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Everything posted by mokhahouse

  1. Seems crazy the gap was big under the fence. Made them look really silly to not be watching while doing the interview. Thank goodness the vet was paying attention.
  2. Just saw an interview on news with Lost dogs home re two kelpie pups who had their mouths wired shut. :p While the carer was being interviewed the pups escaped under the chainlink fence. You could see traffic in the background. Luckily the vet acted quickly and scooped them up. What can you say.
  3. I totally agree with you. I too was uninformed, fell in love with a pup in the window and pay the price in heart ache as well as dollars. I love Mokha so dearly and I am doing everything I can to give him a good life. While I had wanted a pup for a long time you could say he was bought on impulse that day, I had not gone to the shops to buy a dog. I object when people say that because I bought a dog on impulse that I will dump him at the pound. Nothing could be further from the truth.I will never buy another pup from a store but I have had to learn the hard way. Education is the key.
  4. I got the big tub of Joint Guard for just over $97 at clipperworld you can order on line too. I think that is a fantastic price for 750gm.
  5. I live close enough to drop in to Clipperworld, there prices are great. When I have ordered online I have had no problems. I got my Joint guard in the 750gm today at a bargain price.
  6. Molly squats to poo then while still squatting starts to waddle forward resulting in a poo in a nice straight line. I can tell which dog pooped by whether its a row of poo or a little pile. Oh and at the dog beach she always poops about 3 feet out in the water so I have to wade in to scoop it. Aghh
  7. -spotless clean facility -friendly nurses and receptionist who know my name, my dogs names and their health issues. -large clean waiting room with plenty of space so you can sit with your pet and not have other animals all around. -generally run on time even though you never feel rushed through a consult, I think they allow a generous time schedule. -Lots of products on display and at reasonable cost. -scales in waiting room that you can pop in and use and they will record the current weight even though no consult. -rarely more than one client in waiting area as they have an efficient use of consult rooms. -able to do many things in house. -well trained and articulate vets willing to discuss treatment options. -open 7 days a week and open on week nights. -lots of treats for my dogs. -nurses and vets are patient with Molly who tends to get a little overexcited at the vets. -parking on site, nice grassed garden area for pooping etc and double entry doors so you can see before you enter who is in the waiting room.
  8. Abbigail Abby Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Annie Anastacia (Annie) Angel X3 Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Bailey Becky Bella x3 Bit Blossom Bonny x 2 (Bonnie) Bonita Brandy Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie Cedar Chelsea Chloe x 2 Charlotte Cinta CJ Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Coco x2 Daisy Dallas Delilah Delta Demi Dexta Dinky Durham Dyzney Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie x2 Emily Emma Erin Evie Fanta Finta Froggy Gabby Gemma Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) Ginny Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x2 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 5 Honey Honour Imogen - Imy Jade Jane Jay Jay Jenna Jessie Jezebel Jindi Jodie Juliet Kara Karma Karmen Kaos Katie Katy Kayla Keilani Kenzie Kiesha Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey Layla Lea (lele) Lexi Lily x 2 Lobo Logan Lola Lottie Lucy x4 Mable Maddison Maggie x2 Mallee Marie Claudette Marlo Meg Meisha Merrique Mia Millie x2 Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Mischka Molly x5 Molly Coddle Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Olivia Paxy Pearl Peggie Pebbles Pip Polly Popcorn Porridge Quince Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Rogue Rommi Rosey Rosie Roxy Ruby x3 Sabrina Sadie Saffron Safire Sally x2 Sascha x 2 Satu Savannah Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sheba Shine Sinta Sienna Skye SkySnow Sophie x2 Sophia Springy Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Sue Suzie Sybill Tara Tasha Tayla Teegan Tess Tessa Texas Tia x 2 Tilly x3 Tinny (tin tin) Tori Tully Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Xanthe Zillah Ziva Zoe x 3
  9. Abrham Appollo Archie Armand Bailey x 3 Balou Bandit Banjo Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Bear x2 Benji Benny Billy Bing Bluey Boxer Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Bud Bundy Caramel Carl Champ Charlie x 4 Chevy Chip Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cuba Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Diablo Diesel Digby Digger Dinky Douglas Dumas Dylan Ebon Eddie Elijah Elliott Edge Esky FlashBazil Frank Gandor Greedy Hail Harley Harrison Henry Hudson Ivan Jack x 1 Jake Jasper x 2 JayDee Jethro Jett Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kyzer Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Lukas MacKenzie Max x 3 Maxie Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mokha Mr Darcy Nammu Napoleon Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Onslow Oz Payton Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Raffy Ralph Randy Reeve Rex Riku Riley Ripley Rocks Rolly Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rupert Rusty Sam Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Silas Snitch Sonny Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud Sterling Storm Swanky Tazz x 2 Teddy Tey Dog Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby Tub Tusca Tye Tyson Ulf Wags Walker Watson Weave Willy Woody Zac Zedley Zephyr Zeus
  10. Thoroughly agree that you ring the rangers. If the neighbours continue to return their dog to them in the end you are enabling them to just continue on. Perhaps some impound fees will encourage them to contain the dog. It is only a matter of time before this lab becomes a road accident victim.
  11. Personally I wouldnt, not for three months out of date. I would think that would mean the food is around 15 months old and depending on how well it has been stored could make a big difference. My concern would also be that it is a large bag and buy the time you use it all and it has been exposed to air it may deteriorate very quickly.
  12. I feed my labrador with food allergies on California Natural and I am very happy with it although I wish I could buy it through another source than currently supply it.(Pets paradise and pets good direct) I feed my other lab on Eagle Pack which I have always been very happy with although there was a supply problem recently but it seems to have sorted out.You can get Eagle Pack at Pets at home and Petstock. My cats love there Royal Canin and my hand raised very tiny kitten has thrived on it. Another good one that you can buy online is Artemis. I think your dog could do well on any of these products you may just have to see which one he likes best.I think the Cali Natural is the most expensive of all of these but it is calorie dense with around 500 cal per cup so I only feed 2 cups a day. With the Eagle Pack I feed 2 1/2 cups a day both my labs weighing around 27 -28 kg.Hope that helps ETA I keep both labs nice and lean on these quantities of food plus sardines. RMB, chicken necks etc.
  13. I have a dog with HD too and he likes his foam filled hessian sack mat bed that I buy very cheaply from Pet stock ,so I replace it regularly when it starts to get yuck or flat. I have been looking at the memory foam beds they sell at my dog indoor swim centre and I am thinking of getting those. I think he prefers the mat style bed as he can stretch right out and does not have to step up onto it. ETA I think the hessian mat will be too thin this winter, it is only about an inch thick whereas the memory foam bed looks to be about 3 inches thick.
  14. I completed the survey but I went back over my answers several times fine tuning them. I do not want to hand any power to unqualified council officers to make judgements on any dog especially a seize and destroy mentality. I dont have much faith that my answers will alter whatever legislation is being put forward but I was at least able to have a say and not just answer yes or no. The questions were very loaded and I suggest people read them and read them again before formulating there answers.
  15. Happy new year everyone. Its pouring where I live so hopefully no fireworks tonight. Yay
  16. How is Charlie doing.Was the clip as bad as you thought. I hope he is feeling much better.
  17. Glad to hear she is enjoying the RC. My cats are on RC and love it. I have labs so I have no idea what its like to have a dog that wont eat. I must say she is a beautiful girl.
  18. Not sure the weight of the can but I buy them in a three pack at coles, it has three decent sized sardines in the tin so I give 1 1/2 sardines to each dog twice a week.Thanks for prompting me to look in my pantry, all out of sardines and it is sardine night.
  19. I have a choc lab too. I would add some sardines or fish oil to his diet. The sunlight definitely bleaches the coat color,Mokha is indoors mostly except when I am outside but if we have spent more time in the sun his coat definitely lightens.I give 1/2 a can of sardines twice a week and this seems to help his coat stay glossy. We swim twice a week in an indoor pool and the sardines seem to stop his coat drying out.When Mokha is shedding his coat can get very patchy. I use a furminator to get rid of the fluffy undercoat and then follow with a zoom groom and he looks great afterwards.
  20. Just came across your thread.I dont have experience with hock OCD but I hope Indigo is recovering well. My choc lab Mokha had OCD of the elbow and his surgery was very successful.I was shocked at the size of the each of the three pieces of broken cartilage that came out. He was just over a year old at the time and keeping him quiet and confined was difficult but worth the efforts. He is doing so well now nearly 7 months later. If you have access to a swimming pool or are near a canine indoor pool I would highly recommend swimming for exercise post op. Mokha goes twice a week and it has been fantastic for his recovery and fitness.Mokha was never overweight but we have worked off a kilo to keep him lean and to be kind to his joints.Joint supplements IMO are an important part of the treatment as well.Please keep us updated with Indigos' progress.
  21. Mokha will wee when we are out but never poops. He will always wait til we get home even if we have been out all day. It is completely pointless carrying poop bags with me but I do anyway. He will wee on command but has never liked to poop in front of anyone. I dont know why.If you try making a big fuss and treating when he does go outside perhaps in time he will be encouraged to do it. If he is weeing and pooping in the laundry when you are out it sounds like he hasnt quite got it yet. Persevere I am sure it will get better.He may be your office dog yet.
  22. If you are at all handy the ramps are good. My DH made one for the outside of the laundry doggy door so Mokha (who has Hip and elbow dysplasia) doesnt have to step down so far as he goes through. Ours is made of aluminum, DH is a welder, with a non slip stuck on coating. I use it going in and out the back door and it beats having to step up or down with my arms full of washing.I taught Mokha to use the doggy doors when he was very young.
  23. I like to have appointments so I can see the vet I like and my vets are good at keeping to appointment times but never rushing you out. I think they must allocate a generous (realistic) time for each appointment.In an emergency they have slotted me in very quickly. I would hate to have to sit in a waiting room with multiple sick animals or dogs that are not well socialized for an extended time. At my vets there is sometimes 1 or 2 animals in the waiting room but more than likely none at all as they have several rooms they work out of. Its a great system.
  24. Your photography is beautiful. Of course having such gorgeous subjects would help but you are capturing them so well.
  25. I am so glad you adopted her. I had seen her on the website too and just thought she was gorgeous. We already have two dogs so we couldnt adopt her so I am so glad a Doler has taken her in so we can see how she grows. I hope everything continues to go well.
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