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Everything posted by Rascalmyshadow

  1. We love artemis, I give it plain in the mornings and mixed with raw in the evenings. Our dogs coats have thickened up and the are all a perfect weight. We did try a couple of types of eagle pack but the dogs lost conditin quickly.
  2. We have 4 females and 1 male without any problems, we have had a multiple dog home for the last 15 years. In my experience it has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with temperament. The worst and only serious fight we have ever had was between my male mini poodle and our female american bulldog, she would have killed him if I hadn't been there. She was rehoused to a home with another large male dog and they became best friends. I housed one of my rescue dogs (a male poodle x) to a couple with a male pom, they had been turned away from other rescues and shelters because they were told two boys couldn't live together. It's been 12 - 24 months and both boys love each other. It is the best home they are taken everywhere and are exceptionally well cared for. I see them evey couple of months for grooming. If you want two girls go for it just make sure you put in the training.
  3. It can be quite normal in poodles, I have groomed a few that had nice thick coats as young dogs and they have thinned right out with old age. My 9 year old mini has thinned a lot and there is nothing wrong with her. I would however advise anyone with a dog with this symptom to do bloods just to be sure.
  4. By choice I don't think he would but if he didn't he would be sleeping on the couch. While I was pregnant we did lock them out of the bedroom but I didn't like it.
  5. I am not much help but 12-14kgs is huge for a mini. Where did you get your figures from.
  6. Our little jrxmalt had it when we got her, she only weighed 900g at the time and the vets thought it was parvo, very similar symptoms. The parvo test came back negative but she ended up being positive for giardia and coccidia. She was treated with flagyl, we also had to change the water bowls morning and night to lower the risks of the other dogs catching it.
  7. I have and still own one of their dryers, they are good and I have found their service to be great but they are a little pricey.
  8. Reading your criteria I don't think a standard poodle would suit, they are high energy, very intelligent dogs that like to have a job to do. They should be walked/ran every day. Many of them have a high prey drive so will chase small animals if not well trained. Their grooming is hard work and many so you must be prepared to put in the time and dollars. A miniature would be a better choice they are a great size and much easier to have around, I have also found them to be more social. I also believe a schnauzer would probably be more suitable.
  9. ok I am a long way away, could you maybe go to a do it yourself they usually have force dryers. wash the dog in good shampoo and then condition combined with the warm water it should make a huge difference.
  10. pebbles I am a bit shocked I don't recall seeing that thread.
  11. I would be happy to do it at my house, I have a small hydro bath and a good force dryer. I groom most dogs at work but I do a few at home. I am located in Seaford. Edited to add you are welcome to stay and watch.
  12. If I were you I would stay away from any Fido's products, I used to think they were great and used their shampoo on all my grooming dogs until I had numerous owners saying the same thing. I also know of one dog that ended up losing an eye, it had dry eye and when the owner was washing it she got a tiny bit in it's eye without realising, the damage was irreparable. I was grooming a poodle at work and got some in it's eye I flushed it straight away, by the next day the owner came back and the eye had ulcerated, luckily it cleared with drops. My hands ended up so bad while using it, I lost half the skin on the palm of my right hand, I had to have skin scrapings done because the doctors thought it was some sort of bacteria, turned out it was a bad reaction to the shampoo, since I stopped using it they have cleared up. The feedback has become so bad on their shamppos that our clinic is no longer stocking them.
  13. My question about the vets being at fault was out of curiosity, I work at the clinic where all my animals are treated so I know if they felt they were responsible they wouldn't charge me. The reason we are going ahead with the surgery is because they are not 100% sure if it is the pyometra or if it is something else and surgery is really the only way to get to the bottom of whats going on.
  14. I don't agree with breeding all these little designer dogs as many of them end up with awful health problems but if done carefully and ethically I don't really know if I would agree or disagree. I grew up with a dobe x pointer she was almost 16 when she died and rarely had any problems over her lifetime. Since I became involved with purebreds my vet bills are never ending and I have been able to also see the bad side to some registered breeders. I am in no way knocking the pedigree dogs or their breeders but there is good and bad in both circumstances, if the dog is purely a pet and not being used for it's original purpose does it matter if it is a x breed as long as it's loved and well cared for.
  15. After 4 years of tests, xrays, antibiotics and incontinance medication my old girl has been diagnosed with possible stump pyometra. Two weeks ago she went under a general to have a ruptured cruciate repaired, while there I asked the vet to check her because her vulva was really swollen like she was in season and she has been licking the area constantly, he took swabs and found lots of pus. Today we had an ultrasound specialist come into work and they used her as the guinea pig, they found the part of the uterus that gets left was twice the size it should be and indicated there was a lot of infection. She has been on and off antibiotics for two years so much that they stopped clearing up her bladder infections, we got her on a combination of stillbeostrol and propalin which seemed to be helping with the incontinance although she behaves like there is still irratation. I noticed strange behaviour recently when I took four male entire rescue dogs, she stood stiff with her tail to the side like she was ready to be mated, wasn't at all worried when they were trying. Over the last couple of years she has had blood in her urine which we always put down to the infections but I am starting to wonder if she was having minor seasons. She also has other behaviour that is more like an entire bitch but we have always put it down to her personality. She also drinks quite a bit but ends up still dehydrated (confirmed with bloods). She was desexed at 11 months old and never had a season which I thought was quite strange. My questions are has anyone else been through this and what was the outcome? It is caused because all ovarian tissue wasn't removed at the time of desexing, should my vet be liable for the costs to do the surgery to fix it ?. We have spent probably into the thousands trying to get to the bottom of whats going on and the poor girl has suffered all because someone hasn't done their job correctly IMO. My other worry is they will open her up and find tumours or damage to other organs. She is on antibiotics over the weekend and will be operated on, on Monday.
  16. My standard boy had the same thing happen over the top of his rib cage, we feared the worst. When the vets opened him up they found a grass seed.
  17. Over the last couple of months Dallas has had ongooing problems with her left eye, it gets red and itchy with a little discharge, she squints and rubs it on everything. The vets have checked her and were sure it is allergies so she was put on a prednisolone (I think ) based eye drops. The eye seems to clear up on the drops but flares up as soon as they are stopped. Tonight while at the beach I noticed a large brown area on the white of the eye (under the top eyelid) that wasn't previously there. I will take her to work tomorrow and have it checked out, after researching on the net it looks like it may be a melanoma. Has anyone had experience with any of the symptoms? what was the outcome? I am really worried it is serious and she may lose her eye, hopefully I am overreacting.
  18. We have seen a wonderful Bowen Therapist with two of our dogs, his name is Christian and he's based in Frankston. If you want his number feel free to PM me.
  19. I would suggest Wahl or Laube, Andis are good but they don't last. Stay away from Oster they heat up quickly, don't have enough power and they are uncomfortable to hold.
  20. I would take her back, ear infections are really painful. The vet needs to do a swab because if it's not yeast she is likely to need antibiotics.
  21. The plastic Laube combs are very good, I wouldn't bother scissoring a poodles body unless you were doing it for showing. I would recommend a number 1# or 2# for the body and a 0# for the legs.
  22. I would say Artemis and Nutrience, years ago our dogs were fed Nutrience before it was readily available and they did very well, now both dogs and cats are on Artemis and they all look great. We did try Eagle pack but found it was hard to keep weight on them and they didn't seem to like it much.
  23. I would recommend investing in a decent force dryer it is a life saver in managing poodle coats, no matter what the length is bath and fluff dry once a week to once a fortnight it straightens and separates the coat making it easier to brush and comb. I would also use a blocking blade/snap on comb number 1 or 2 to clip her all over. Never let a coat like this sit wet or air dry.
  24. Having poodles yeast infections in ears is something I have to be very wary of. I had problems with my oldest girl when she was younger, one vet told me to try malaseb rinses once a week permanently she is now 8 and her ears have been great. Now if any of them have a flare up they get their ears cleaned with the rinse and surolan once ears are dry. The malaseb rinse is 1 part malaseb to 30 parts warm water gently syringed into ears.
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