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Everything posted by ~*Shell*~

  1. a couple of mine: I just realised that I haven't uploaded my newest zoo photos with the baby elephants!
  2. Okay... so I have a bunch of photos to edit and post. Should I post all of them?
  3. Zero goes outside when we eat. While he won't touch my plate, he is still extremely opportunistic with other people's. He also sits and stares at their plates if they're on the table which i find extremely annoying. Having people in my house who don't follow "the Zero rules" hasn't helped - while I've broken his habit with me, he waits until I'm gone and he'll try it on anyone. Annoys me to no end. He will constantly try it on with them and they often give in to him. Having him on a variable reward rate means it's going to be impossible to break until i move - then he will have strict rules. For now it's just easier to remove him from the situation.
  4. I found a lot of mine had to do with my depth of field being too narrow. For example, i used to shoot at 1.4 a lot and now i very very rarely shoot at anything lower than 2-2.8.
  5. I have 1xlarge dog and a big backyard.... he uses about 1/20th of the yard and he only uses it to sleep in pretty much. That being said, we're out and about a lot during the week and he needs his 22 hours of beauty sleep a day.
  6. I would love to go but at the moment I don't think I can afford it. It's a shame because I'm nominated and I really wanted to go. Oh well, at least I spent the money on a good cause - making sure Zero wasn't in pain anymore
  7. Have you got photoshop? Personally I would be burning and dodging the eyes to bring out the highlights. You can see that there is detail there, it's just that your dog has dark eyes. That being said, with your editing, it will probably make your dog look a little possessed since the areas around them are so dark.
  8. Soakie was already looking in my direction, I just called Jedi's name and he looked at me Nik did all the photo taking. It was pretty funny watching her set the camera, run (trying to avoid the bindi patch and the kangaroo poo), lay down (trying to avoid the bindi patch and the kangaroo poo) and then get her head onto Jedi. :rolleyes:
  9. At the moment I don't show or trial unless I'm taking someone else's dog into the show ring. If a trial is run by my club and i can possibly help out, I will. I think it's important. I also teach obedience on monday nights at my club. It's a couple of hours out of my week and i would rather see people happy with their dogs than their dogs end up in a pound in 18 months.
  10. Zero says thank you but he would never allow himself to be photographed with underpants on his head..... unless I was bribing him with treats..... or unless they were Ahsoka's, in which case he would happily wear them! Aww common! Wheres 'no freakin way!' ??? By request, i give you "No Freakin' Way!" :rolleyes:
  11. That's true - I had my 50mm 1.4 fixed by canon last week and they've given me a 6 month warranty.
  12. I think it depends on what you were going for Kirislin! I like it like that but then again I'm into those kinds of photos (though rarely take any myself!). i don't think you've been heavy handed with the editing and if you like it, go with it! Love everyone's shots today - the hat photos are awesome DSO and huga and i love your shot ravyk! Mine will have to wait yet again. Too busy doing 5 million other things to edit photos right now!
  13. I'm so not sure when Katalily will get back in to answer this so Kyla is a cream Finnish Lapphund. She was bred by Armahani and is DNM's boy Dolce's (as well as mentmint's girl, Quito and me & my cookie's girl, Cookie) litter sister. She's getting so big Katalily but I love that she still does the puppy sit with her legs out to the side! She reminds me of her parents - a really nice mix of the two! It's strange that she can look so similar while being an entirely different colour!
  14. Just a quick question - Nik and i were talking about the honour exercise last night and we can't remember if you allowed to talk to the dog during it? Can you constantly tell the dog to stay? Zero gets a bit funny if i stop talking to him and so gets bored quickly in the obedience ring (totally my own fault! I haven't proofed him properly yet).
  15. Colliepaws, can I come and live at your place? Nom nom nom! Awesome shot DSO!!! I'm still continuing my month of love shots - and yes, I'm 3 days behind again! 14th January - Star Wars, possibly the coolest movie franchise of all time. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. 15th January - Lazy saturday afternoons with Mow "supervising" me working on the computer. 16th January - I'm loving the lovely Terranik for taking time out from a busy schedule to throw a ball for soakie (and letting me photograph it!).
  16. Gorgeous shot Leena!!! I'm still continuing my month of love shots - and yes, I'm 3 days behind again! 14th January - Star Wars, possibly the coolest movie franchise of all time. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. 15th January - Lazy saturday afternoons with Mow "supervising" me working on the computer. 16th January - I'm loving the lovely Terranik for taking time out from a busy schedule to throw a ball for soakie (and letting me photograph it!).
  17. Wow - so many flood photos! It's scary to think how many people were affected! Week 2 of Mow - the yawning cat photo is a little cliche but he's just so damn cute when he does it and it's such a typical thing for him to do on a saturday afternoon! I spent the afternoon working on my computer and he spent the afternoon napping!
  18. LM, I know what you mean but the lappies I've met were definitely not drivey dogs, they were up for a walk and a run around the yard but it was definitely a lack of drive rather than an off switch. Which is great for most people, if I was after a pet they would be perfect. Then there are lappies like Soaks which I would be quite happy with for a dog sports dog, but with such variance in a breed it's just too much of a gamble for me and I would rather just get another beagle. I think if I'm going to go with a new breed, I want something that is definitely going to be exactly what I'm after in terms of having a dog for dog sports. I have always wanted a lappie though so who knows what will happen in the future! This is my thought exactly - I can count on one hand the number of lappies I've met that I would consider potential high level performance dogs. I have only met a couple tried and true perfomance dogs (Soakie and Armahani's dogs) and a dog like soakie is a lot different at home to what the other lappies I've met are (and what i hear of those I haven't met in this country). They seem to chill out, she always seems to be busy. Even if she's sleeping, she's busy doing it if that makes sense. There's a reason we call her "Extreme Soakie". This thread has given me a lot to think about - thanks Bec!!!
  19. He's smiling at a kookaburra! :D he's really funny about birds. He doesn't pay any attention unless it's a kookaburra or a swan/pelican (really big birds). Kookaburras I think he just tries to work out what the hell the noise they're making is and swans/pelicans he just can't work out what they are end of sentence. I think he's confused because swans and pelicans are so big but I have no idea why kookaburras fascinate him. He doesn't try to chase them, he just watches with a massive smile on his face!
  20. Oh snap bellatrix!!! One from yesterday (loving being able to put my feet up in front of the computer at the end of the day) - please excuse my manky feet. They're horrible!: and one from today (today's theme is NO LOVE - so far 2011 has been a s*** of a year for me and this photo is about the many many things that have gone wrong - it's like a where's wally of disasters ):
  21. One from yesterday (loving being able to put my feet up in front of the computer at the end of the day) - please excuse my manky feet. They're horrible!: and one from today (today's theme is NO LOVE - so far 2011 has been a s*** of a year for me and this photo is about the many many things that have gone wrong - it's like a where's wally of disasters ):
  22. No flaming from here either - it was the dogs or more of your stock. Yes, it is sad but you are well within your rights and if it had been me, I would have done the same thing.
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