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Everything posted by Fleuri

  1. I will definitely look for the books. I honestly didn't think of this, thank you. I realising more that a counselor may be helpful because I need to know how to approch this properly. I will have to look into it. Thank you for your time.
  2. I am writing this in the hope that I might get some ideas on how I can help my children. Ages 7 turning 8 soon, 10 & 12 year old boys. My children are still grieving our missing/stolen dog, she went missing in Feb this year. I have told them we can try to get another fur friend, I’ve even showed them pictures of different breeds that we can choose from in the hope that they will get excited and focus on finding a new doggy but they said that they want to wait for their dog to come back. They think that because she has a microchip that she might still come back. I know this is possible and the truth is that I feel just as sad, only that it also tears me to see how deep their pain is and I just want to help them get over it. The two youngest are almost in tears when she is brought up in conversation. This is another reason why I keep suggesting that we can look for another dog. See I thought that children get over things every quickly, I am finding that this is not true with mine. Can anyone suggest how I can help them overcome their sadness? Or is it just too early still? Has anyone gone through this before? and if so how did you cope? What works best? Thank you for your time.
  3. I would have been angry too if that happend in our home. When my min Schnauzer was a pup he would kill all the plants I touched or planted. So I had to put him away and not let him see me planting or he would pull it back out. I had to water the plants so it wouldn't have my sent before he was allowed back into the garden. Thank goodness he grew out of this. He loves to eat disposable gloves I have to put my hand inside his mouth to get them out before he swollows.
  4. I'm getting clucky just reading your posts. I remember doing the baby,toddler,puppy trainng thing too. Looking back I think it was the best time in my life. Now my children are 7, 10,12 years old + an 8 year old min Schnauzer. We are thinking about a new fur addition. Time goes too fast. Enjoy every minute of it. ;)
  5. I am sure my neighbours have heard me go on with a high pitched voice. I felt so embarrass.
  6. Asking for the price of a dog in this site =you may not get many responses. My experience on this site is that some find it a sensitive subject for so many reasons. Best thing to do is contact some breeders and let price be the last thing you ask about (maybe not even mention it in the first conversation). I know it sounds a bit ridiculous. There have been many discussions/arguments on the subject (about asking for price or what price a certain breed is) in Dogzonline and there may be some that don’t want to start it again. Good luck
  7. My dog has been fine with the heartworm injection,no side affects. He is an 8 year old mini Schnauzer,on it for the last 4 years. The area that I live in is like a Mosquito swamp in the warmer months, we live near a river.
  8. I totally agree with persephone on training your boy to toilet on command. My schnauzer is perfect at it. Makes life so much easier,like my children before we go out shopping I say has everyone gone to the toilet? they all go toilet. With my dog I just say 'go toilet', and he does his thing. It's wonderful.
  9. My dog looks towards his butt real quick as to say, whats that! Edit to say: sorry went in three times. My computer or this site is a bit slow tonight so I deleted then added it again thus the result.
  10. My dog looks towards his butt real quick as to say, whats that!
  11. My dog looks towards his butt real quick as to say, whats that!
  12. I find that my dog poops are wet and clingy to grass in the wet weather ,for this I just dig up a little soil from the back of my yard and cover the poopy grass patches. Smell doesn't stay.
  13. Out of the 236 profiles, an large percentage of them are Champions, Grand Champions, BISS etc and if they're not, there are others with the same prefix that are. So I'd say on the DOL breed listings, they mostly ARE show stock. And only registered breeders can advertise puppies on DOL. Yes you are right I remember my first one thinking it was very special, it had Champs, Imports, I counted them all, so are you saying if it has these things in the background its all above board?? Any one can get a prefix. So is it right to say that not all the pups with Champion,Grand Champion are healthy pups? Is it hard to find healthy pups in BB? I don't know, I am not a breeder? I just think some breeds are expensive, example British bulldogs, Scottish Terriers, Sealyham Terrier and , some mini Schnauzers too.
  14. How long have you been breeding Bulldogs for? How long have you owned the breed? No one deliberately tries to lose money, but it is not about making money in the first place. Unless that is what you and others do. Its about improving the breed. A breeder may get one puppy, they may get ten. Of course if that one puppy has good potential then they are going to have a loss because they are going to keep it. What do they do about it?(well the dedicated breeders anyway) They carry on and put it down to better luck next time if there is a next time. Very rarely do Bulldog breeders break even. There is no Bulldog puppy in this country worth $3,000.00 Everyone is entitled to their opinion. To be honest I dont give a rats arse if people pay that price. Its their money. But that price is exactly why BYB do what they do. They have pushed up the price. Quite simple really. Of course it is not going to deter the BYB. When they have litter after litter, and very rarely keep anything except to carry on with so a year down the track that bitch can breed. I have seen alot of beautiful Bulldogs over the last 30 years. I have also met alot of people that breed for the money. They have no idea what they are doing with pedigrees, or breeding type to type. They have a dog, they have a bitch. They know they can sell the puppies for x amount of dollars. Hence my first post on this subject. I have no problem with people disagreeing with what I say but please dont turn around and tell me that we should be breeding for the money. Or in otherwords..I personally dont give a damn whether or not a litter of puppies I breed makes money. I look upon my hobby of owning dogs as just that. It is not a business to me. What everyone else does is up to them If I can improve the breed to make their world happier, and if I can breed an excellent example of the breed then that is what I thrive for. ;)
  15. I think some breeders of purebred dogs would like to be one of the very few who breed a specific breed of dog, and they want to keep it that way too. This may be the reason for it being difficult for newbies to enter the show dog scene. Great business if you are one of the few in the whole country and your breed is in demand. The whole country wants your dogs even at $3000.
  16. :rolleyes: ;) I can't stop laughing.
  17. Our dog gets hosed in the backyard in the warm weather but when its cold weather he is bathed in our bathtub.
  18. I wouldn't know with your dog but if it was my dog I wouldn't put an age, (pup including). Thats just me.
  19. During play, I would never let my children play rough with our dog. Ball games and fetch yes but never rough play where the dog is mouthing at them (even as a pup). I think you just never know when a dog might take it to another level. So for me it is better to prevent it. If the dog is mouthing in anger (or dominance issues) say the child takes dogs toy or touches dogs collor then its a problem already. It needs to be corrected by training the dog, children and parents as soon as possible. This is my Opinion. Sometimes toddler/children don't tell you when the dog has mouthed them, then dog gets use to doing it to them. So you have to supervise all the time.
  20. JRT x Cattle dog ? cutie X pie = Cutie pie
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