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Zombie Bait

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Everything posted by Zombie Bait

  1. I paid $280 in Hervey Bay QLD 2 weeks ago for Brembo to have a scale and clean under GA, no bloods taken, no fluids given. He is a 6 year old, 33kg mutt. I was quoted $350-400 for a scale and clean or between $500-800 with extractions if needed plus pain meds and antibiotics. Luckily it was really straight forward and no extractions were needed. He just needed them cleaned and I now brush them every second day :)
  2. As a pup Brembo used to play tug with me while I was on the loo :) Sierra used to follow me in and then get a "wtf" look as soon as I started peeing and leave lol
  3. I'd recommend a vet check (possibly pain related?) and a behaviourist assessment. Good luck with the situation. :)
  4. I'm guessing the posts were deleted so that Troy doesn't have to deal with possible lawsuits.
  5. She is absolutely adorable! Keep the pictures coming T - she is so pretty
  6. She's gorgeous! Her colouring reminds me of my boy Brembo :)
  7. Zombie Bait


    So sorry to hear of his passing Teebs....RIP Atlas
  8. Hehe - don't worry, I called the vet the first time it happened after my boy was desexed :p My boy doesn't hump things when he is excited, but I've noticed he gets "hard" when I get home from work and i lay the attention on thick. At least someone gets excited that I'm home lol
  9. I have 2 that I still think about and wish that I had adopted myself even though I know that both went on to fantastic homes. Vegas was my second foster with Peiradise - Paradise for Shar Pei Rescue. We had him for 5.5 months and he went from being incredibly shy to such a little love bunny. He went on to a fabulous home where he had so many adventures but I still miss the goofball.... Dozer was my first foster with Great Dane Rescue and Rehiming QLD branch and was such a sweetheart. We only had him with us for 5 weeks before he went to his new home. I helped choose his home under the guidance of the late June Hayles (coordinator of GDRR QLD branch who has since passed). I recently contacted his adopted mum and he is doing fantastic and has finally filled out. Still miss him though....
  10. There was a 14 month gap between Brembo and Sierra and it worked really well :) Since my ex and I have split up and he kept Sierra she is now an only dog. Brembo and I have moved back home to my parents where he cohabitates with an 8 year old BC and a 5 year old mini mutt. Brembo is currently 5.5 years old. When we move from here he will be an only dog which will actually make him happier. I liked having a 1.5 - 2 year age gap between them, meant I was finished with Brembo's basic training and he helped train Sierra.
  11. Didn't think I would but yep...I cried. Definitely a very clever ad.
  12. I have 3 vets that I will use plus the emergency vets. Vet 1 is an hour away. Got to know her surgery through foster care for Peiradise - Shar Pei Rescue. I take my dogs over for vaccinations - she isnt expensive and the dogs love her plus she is very blunt (I like that!) Dr Susan at Kedron Anvet. Vet 2 is 15 minutes away. Used to have a great vet/client relationship going but he then took over the surgery (was a 50/50 partner) and he has now jacked up the prices and doesnt have the time to discuss alternative theories (titre testing/3 yearly vacs etc). Last straw was when a friend had to take her dog to the vet after her 2 bitches got into a fight. Her husband had just recently passed away, the dogs had a major fight and one was injured. Dog is a medium/large crossbreed weighing 40 kgs, friend is a 55 year old woman weighing approximately 55kgs. Friend cannot lift injured dog into 4WD ute to take to vets and doesnt feel the dog should walk there, so calls the vet to see if they could come and grab the dog. You can see the surgery from her house - its about 500 meters away. Vet says that they will charge $150 to come and pick dog up. Unfortunately due to the circumstances she paid it. After that I havent been back, but will go if its an emergency as I know he is a good vet. Vet 3 is 15 minutes away in the other direction. Have only been there twice (both times for anal gland expressing on Brembo). Both times they were lovely, didnt charge the earth (not cheap, but not over the top). I saw a younger vet and when she didnt know something or was unsure of something she deferred to the principle vet which I was happy with. She also got down on Brembo's level, gave him heaps of attention and rewarded him for not trying to eat her after she expressed his anal glands. Park Ridge Animal Hospital. Emergency Vets are the Animal Emergency Services at Underwood. I have had to use them 3 times for my dogs (Brembo as a 5 month old puppy with Coccidia - stayed overnight, Sierra as a 9 month old puppy with an allergic reaction - shot of anti imflammatories and anti histamine and she was fine, Brembo again as a 3.5 year old dog, shaking and teeth chattering - deemed to be a shock reaction to something, bloods were run, as was an all over check, he was slightly dehydrated but they were happy to send him home to be monitored by me). They really arent that expensive considering they are emergency vets and they seem willing to listen to the owner. Good luck with your vet search
  13. Brembo and Sierra were already named before they were born. My OH is into cars so we had already decided we would have a Koni (expensive suspension) and Brembo (premium brakes). We adopted a rescue dobe girl that was named Koda - changed it to Koni. Sadly she was PTS 4 months after we got her. We then adopted Brembo from the RSPCA - filled out the paperwork and entered in his name (was Spot at the RSPCA!) When we were looking for a female we had discussed names well in advance. I had suggested Lowndesie (after Craig Lowndes), Frosty (Mark Winterbottom), Ambrose (Marcus Ambrose). We couldnt have Shelby (Shelby Mustang) as that is my sisters name, and OH didnt like Falcon, Pursuit or GT. So he suggested Sierra after the Ford Sierra Cosworth. We now have ********** Lady Cosworth, call name Sierra. I would love to name my future great dane pup after one of my favourite songs and artist but I will have to see if the breeder is open to that (plus its 6-10 years away). I like ********* Forty Six and Two, call name Maynard or Keenan (Tool song Forty Six & 2, lead singer of Tool, Maynard James Keenan).
  14. My 2 are naked when at home. They play fight fairly rough and I worry about hanging/choking themselves if left unattended with a collar on. There have been 2 instances of them out and about. First one - we had recently moved 1km away and someone opened our gate and they took off. I was out shopping, drove home to see Brembo sniffing in someones front yard half a street away. Put him in the car and went home to find gate open and no Sierra. Called OH in a panic, luckily he was working close to home so left work and started searching. Found her 5 streets away on her way back to the old place. Solution - padlocked gate. Second time - Sierra freaked out while we were out due to neighbours letting fireworks off. Jumped a 6 foot colourbond fence. Got home at 10.30pm to find Brembo but no Sierra. OH went out on foot with Brembo, I drove around for an hour. OH kept walking the streets while I reported her missing with the RSPCA and local emergency vets (nearly midnight at this stage). Posted on FB, DOL and a missing pets site. Kept calling every hour until 3am. Went to bed with back gate open, back door open and Brembo in bed with us. Barely slept. Up at 6am trolling the streets, kept calling RSPCA, emergency vets and Logan city council. Checked pound drop in pens all morning, did door knock etc. 16 hours later the RSPCA called to let us know that a dog fitting that description had been found approx 2 kms away. Went and picked her up from nice gentleman who had found her laying under a tree in his neighbours front yard. She wasnt wearing a collar but was wearing her dog coat at the time. Solution - dogs kept inside when we are out until a roofed dog pen is built. I will still not put collars on my dogs unattended due to the risk involved.
  15. Brembo is a RSPCA special - I had been looking on their website for weeks trying to convince my OH that we needed a big boofa instead of an ACD. A litter of 10 pups came in, were desexed and put up on the website. They were listed as rottie x mastiff. I thought they were cute so printed off a few pics, showed OH and begged him to come and look at them. We went to the shelter that afternoon, half an hour before closing not thinking we would be bringing a pup home. By the time we got there, there were only 4 pups left. 2 girls, 2 boys. We wanted a boy, so OH went into the run and sat with Brembo and his brother. Brembo waddled over but his brother pushed him out of the way. When OH went to pat his brother the pup ran away letting Brembo clamber into OH lap. OH looked over and said "Can we take him?" I agreed and started filling out paperwork (still hadn't even patted him). OH carried him to the car, I got in the passengers side and he put him on my lap. As soon as that boy looked up at me it was love! He is my heart boy through and through and we have an incredible bond. That was nearly 5 years ago now and he is still my special little man. Sierra was advertised in the Trading Post. OH still wanted an ACD but I really liked RR's. So I contacted the breeder who lived in North QLD. We wanted a female and she only had 2 females in the litter. One she was keeping to run on and the other was to be put on limited register. They were 3 weeks old. We put a deposit on her and at 6 weeks my OH went and visited the breeder and met Sierra. He fell in love at first sight and 3.5 years on they are still inseparable. It took me nearly 2 years to form a bond with Sierra. It was only when she reached maturity and I started working part time hours that she decided I was a bit of alright and that she may not try to bump me off! We now have a good relationship but she is still very much OH's dog.
  16. Hi Katie - I would be interested but understand if Im not the look you are after. Will email pics of myself and Sierra
  17. To the OP - reading your posts makes me very happy right now that I am not a breeder. Unfortunately going by your posts, it is people like you that make breeders so untrusting of newbie showies/breeders. I somewhat dread the day that I am in the market for a purebred main registered pup because it will make it that much harder for the average person (like me) to purchase a good pup from a registered ethical breeder.
  18. Very happy to hear of their safe return - will eagerly await news of how the puppies are doing inside mumma
  19. Cross posted on my FB page as I have a few rellies that live in that area. Good luck, hoping for a quick recovery of these dogs xx
  20. I have a RR called Sierra - she gets Sierra, Swee Swee, Princess, Wenchy Mc Wench Wench and B**ch face and responds to al of them. Brembo our mutt gets, Brembo, B Boy, Little Man and Brat and responds to them too. Its all in the tone of voice ;)
  21. It worries me if this becomes federal. My boy was bought as an 8 week old pup from the RSPCA listed as a mastiff x rotty. We think he is a lab x staffy but we have been told he looks like: a bandog (mastiff x pit bull), heinz 57, greyhound x god knows what, ridgeback x, the list goes on. He is brindle, 30kg, broad head, broad chest, narrow waist, "shark like grin". He also probably wouldnt pass a temp test if tested. He is curently registered with our council as a lab x staffy. He is also locked inside our home and only let into our securely fenced yard whilst we are at home. I worry for all you responsible owners of bull breed crosses in Victoria. It would break my heart to lose Brembo over something like this so I can only imagine how worried you all are down there.
  22. Afghan Hound: Sir Walter, Airedale Terrier: Abbey Akita: Kyojin, Kuma American Staffordshire Terrier: Tua, Max, Juno Australian Cattle Dog: Elvis, Matilda, Katie Australian Cattle Dog X : Frosty Australian Shepherd: Banjo, Archie, Lottie Australian terrier: Bailey, Brandy, Jasper Australian Kelpie: Revan, Abby, Bluey, Cahill, Franky, Izzy, Safire, Milky, Kinta, Banjo, Rosie, Skye, Emerald, Gem Australian Kelpie X:Toby, Cooper Basset Hound : Gemma Bearded Collie: Charlie, Bonnie, Bailie Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael): Fleming, Ivy Bichon Frise: Jag Bichon Frise X: Harper Bloodhound: Earl Border Collie: Roy, Molly, Kirra, Rory, Rumor, Diesel, Kobie, Emma, Kenzie, Maggie, Ella, Shelby, Jayde, Ashli, Mia, 'Bubba' Border Collie x: Anna Border collie x kelpie: Jasmine Borzoi: Oberon, Boris, Sonya, Kurgan, Ursula, Apollo, Atlas, Adonis, Argus, Alektos, Arinyes, Athena, Aphrodite, Aidos, Andromeda, Ares, Alexander Boxer: Bruno, Nelsson Brittany: Zora Bull Terrier: Bonnerville, Atlas Bull Terrier (Miniature) Lainie Cane Corso: Ali Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Bree, Ingrid, Jersey, Lacey, Fern, Floyd, Indy, Arnie, Joey, Renae, Bailey, Murphy, Maggie Chihuahua: Chelsea and Pansy, Heidi, Bertie, Moose, Archi,Pepe, Squirt, Limpet, Jasper, Bella, Dobby Chinese Crested: Louis, Daisy Cocker Spaniel : Maggie,Jesie, Bonnie, Chelsea Dalmatian: Appollo, Cleo Dogue De Bordeaux: Moose, Chevy, Bella, Molly, Digby English Cocker Spaniels: Jesie,Bonnie, Chelsea English Setter: Spartan, James English Springer Spaniel: Buddy Finnish Lapphund:Halo, Vienna, Jaana,Magnus,Aurora-Rose,Niina,Paddington,Maximus, Ahsoka, Fable, Demi,Varda, Asha, Boots, Echo, Alera, Annika Flatcoat Retriever: Moraig French Bulldog: Lola, FeeBee, Alexis, Claire, Lilly German Coolie: FlashBazil, Latte German Shepherd: Java, Odin, Tlaloc, Rebus, Indi, UnoBuffy, Bronx, Sabre, Kynan German Shorthaired Pointer: Pip, Coco, Polo German Spitz (Mittel)- Amber Golden Retriever: Onslow, Matilda-Rose, Chester, Genie, Ella, Rosie, Bruce, Chloe, Chaos, Ruby, Sasha Great Dane: Sparkles, Whitney Greyhound: Harry, Kiff, Sally, Clyde, Ryan, Amethyst, Stan, Maddie, Skye Griffon Bruxellois: Mocha Hungarian Vizsla: Flynn, Rogan Irish Terrier: Kate, Duke Italian Greyhound: Bella, Tari, Blaze Jack Russell Terrier: Ringo, Nandi, Chief, Louis, Matilda Japanese Spitz: Emmy, Angelo Keeshond: Jedi Labrador Retriever: Lestat, Bailey, Tia, Mieka, James, Harry, Lily Rose, Leonberger: Singe Miniature Fox Terrier: Cleopatra Miniature Long Haired Dachshund: Mini, Rover Miniature Pinscher: Mischa, Cleo Newfoundland dogs: Annabelle, Katy, Lukey Norwegian Elkhound: Odin Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriver: Nova, Darcy, Jovi Papillon: Blaze, Minka, Portia, Tyson, Coco, Tonka Pointer : Kite Audrey Poppin konrad, Badger Poodle (Toy): Chilli Poodle (Minature): Caroline Poodle (Standard) Merry & Pippin, Poppy & babies. Pug: LotusFlynn, Elyse, Ted, Misty, Elly, Poppy, Sally landers,Archie, Beau, Haidee, Millies, Ivee, Jack Pyrenean Mountain Dog: Sasquatch Rhodesian Ridgeback: Meisha, Bakari, Boss, Sierra Rottweiler: Roxy, Feonix, Radar, Neo, Abby, Dyzney, Fame, Jag, Nellie Rose, Baylee, Dee, Zephyr, Mini, Diesel, Fire, Flint Saluki: Bella Samoyed: Mistral, Alchemy, Yngvie, Dante, Bundy, Kamikaze, Fergus, Kato Schnauzer (Miniature): Maximus, Coconut,Betty,Jigga, Riva, Amy, Indy, Amber, Grace, Guy, Blue, Connie Schnauzer (Giant): Tara, Darcy Shar Pei: Askari, Acheron, Asante sana, Sirius, Chippy, Christina, Diezel, Shih Tzu : Gizmo Siberian Husky: Akira, Tikaani,Romeo,Baby.Riddick,Indie, Esky, Blacky, Zuess Siberian Husky x: Luki Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Kiara, Zola, Diesel, Kaos, Brutus, Monty, Chaos, Bean SWF: Zoe Rescue Bitsa: Keely, Fred & Ginger, Ozzie, Tess, Maverick, Bosco, Kyah, Charlie, Astrid, Mala, Bella, Tiny Tim, Jen Jen, Lilly, Judy, Mini, Pixie, Ozzie, Dozer, Alaska, Logan, Buddy, Leela, Rusty, Pip, Brembo Welsh Corgi (Cardigan): Shandy White German Shepherd: Casper White Swiss Shepherd: Rakim, Whippet: Herbie, Buzz, Lewis, Rommi, Daphne, Elliot, Mindy, Whiz, Arizona aka Zassy , Griff , Weimaraner: Ariane, Lulu, Louie West Highland White Terrier: Penny, Mac, Daisy, Mac, Sarah, Andy
  23. To me if a "large scale breeder" is treating the animals well, proving they are breeding to standards and to the betterment of the breed (either through showing or trialling) and properly screening potential homes, then that is great. But if that same "large scale breeder" is not treating the animals so well (lack of enrichment, penned or kennelled close to 24 hours a day, lack of proper veterinary treatment) and flooding the market with substandard examples of the breed, rarely, if ever, trialling or showing the dogs and selling to any tom, dick or harry, then I think they are just registered puppy farmers. I speak from experience in my own breed. The breeder I bought my girl from is a lovely woman who I have a lot in common with but after finding out more about her breeding practices, I have to put her in the registered puppy farmer basket. She breeds multiple litters from untried dogs across 3 breeds and is supplying only to the pet market as the dogs produced are sub standard. I think she is a lovely woman and I love my Sierra but I will never buy another pup from her again and will advise others to run a mile if they are thinking of it. In regards to the "outing" of certain large scale breeders in my next chosen breed, it has been an eye opener and something that will make me ask a lot of questions in regards to my future pup in terms of breeding practices. I thank Sway and her collegues for compiling this list and making it so easily accessable to the public. If these breeders are proud of their prodgeny and thier practices then why are they so angry at being "outed" for the amount of dogs they have produced or enabled to be produced? Maybe that is the question that should be raised Liebhunde.
  24. So I did the sums - he weighs 18 stone and measures in at 43 inches paw to shoulder. So the conversion is: 114kg and 109 cm. He a big boy
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