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Bouledogue Français

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Everything posted by Bouledogue Français

  1. Eagle Pack I love it. Have used the Holistic plus the Natural, found them both very good. Normally pay $76 for a 15 kg bag, but just got an 18kg bag for the same price.
  2. Haven't found Rescue Remedy to do a thing on myself or the dogs, except to dry my mouth out, but I have found the Australian Bush Flower Emergency Essence does. I love it.
  3. Allergies Been down that road. Don't wish that on anyone. Your poor girl, you have both been through a lot. Have you started the weekly injections for her allergies?
  4. Good news at this stage Shekina. I can tell you my older Bullie girl pants more than normal on the days her arthritis is playing up, so maybe it is a combination of the humid weather and maybe her being in a bit of pain? Fingers crossed the x-rays come back all clear.
  5. Some people use Preparation H on their dogs callouses
  6. I have no idea, sorry, depending on how fast the lumps are appearing, they could be anything. We recently lost one of our Bullmastiffs who had lung cancer, he developed a cough ( which is common ) before his breathing deteriorated. I don't think you are dealing with that in your dogs case, but I am no vet. Good luck.
  7. I have fed Supercoat in the past and yes some of mine did have a smell. I think it is horrible food, it went in and straight out again, had mountains of sloppy poop and the dogs never did well on it. I am a lover of Eagle pack but they also get meat, eggs, yoghurt, sardines/mackerel etc...... As for feeding puppies adult food, I do that all the time, I hardly ever raise a litter or a puppy on puppy food, and when I have done so it is only for the first 4-8 weeks if that, and have never had any problems what so ever. The only thing you may find is it slows their growth down.
  8. Hi Chicko, I feed Jalna natural yoghurt, don't feed a lot of tuna, but use tuna in springwater, feed mostly canned/raw sardines and canned mackerel in natural oil.
  9. Thanks, I have found a distributor that is not on that list, and they are about 10 mins away from me, how great is that, $15 per roll. Will try them and see how we go.
  10. Anyone feed the Dr B's genuine Aussie R.A.W patties that come in a roll? They are around $15 a roll and come in Lamb, Beef , Chicken, Pork, Combination & Roo. What are they like ??
  11. I would like to thank you all very much for your kind words, they are very much appreciated.
  12. 5 Weeks ago Nelson was diagnosed with Lung cancer. We knew he was on borrowed time. Early hours of this morning Nelson bloated, he was rushed to the vets, he was very distressed and gave up so very quickly. We did not expect to loose him this way, it is such a shock, I thought we would have to make the painful discission for him. I thought we would have more time with him, to say our goodbyes. Nellie was our first purebred dog, our first show dog. He was the perfect puppy, he never set a foot wrong. So my darling Nellie, run free with that smillie face, bark and bark until your hearts content. We love you so very much. ;) ;)
  13. We feed both raw fish and canned. Canned: sardines, tuna and mackerel. Raw: Whitebait and another fish a bit bigger, the name escapes me at the moment.
  14. I haven't come across that recipe before, I have the other one with the box of cereal, gelatin etc... in it, not that I have used it. This recipe looks much easier.
  15. I was going to ask how things were going, thanks for the update, big for Stewie.
  16. I am so very sorry to hear this Trace, very sorry.
  17. My guys love fruit, they love strawberries, banana, mandarins, oranges, apples and watermelon the best. But also eat things like peaches, apricots, cherrys, rockmelon, pears etc.. And yes I make sure the stones/pips are not in them.
  18. Good news Mita, will still keep my fingers crossed it comes back clear.
  19. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and Stewie. Such a handsome boy.
  20. Yes a major fan of it. But I also feed other things.
  21. I have had lamb necks from the supermarket and lamb necks from a butcher/market. I have to say the lamb necks I get from the butcher/market are different from the so called lamb neck pieces/quarters in the supermarket. They are round, a lot more meat and not as fatty, looking at them when the meat has been stripped off, or if I cut them in half or quarters, they are smaller and the bone not as thick, I much prefer these to the supermarket ones. Easier for the Frenchies to chew, and most of the time they do finish them or leave a tiny piece of bone.
  22. Haven, The vet I use is Dr Bob Cavey at Stud Park Veterinary Hospital, 1103 Stud Road, Rowville. Ph: 9763 6088. I am now 1 hour North of Melbourne and still use him when ever I can, he is fantastic.
  23. I have an excellent vet at Roweville that I still travel to when I can, but I think that would be a bit far for you?
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