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Everything posted by LizT

  1. A forum member lost her 3 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to a spider bite yesterday.
  2. There has been a few threads done on Mud Monsters. Someone sent me a bunch of pictures of dogs being "naughty". THis is my favourite. Not mine, but I think his identity has been protected!
  3. I have a bitch currently on a course of Glow Groom. I have to say I am very pleased with the results. I have used Angel Eyes previously and was not all that impressed. I think it may be because the "banned ingredient" is no longer in it..it seems to take longer to have any effect. What I like about "Glow Groom" is that it is a once off course and should have lasting effect...we will see...as not finished with it yet. I am a bit confused about the dosing table on their website thought. Perhaps I did it wrong, but according to that I would have to have given my small bitch much more than I have been and it would have been both costly and wasteful. I am giving her one little (supplied) spoonsful daily with her evening meal and with two weeks I saw a great improvement and after a month ALL the staining is gone. She had a terrible staining problem and although she has been checked by a veterinary ophalmologist and given the all clear she continued to tear and stain, despite twice daily cleaning. With Cavalier King Charles Spaniel tearing has to do with the shape (roundness) of their eyes and tiny tear ducts. Some tear, some don't. While the Jury is still out on Glow Groom, because I am yet to reach the end of the dosing stage, so far, I'm happy. Will let you know if tearing returns after the dosing course is complete. :)
  4. Another thing to consider is...people often do a lot of planning, research etc. into breeds ask questions including price and will even put their names down on a number of waiting lists. All this may encompass a few years. The price may change. If putting your name on a list also check with your breeder if this is a fixed price.
  5. If you ever bring one across can you please let me know? I would be interested to hear your thoughts on them. I have several friends in Europe who are involved with &/or breed these dogs and they are on my list of "when the children leave home" dogs I'd like to own. I have heard trickles of information regarding their trainability and temperament but I am not confident enough to bring one over and start off with them myself - not until I've learned a lot more about them at least. Like most breeds its all about the breeder you get them from, especially a working breed. The forum is not bad for learning about them, lots of photos and stories of every day life. I found with my girl the first couple of years were the hardest. Once we got past that (heaps of training) she was a dream dog. That description fits quite a number of working breeds. :)
  6. Because when I pay for my groceries, I don't want a free serve of bullshit. Sabbath I think you're seeing the wrong point. Kirislin and many of the people here, myself included, may have a personal issue with her BYB attitude, but it wasn't that which was reported (As has been said why would her management care about her motivation for breeding dogs) - it was the fact that she was trying to sell a passing customer something for personal profit. Personally I wouldn't be impressed at being offered a puppy in a supermarket checkout no matter how it was bred and I would likely report myself. The only way mistakes can be fixed is to address them, not ignore them. My daughters friend got their last dog via a conversation at a Supermarket checkout! Not sure if it was another customer or the Checkout lady...my point is people chat about ALL manner of things and putting your foot in your mouth seems to be a favorite pastime of some.
  7. Thanks. Very concise. Have heard so many stories over the years about this breed, some of which include the mention of both the corgi and the dalmation! Nice to know what's what as it's not a breed whose history I've really looked into (unitl todaythat is :) That's my "something new" for today then.
  8. Judging commences at 10.00 am.
  9. Nah Gecko Tree lurks around all area's...late at night :laugh: :laugh: See..did not know GT was a bloke. Now he's a bloke that lurks around late at night!
  10. Lovely, we will be in on Wednesday with the Cavaliers!
  11. IT is NOT a wolf-dog hybrid - it is a recognised breed. Same as the Australian Cattle Dog is not a Dingo-dog hybrid, despite the fact the Dingo was used to create the breed. Ah, so it is a breed then with the term "wolfdog" being descriptive of it's type then? I thought the Dingo in the ACD was a myth?
  12. No confusion over LizT :laugh: Don't think there would be many blokes using a "female" name. I find in the equestrian world..which was once so male dominated...with many a good horseman around..is now predominately female...except at the higher levels of competition...interesting isn't it.
  13. Haha.. :laugh: I like your reasoning! My girls stop at the door to have their feet wiped because of the Cavalier fluffy slippers getting all wet and muddy...but they put their little dirty wet paws on the glass door and slide down waiting for me to come let them in!!! To the OP, you have been given various helpful advice...don't be hard on yourself or your dog...keep her on a long line when out..but remember a small creature can easily come into her space and end up dead. She is a dog and it is her nature to hunt. You can train her to help improve the odds of her not doing it again but you will need to be consistent and immediate. I had a Schipperke that killed our chickens...we worked on it and thought we had it beat as she didn't kill another..for 5 years..then she went on a continuous killing spree??!! So we had to prevent her free access on the property as the chooks free ranged during the day. It was a pain as she was able to squeeze through so many small openings. Giving your dog the Cold shoulder will do no good as she will have moved on from the event you are still brooding over and have no clue why you are unhappy with her. My advice is to "kiss and make up' with your best friend. :)
  14. No wool here. I've a Dorper stud. No shearing,crutching, mulesing or eating anything I breed. That's some wonderful early training for that puppy...lucky those who get him for their stock. :) I thought Dorper were a meat breed So what are the sheep for Steve? Milk? Cheese? Yep they are a meat breed but we have a stud so all of ours are sold for breeding - if any of them do get eaten or their kids or grandkids I dont have to think about it. We are going to have a go at cheese after Christmas when we are almost ready to open our tea room. Yummmm. :) In the words of Wallace & Grommit I LOVE CHEEEESE!
  15. In the USA amongst the many "DD's" available they tout the "Wolfdog" which is a wolf hybrid...it warns people in a book on "DD's" I have to be cautious of this dog..not very trainable (ifactual wolf lines) and also often no actual wolf in them but a hybrid which carries GSD, Malinois, Huskie, Malamute etc. and various combinations thereof. I wonder how if the Chech "Wolfdog" is a wolf hybrid or if it is a descriptive term?
  16. No wool here. I've a Dorper stud. No shearing,crutching, mulesing or eating anything I breed. That's some wonderful early training for that puppy...lucky those who get him for their stock. :) I thought Dorper were a meat breed So what are the sheep for Steve? Milk? Cheese?
  17. The thing too is the bitch in season does not necessarily have to be living close by...they can carry a scent on the breeze quite a way. Do be careful as Malamutes are very good at escaping under any circumstances...this is a huge incentive to go wondering for him.
  18. The biggest risk with ANY spider bite is the secondary infection from those nasty fangs.
  19. Some people buy a second dog solely as company for the first dog...BECAUSE..they don't have time for the first dog. So now they don't have time for two dogs. Yes, dogs are a pack animal and most enjoy other dog company. If you are considering getting a second dog..do it for yourself firstly.....not solely for company for dog One.
  20. When I did my diploma of Naturophay back in the early 1990's I had to write a paper on "Vaccination". Many Naturopathic Practitioners advocate against vaccination and offer useless Homoepathic Vaccinations as an alternative. Many suggest vaccination is fine if their is no family history of bad reactions. I could never in good concious EVER advise a client NOT to vaccinate their child. My own children are fully vaccinated. If you buy a vaccinated puppy as it's owner it is then your choice and your responsiblility as to whether you continue the course of vaccination the breeder started. For various reasons over the years (one includes a tight arse father) I have owned dogs that have never been vaccinated. I have had vaccinated Pound dogs get ill with Destemper and non vaccinated dogs live long healthy lives. It is the luck of the draw. Today, as a person who partakes in Public dog activities I vaccinate my dogs, as a Registered Breeder I vaccinate my dogs. Happy lurking.
  21. No, but I do keep in touch with the new owners. Sometimes they phone me to say the dog has been desexed, sometimes I find out when I phone them. My biggest problem has not been with people breeding, it has been with people not doing as they said - or rehoming the dog to someone I wouldn't even consider. I think the rehoming contract keeps the dog safe. I try to sell to people who obviously are wanting a pet - and who are likely to give it a lifetime good home. The contract is simply a safety net, and something to make people think before they give the dog to someone else. Personally, I don't really have a problem with people breeding ---- as long as they are prepared to do the research, continue to treat the dog as a pet, and home the pups well. My problem with breeding is 40 dogs shut in a shed. This is what my contract prevents. Or, it has done so to date. I am pretty sure it would stand up in court .... but even if it didn't, it has so far worked 100% and I am happy with that. I only give the $100 refund on presentation of a Veterinary desexing certificate. The desexing agreement is not enforcable in law..but I'm not oblidged to give the refund without it. That, coupled with following your instincts, interviewing potential buyers and asking many questions, is about the best you can do without infant desexing. Personally I think it would do the animal less harm to have a litter than infant desex.
  22. I have the same in my sales contract......and a "desexing contract" in which I promise to refund $100 on presentation of a desexing certificate from their Vet...no one has had to take me to court for dishonouring my part of the agreement and not refunding the $100.00 yet. :D
  23. The general concencus is it will be indoors as they don't usually start ourdoors until October.
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