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Everything posted by hankdog

  1. That's why I couldnt do smart dogs. I like a boof head, then everyone's equal.
  2. My trainer can get Jake to be far better behaved than I can. So he learns what he can do then I learn how to get him to do it for me. I think board training can be especially helpful for problem dogs, each days success can be built upon without the distractions and regressions that can occur at home. I know my trainer does a session with the owners to train them on how to handle the dogs.
  3. Haha maybe you and I should go for a road trip BC. Put the two beasties in the back of the van and by the time we got there they'd be fixed... That's great for Rocky, I look forward to hearing how this goes. Thanks for the pic Nek. Nice looking dogs.
  4. After refusing to go pee all day because he didn't want to get his feet wet he finally tiptoed out on the concrete, he then leaned his cocked leg over and rested it on the tree trunk while he voided for about three minutes.
  5. Happy birthday beautiful dog!
  6. Where are you? Do you want a once off, an in home or regular sessions? For a specific issue or just general training? Along with Steve I would also recommend pet resirts in dural. My trainer is Zoei, they offer in home and regular sessions.
  7. Harness Houdini Jake hasn't managed to get out the ruff wear webmaster.
  8. Not fair, you can't say new training and not tell what you did? I was wondering how Bonnie was going, good to hear she's responding well. We aren't having training over the holidays because the kennels get full and too rowdy for jake to focus. It seems to make our encounters more variable if we miss training, we have some good days and some awful. Last week I had a time that I had both his front feet off the ground and was using my other hand on the harness handle to restrain him because the dog going past was a puppy and making eyes at him. Then another day we end up sandwiched with a dog in front and one behind and too many cars to cross the road and he goes "meh, don't care about dogs." I will recommend the harness though, the extra strap and the handle in the back has really been useful, wish I had bought it ages ago.
  9. I have a $2 soft pop top bottle. It's sold as a "doozie". Jake just drinks out the stream of water but having a bottom jaw that is and inch longer might make that easy for him. Its got a clip that fastens into my waist belt and weighs nothing.
  10. It's actually really important your pup gets used to having his picture taken and posted on DOL. Very important socialization.
  11. Grunts, snuffles and huffs. I'm not sure if it's all Bulldogs but Jake has a kind of dolphin thing happening. It took a while but I can mostly understand what's going on. He has the most delicious yawn, he gets into bed, throws his head back and "aaaaack". Put the worst insomniac into a coma.
  12. Hank had a truly glorious tail. Long with a beautiful smooth upward curve and hair about 15cm long. It could make circles both ways or go side to side with variable speeds. Poor Jake, he has a natural screw tail and the best he can do is a kind of stranded earthworm twitch. He does have the softest lip extensions, they put babies bottoms to shame. I know we were meant to be together because his snout exactly matches my eye socket. I need coffee and a good eye hoovering to get my day going.
  13. Mmmmmm do dogs feel love? Not sure, Hank was a confident dog who coukd have picked anyone in the family but chose the one who walked and fed him. It took about 6 months but then he decided I was his person. Jake was weird, when I walked up to his cage there was a man crouched down talking to him. I stood back because at that point I was ambivalent about taking him and if someone else was going to take him then I would have been happy for that to happen. He walked away from the man and came as close as he could get to me and gave me what I now know is his "I desperately want that" face, two teeth out and lots of huffing. The other man laughed and said I guess he wants you. I said he had first pick if he wanted him. He was a gem on lead in the yard, he gave me his whole pathetic act and by the time he was in the car he was bonded. Didn't give anyone else in the family a chance really. If I go out he doesn't care if anyone's at home he still mopes and behaves like the worlds ended. His lack of training and speaking human meant it took a while for us to work together, that point you get to when they seem to read what you want, mind you with Hank he would do what I wanted, with Jake it's more of an acknowledgement rather than instant desire to please.
  14. Haha when I first got Jake I ran "hotel for dogs" for about three days straight. Funny mutt that he is he does watch and bark at the tv. If your kids understand then watch out they might be training you! After all the training stuff I've read I actually think I would be a far more effective parent than I was. My kids understood how to train me way better than I did them.
  15. Haha I have a creek on my property but I also shove in little water features everywhere. Yes neighbours have complained about the frogs. Also about the native birds that come feed because their dog can stand at the second story window and see them and it makes the dog bark. True story????.
  16. Jakes problems are completely different except for the "own world" thing. Have you tried 101 things to do with a box. It gave us a beginning of a positive interaction, it allowed me to see how his brain works and get a bit of a read on his body language and thought style. At the least its 10 minutes where you are interacting without any correction or instruction. It won't help your problems directly but sometimes when you're at the end of your tether just trying to do something positive with the dog helps.
  17. Please tell me you rescued that treasure!!!or tell me where it is?
  18. I'm guessing that was a council decision and not yours?
  19. That's good he's all physically fine. I wouldn't Rush it, he's had a tricky few weeks with his op and this. Let him take it at his own pace and I would make sure the next few dog encounters are positive, a second bad encounter might seal his impression of others as negative. The last thing you want is a dog reactive dog. Once he is healed can you set him up with some good calm play dates with a variety of shapes and sizes so he doesn't start to think all big dogs or all black dogs or whatever he comes up with are bad? If you pop into the reactive dogs thread in the training section you will read about "LAT" which is something you could start training him with now. I think any training builds confidence but I particularly think clicker training and 101 things to do with a box are excellent for this. If the box is placed away from you the first few days you can just reward for taking those steps away from you to touch the box. With a fearful dog those steps away are very important. With my dog I am also working on distance commands, so just trying to do all his tricks but at a distance from me, harder than you'd think with an under confident dog. ETA. Try ensure you are not rewarding any unwanted behaviours. If he's barking or reacting in anyway either distract him by asking for an incompatible behaviour, sit and look at you or if he knows "uh huh" or "leave it" then tell him that. Try not to pick up or cuddle or do anything that encourages the unwanted behaviour. He could be thinking that in scene one he didn't bark and he got attacked but now when he is barking the other dog goes away and he doesn't get attacked. In his mind barking is therefor a good plan. Really smart thinking but not something you want to encourage.
  20. I'm sorry this happened. I am in your neighbours situation and have ended up with a reactive dog with no knowledge of exactly what that meant. Here's what it means if they choose to keep the dog. The dog must be between two gates at all times, so if he's inside then the front garden needs to be gated. He shouldn't be left in a backyard, he's in a run in the backyard or inside. When he's walked he should be double leashed. He should be under the eye of a trainer and be receiving professional help. Once you know your dog is reactive you need backup plans all the time. If they choose to take the risk then they accept the extra responsibility. When we were recently attacked whilst out recently I immeadiately went around to the house from whence the off leash dog had come but this was contrary to legal opinion. So your neighbours could be taking a cautious legal- advised approach which is to me contrary to the General good human being approach. Get a vet report and maybe make the first approach either via a ranger report or discuss with them depending on how confident you are and your relationship with them. I definitely think something should be done or said to prevent worse happening down the line.
  21. week2 This little guy has been shrieking for food since dawn, he used to be cute.
  22. week 1 naughty corner for me, my apologies.
  23. Pugs are quite high maintenace with the brachy breed issues. Overheating, needing their skin folds cleaned and I believe they can have skin issues and they need their people around them. There are always exceptions but generally brachy breeds are quite costly to maintain.
  24. Considering your stage in life I would be going with something robust and portable. Have you thought of a JRT? When I was a student many of my friends had them and they could lug them around anywhere although small they could keep up their owners all day.
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