog without approval or if it is a nuisance you could find yourself in a lot of legal trouble — you could receive large fines or be forced to remove your dog! So, be sure to ask your strata manager what by-laws apply to your scheme before you consider getting a dog. If you are a tenant rather than an owner, you will also need approval from your landlord. A lot more strata schemes are pet friendly these days, but you still need to go through the requisite hoops and consider your neighbours.
  17. Cute! It's not music, but my dog was once enthralled by one of those "how it's made" type shows where they were investigating the best way to snap freeze carrots. He was absolutely fascinated by it. He's shown zero interest in other tv shows, but does love his veggies.
  18. I am sorry for your loss Pepe001. Malcolm finds Dynamic Lifter irresistible. I guess given that it contains blood & bone this isn't surprising. I don't use it in my garden for this reason, but he once ate a whole load that my Dad put down in his garden. Good grief the smell from that dog's mouth and the other end... Thankfully it didn't cause any issues, but he wasn't interested in a eating for a while, too full! Another time he brazenly climbed onto their coffee table and made off with an entire wheel of peppercorn cheese. Cheese itself if not a strange thing to steal, but the peppercorn component had me perplexed given that there was also cheddar, a camembert and some other sort of cheese (probably a blue) on the same platter. I also know a Labrador who once ate a full tub of margarine, a stick of butter and a whole loaf of bread in one sitting.
  19. Hi WillowLane, What type of property is this? Is it in a strata complex or is it a house?
  20. Malcolm insists on always sitting/laying on something rather than being directly on the floor, and so will create his own bedding solutions if his bed or mat is not in the room for whatever reason. More than once I have turned around after putting away the groceries to find that he has fashioned himself a little cave by crawling into an empty green bag. My personal favourite though is when there's nothing much around and I find him sitting very awkwardly on something ridiculous like a takeaway menu. Desperate times call for desperate measures!
  21. When your mum won't let you eat your bone in her bed! And when your mum cleans out all the cabbage and carrots that you have shredded in your bed instead of letting you use them as bedding!
  22. If your dog has other health conditions that would also bump up the price. My dog has terrible teeth due to genetics and could easily have a dental every 6 months. His vet would like him to be on Hills TD but it doesn't seem to agree with the rest of his body, particularly his digestive system. He is good on Advance Dental, though this does not have the same scientific backing as Hills TD, which is not to say that it doesn't help but that there just hasn't been a clinical trial of it. Some people will tell you that both of these brands are rubbish but it really depends on what works best for your dog; apart from his teeth, vets rave about the condition that my boy is in. So I say give Hills TD a go, and see how your dog fares. NB, my dog also gets greenies, has Plaque Off and I brush his teeth. He gets the odd bone, but they make him constipated and he tends inhale them instead of chewing! Do persevere with teeth brushing if you are up to it. It takes time and lots of patience but it's worth it. A dental specialist told me that toothbrushes for babies are best as they are softer than the ones from the pet store or vet, but do not use human toothpaste as it is poisonous.
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