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Everything posted by Crisovar

  1. It is frightening, but in typical dog world fashion most will sit back and say, it doesn't affect me, I'm all good, what a horrible person "X" must be to attract the attention the RSPCA, that to me is the scary bit. I hope all you folks are enjoying what you have with your dogs now, because I seriously doubt that you will be able to do too much in 20 years time.
  2. Any where any time some people will find something to whine about, this morning the award for fist class PITA went to the owner of the dog that came roaring into the clinic without a leash and proceeded to lift it's leg on every vertical surface. Sign outside clearly states, all dogs on leads all cats in cages, however obviously this doesn't apply to this owner, I handed her a clinic leash, slip type, she says " I can't put that on him it will choke him do you have a proper collar" I say "no, this will have to do to get him into the consult room and back out to the car, it will only be a few minutes" She carried for a good 5 minutes about the suitability of the lead I supplied. Then whilst complaining allows him to continue to lift his leg on everything. Then she states he only does that because we didn't give her the first appointment of the day and he can smell other animals. :p If she is given the first appointment she invariably turns up late anyway.
  3. There are thousands of dogs put down each year, but they are not not well bred purebred pups. Our pound puts down lots of dogs, generally they are medium to large crossbreed dogs mostly working dog mix or staffy mix. Purebreeds that we see are mostly Sibes or Staffys. Every day people ring looking for pups, they want purebred pups and they cannot find them, many are repeat buyers looking to replace a much loved old dog that has passed and they are finding it difficult to buy a pup, Should people wanting a quality pet have to go to the pet shop. Some breeds there may be a lot of pets available from breeders litters, but in a lot of breeds the waiting time for a well bred pup is very long.
  4. We are being conditioned to believe that breeding on any sort of large scale is bad, and that breeding to provide people with healthy well bred pets is bad. When I was younger there were many large kennels around that bred quite a few pups every year and the breeders were well respected and their stock greatly sort after. Now days if you own more than 3/4 dogs you almost feel the need to avoid the "how many dogs do you have" question. I remember visiting a lovely breeder years ago who hated the show scene with a passion, she did not show her dogs, yet she attended every specialty show and most of the big winners had her dogs behind them. Today she would be shunned, back then we sat around her and learned much about the breed she loved. Her knowledge of the breed was amazing, and she was not alone. People are looking for purebred pups, they do not want to wait for 2 years for a puppy. We cannot slam puppy farms, slam byb pups in pet shops, and yet fail to come up with the pups that the general public is after, and cry foul when they buy from these places. It is possible to raise happy healthy pups more than one litter at a time, it is possible to breed to the standard and do all the health checks and not be out belting around the ring every weekend, it is possible and it is possible to sell these pups responsibly as well. There is no crime in being a Breeder and doing it well.
  5. Pugs are pretty popular, and to get a pup from most breeders you have quite a wait, so I'm thinking if they are bred carefully raised properly and the right homes are found for them then maybe as Spikespuppy says they would be a better option for pets than pet shop pups. If you are organised and have a good routine caring properly for a large number of pups for the relatively short time that you have them isn't impossible. I wouldn't judge simply on numbers.
  6. Please elaborate your logic. Not clear what you are saying. I think what Steve may be saying is that you are all asking for regulation on what should and should not be bred- just because YOU don't like these crossbreeds/mixes you don't think they should exist. Is that not a form of BSL??? (Steve, correct me if I'm wrong but that's how I read it :D ) I understood it that way too.
  7. Ban the breeding of crossbreeds = BSL easy.
  8. But isnt this a risk worth taking, getting 95% of the dogs away from the scum that just want to use them for BYB, worth the unfortunate 5% that may have future issues. ( my stats are not accurate, just an example) Remebering that the number grows exponentially, 95 BYB dogs quickly turns in to 1000 puppies, sold to scum.............. for the same purpose. The 5 that may have developed HD are still only 5. Goodness me, thats a big assumption that buyers of BYB dogs are scum. Mandatory desexing of all dogs willnot cut down on the numbers of dogs in the pund that belong to irresponsible owners. Many repeat offenders in our pound are desexed, they have stupid owners who do not shut gates, or will not fix fences, or simply believe in their dogs god given right to roam as it pleases. Mandatory desexing takes away the rights of responsible owners to make educated choices for their own animals and their own situation.
  9. Rubbish. I bought my gorgeous girl from an interstate breeder, she has a lovely pedigree, parents are both titled (dad is a Gr Ch), lots of relatives with performance and conformation titles both here and overseas. Including her plane ticket, she cost me LESS than $650. That is around half the price of some of the labrador x poodles I've seen advertised. She was not "going cheap" because the breeder couldn't get rid of the pups....I chose her from a photo the day after she was born (I was particular about colour, markings and gender) and the entire litter of 9 puppies was sold by the time they were a month old. The breeder I bought her from has been fabulous, each and every time I have a query, she responds within hours, sometimes minutes. She adores the photos I send her of my lovely girl and it's so nice to have someone appreciate her like I do. A few weeks abo I looked at some of the DOL puppy listings. Some of the breeders have the prices in their ads. Maltese puppies for $1000. Tibetan Terrier pups for $600-$800. Poodles (little ones, can't recall if they were toy or miniature) $950. These breeds have similar "looks" to the Maltipoopenschnoodledoodles being pumped out by puppy farmers and sold at astronomical prices through pet stores and over the internet. But they pay it for cross bred mutts. So why wouldn't they pay it for purebred puppies with a pedigree from a registered and ethical breeder? YOu kidding,,I got my pure pit free,,,,,as BSL came in,,, I got my AmStaff free,,,as they thought she had parvo... I also got a "pure" rotty,,,,,that stood more than the max for standards.....seen alot on here too, IF you wanna talk PUREBREEDS......then stop crossing... Who here has a pure registered rotty?? Standing more than 52cm at the shoulders??? That is NOT pure it got that way through crossing.....be real breeders.... You cross breed to make things better,,,you just think you do it better than everyone else........... You can selectively breed for taller dogs, smaller dogs etc you do not have to crossbreed to do it, where are the Rotty breeders that are crossbreeding? could you enlighten us please. Good Breeders do do it better than everyone else, that is a given.
  10. If they're still transporting unquarantined pound dogs in the same dog trailers with other dogs, I'd not touch them with a barge pole. Same goes for other road transporters who do the same thing, mind you I have heard of unquarantined animals being flown in hire crates also.
  11. White Boxers are generally as healthy as any other, normally not deaf, have never heard of a blind one, and skin issues can happen in any dog. 2 juvenile Boxers of any colour can be a handful, not impossible by any means but hard work.
  12. The cats do seem to know when it isn't safe and make themselves scarse very quickly. I myself have a 40 kg cat lover (read Yum Yum) and I have him at heel and focused on me at all times, and we have no issues. The fools with out of control dogs often off lead and loose cats that just wander in to the waiting room for their appointment concern me more.
  13. All the Vets I have worked for have had resident animals, I have never known one to "catch" something.
  14. We use CAR and each puppy gets a numbered CAR tag for their collar.
  15. sorry this is just wrong IMO WHY? Surprising as it may seem there are inteligent dog savvy people out there who can raise happy healthy well adjusted dogs 2 at a time, and Breeders who can pick these people.
  16. It is very much a personal thing much like doctors, or our tastes in music etc. Every Vet has clients who love them, and clients who have left unhappy, because that is just the way it is.
  17. I believe it matters not where the breed or litter is promoted, but more how the subsequent enquiries are handled.
  18. There are so many dog breeds, cat breeds, as well as all the other species that a Vet is expected to understand that it would be almost impossible to cover all these. Think about it, human doctors deal only with humans, yet Vets deal with many different species. If you are concerned that your vet may not understand your breeds special needs make up an information pack for them.
  19. whilst i do not agree that all vets 'suck' as i believe there are good and bad in every profession Yeh, of corse not ALL, but the majority. I have worked at 4 vets and only 1 was 'to standard' BUT they all care more about money than our pets. I have many, many stories....behind the scenes your pet dont get it, but YOU get charged for it! I have had peoples beloved animals die infront of me because of vets not giving a shit and then I have had to deal with the owners in hysterics while the vet hides in her office! My view is based on my experience, so in the end, vets still suck! You know how they say all/most medical care workers end up becoming "hard", well it's the same in the veterinary industry....they forget the reason they got into it! I have worked in the Vet Industry for over 30 years, and to say that all or the majority of Vets suck is a gross exaggeration, I have worked with many excellent caring and knowledgeable Vets, A few sucky ones but overall the majority were good. So based on my experience which is obviously very different to yours I have found the majority pretty good. There is good and bad in all professions, just as there are good and human beings.
  20. Thanks for that. I do use metho as an ear cleaner but need something that I can put into the ear canal as well. Milos Ear Cleaner, cleans and drys.
  21. Now theres a way to end up in a spot of bother.
  22. How about instead of trying to change dogs to suit the me generations I want it so I will have it mentallity, we go back to people actually choosing a dog that does suit them and their situation. There are many breeds that I love but do not suit my lifestyle, it isn't bloody hard. Just sometimes you can't have everything you want. I too do not care a fig if some people wish to develop some oodle cross and make thier own little oodle lovers society, but leave our Purebreeds bloody well alone, and stop trying to make the crosses out to be something that they aren't, and stop trying to make the the public believe that the Breeders of Purebreeds are doing it all wrong. I have lived with dogs all my life, I work with dogs every day, and I tell you from my own experience that the so called DD's are no healthier, no more "stable" than any other dog. Little dd's that you are afraid to hold onto a leg to clip because the patellas dance in your hands, little jaws that are twisted and crooked and teeth so crowded they look like a handful of popcorn was tossed in I am fed up with fools who try to tell me they got a DD because they are easier to care for coatwise than a poodle or a shihtzu , yep right, that's why so many are shaved back everyday, that sure makes them easier. The Lab X poodle that I wrestled last week is one of the most stupid dogs I have ever dealt with, it's owners paid an arm and a leg for it because they are born the perfect family pet. No training, no grooming at home because you only need to clip them once a year that it is it. Give me strength, where does Troy find his.
  23. All topics being presented at the seminar are about dogs. The findings being reported apply to dogs. Including pedigree dogs. The seminar's aim is not about promoting crossbred dogs. And yet your key speakers are ........................
  24. How to build a better mutt. I believe Kate Schoefell is a breeder of Labradoodles. I wonder if this is the right place to be promoting it.
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