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Everything posted by Raelene

  1. A dog would be very lucky to be a part of your family Eleni. :)
  2. The best news that this gorgeous gal has been fixed. So heartbreaking to see her in the pound in so much pain. Such a little darling. Thanks to all that helped her.
  3. Very unfortunate situation. KB, if your friend is unable to lock the gate, can they secure the yard so that the don't have access to that area ie. putting an internal fence. Then they could lock it and they could be assured that no-one would be able to let the dogs out.
  4. Would it be a possibility for him to get the dogs into kennels for a bit? At least they wouldn't be at the house that he can't get access to. Does he need to rehome them or does he need them fed and walked?
  5. When I first started rescue there was definitely a trend of undesexed males being most common. Over the years it has evened up and whilst still generally undesexed there are a lot more desexed than there used to be. Think we are biased towards girls with our own 5 dogs all being girls. I don't believe one is "better" than the other though.
  6. Try Doggy Treat Australia, got an email from them on 9/4 that they finally had a new delivery in. Love the antlers - the Frenchies agree.
  7. Can understand your distress. One of my Frenchies used to have moments of that sort of behaviour, she still occasionally does. I really do think she believes it to be hilarious. Definitely laying on the ground, crying and making strange noises can help - even if it does make you feel like an idiot. I can recommend Underdog Training too, who also have a great and easy method (but requiring commitment) to training a reliable recall. http://www.underdogtraining.com.au/index.html They do have a "so your dog" series that I think you can download. Might need to contact them for it. They have one for training a reliable recall. Have seen clips come "unsnapped" when they are at an odd angle before, bit scary. K9 Pro and Underdog have some great, safe equipment available. If you look under General Dog Discussion, Breed Sub Forums and French Bulldogs, there is a little Frenchie community here. Sid's mum and several others do extremely good photography.
  8. Which rescue are these guys with. I may have someone to refer to you. Are they on pet rescue? Pls Pm link. Thanks
  9. Not Bertie and Oscar. Father of one of these dogs was a customs dog in Melbourne. R
  10. There is a Cane Corso breeder here in Queanbeyan. I could try calling to see if they have a waiting list if nothing in Victoria turns up. Raelene
  11. What a wonderful update. Out of despair comes amazing people to help. So beautiful to see. At the end of the story I saw this link, similar in that people came to help the dog in need but oh boy http://now.msn.com/homeless-dog-ol-boy-finally-cared-for-before-he-dies
  12. Glad you got those points in both Mel's. I thought overall it was very disappointing report and didn't present a great arguement for the real issues of why there are pets in the pounds - too much breeding (backyard, puppy farms, and in cases registered breeders) without a thought for the futures of the dogs, people not understanding how much effort puppies need in training and socialising so that they become good canine citizens, people not thinking about the long-term commitment of pets (ie. renting with pets and the high likelihood of changing address and not being allowed to take your pets). Is rescue the answer or does it just spread the load without getting to the crux of the issues? It also came across as let's bash the "system" (not a great thing by any stretch of the imagination) but nothing about what the system needs to deal with the never ending stream of dumped pets - money, far more resources, people working there who have an interest in the welfare of the dogs but that can also deal with the dreadful requirement to euthanase (there was a bit on this from Geelong which was positive) and also able to deal with the public who daily abuse them for their own shortcomings (dog attacks, complaints, etc), and this amazing person also needs to respect every new person who walks in the door looking for a new pet, or dropping their pet there because they rent and can't find alternative accommodation. Additional resources might divide these roles up but from what I see, most of the rangers have to be a super-person to manage all these relationships, remain "friendly and helpful to all" AND they get paid pittance to do it. No wonder there are workers that get jaded and are hard to deal with or have an attitude unbecoming to the reasons they are there in the first place - and there are few pet lovers that would want to take on a role that involves them killing the very reason they want to be employed there. There weren't a lot of great "take-away points" such as how important it is to desex your dog, train and socialise your dog, or potentially the licence for breeding (great idea but it is already the case in ACT but they don't have the staff to police it so has NIL affect), etc - a lot was all lost in the mish-mash of stories and there was little on "where to from here". Did like the point about "bond for pets". Insight did a poor job of putting the story together I thought and it likely could have been edited to be more informing than coming across more like a winge session(agree with Plan B that there was no follow up to stories presented so that you could understand the point of the stories and how they fitted in to the whole picture - which didn't help at all). R
  13. I don't think that they take any dogs in for rehoming unless they are on their waiting list. Lots of dogs needing homes by the sounds, so maybe the 6 weeks has ballooned out considerably. Only other "quick option" is the pound unless people want to rehouse themselves. R
  14. Oh phooey, so sorry we are AB positive. I know that AB negative is quite uncommon, so please if you are AB negative, please do consider donating. Hoping things are going to be okay. R
  15. Gawd, can't remember if we are AB negative or AB positive. I'll let sister know, she is a regular donor.
  16. Ive had one for a few years and it has saved quite a few local dogs from having to go to the pounds and sorted out a few "oops, they are chipped" moments post pounds. Have changed the battery once and it has never missed a beat. R
  17. oh Ons, that is just devastating. So sad for you. Fortunately after a hard week long battle, our little fella is home again.
  18. Aww poor little one - RIP. Sounds like the ugly parvo has reared its head in the riverina... 2nd case in as many weeks. If only people would vaccinate....
  19. PS. What about trying to advertise or do a story in one of the Canberra Weekly type magazines?
  20. was hoping to see a "Kelsey Found" here... Fingers crossed she is returned soon.
  21. Hi, is a 10yo tri male cavvy too old? He is apparently still sprightly and a sweetie. He is looking for a home ASAP. Needy due to breakup and being unable to find dog friendly accommodation. Located ACT area. I also have an older lady looking for one but wants around the 5-6 yrs.
  22. I have a couple of Frenchies which are higher in requirements than some other breeds and I have needed to change the way and dogs that I foster to a certain degree. Especially those that have had exposure to diseases like kennel cough. I also have to be conscious of the types of treats/food we use as they can choke easily. I have never regretted it for a moment and in fact just love having our "bucket list" kids. A bit like you, we could never have dreamt of being able to afford a puppy BUT we ADORE our adults that joined our family. They bring us much joy and it adds to the whole experience having dogs (both our own and fosters). Sometimes you do need to do things for yourself. Sometimes you do need to do things for your doggy family too. The more dogs you have, the less time you have to focus on each dog and often it tends to be your own that lose that extra bit of time. By reducing the numbers doesn't mean that you aren't helping out dogs in need, you are just doing it in a different way. Also, quality over quantity can be a really positive thing - and quite possibly your own dogs will thank you for it. On the other side of the coin, if you really want this and you don't go ahead with this opportunity, will it colour the way you think about the rescues over time? Would you feel that they have controlled your life rather than complimented it? Good luck with your decision. It sounds very exciting.
  23. PS. They are located in Canberra. I'm assuming they are looking for a mini, though didn't ask directly. Happy to forward on details and allow further discussion.
  24. Thanks everyone. Will pass on details so that they can get in touch directly. I'll leave you to do the full checks, etc. Raelene
  25. Hi Does anyone know of any schnauzers currently in rescue? I have an enquiry from people who have recently moved to Australia and had a schnauzer before the moved here. R
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