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Everything posted by Airedaler

  1. Slippery elm gets my vote too. Perhaps it is a change of water as much as food if you have moved to a different area.
  2. To the OP. At 14 months I do not see the breeder has any obligation to compensate the owner. It is not reasonable to expect a "lifetime" warranty on a living thing. The breeder I assume has had no influence on how this dog has been fed and handled during the period the new owner has had it so how can anyone consider they should be responsible for anything? I agree with this breeder. IMO a "customer" cannot expect to have the "object" and the money. Many people are not happy about animals being considered property but on the other hand want the benefits of owning property when something goes wrong and they want compensation. It is part of owning a living thing that things go wrong and the owner should accept the responsibility. I would hope that any relative tests had been done on the litter and parents and all was well. It is a case of "Let the buyer beware" and it is the buyers responsibility to check that the results of any health testing carried out on what they are buying is what it should be or walk away and find another breeder. Having said that I do not advocate that a breeder should be selling pups from parents that have not been appropriately tested and have done all within their power to ensure a healthy litter. PS I'm not convinced animals should be deemed property either but they are and that is what we have to work with.
  3. A big year for the breed, in Victoria particularly, this year. The Airedale Terrier Club of Vic will celebrate their 85th year. It is the second oldest breed club in Victoria and has run continually since August 1929.
  4. I had a dog with similar issues. Some tails were missing, most had tails but they were bent. Like your dog tests did not show any infection or reason. My dog did sire a couple of good size litters but was withdrawn from stud after several misses which is when we discovered the problem. Not too long after prostrate issues arose and he was neutered. Not totally sure if the two were connected but it was considered to be a possiblity.
  5. The bitch was desexed at the time of the Caesar. May I ask why? T. [/quote The bitch had strictures in the uterus and the Vet said she would never produce normally. So the owners decided that it was the best thing for the bitch.
  6. The bitch was desexed at the time of the Caesar.
  7. Hi Everyone, Thanks for your suggestions which I have passed on. An update on the situation which I'm pleased to say is positive. The pups have been switched from divetalac to goat milk with some natural yoghurt and are now being fed from a normal baby bottle with a newborn teat. They are feeding well from this and are much more contented. These are rotty pups so I suspect the small animal feeding bottle was just too small for them to get enough feed. The diarrhoea has cleared up and the pups have pup on a reasonable amount of weight in a week. While they may not be totally out of the woods yet I think they have at least turned the corner. Thanks again for your suggestions.
  8. Thank you everyone for your suggestions which have been passed on. An update on the situation. The Vet has checked the pups over and said they are all fine. The owners have changed from a small "animal feeding bottle" to a normal baby bottle (these are rotty pups so not small) and newborn teat and have also changed to goat milk with some natural yoghurt added. The pups are much more content and the diarrhoea has cleared up and they are now pretty much normal poos. All pups have gained a reasonable amount albeit perhaps not an ideal amount in the first week. All in all this is a fairly positive outcome considering the possibilities and while they may not be totally out of the woods yet I think they have turned the corner. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks Steve, I wondered about slippery elm but was not sure if it was OK for newborns. Will pass on your suggestion.
  10. I think they genuinely want to do the right thing and want the best for the pups. No way did they expect to come across these problems - as none of us do. BUT it is a huge learning curve and may be it will make them realise it is not all a bed of roses. Money may not be abundant but I don't think that would stop them spending what was necessary for the good of the bitch and the pups. It is easy for us breeders in the populated areas to contact the Vet if and when needed but possibly not so easy for those in more isolated areas. And in my case at least I had a relationship with the Vet who was advised when a litter was due and we talked about what to expect and when to contact etc. Even after 35 years I did that. And I also had the benefit of having my original breeder and several others available to help if needed.
  11. Thanks for this link underfoot. It makes interesting reading. The only time I used divetalac (as a supplement) I ended up with dehydrated puppies.
  12. As I said Kirislin, I can only advise, it is up to the owners to decide whether to take that advice or not. Most of the advise I have given has been taken but this lot seems to be only selectively taken on board.
  13. I just hope they get to the Vet or him to them. Unfortunately there will not be an autopsy done. That may have told them what they were dealing with but it is too late now.
  14. she might not be able to feed them though. If they've become dehydrated they wont even try to suckle, they'll just weaken and die, that is what nearly happend to my puppies. She needs to get fluids into them and also work out why they've got the runs and treat it otherwise they will die. I totally agree. Unfortunately all I can do is pass on the information and advise and hope they take it. I figure that if there is one that has an infection and this was what caused the bleeding then IMO there is a fair bet that there is/will be a problem with the others or some of them at least. The pups are suckling so that at least is a positive. Have emphasised that they should go to the Vet or at least ring the Vet would be a start.
  15. Sorry I should have clarified that going to the Vet immediately was my suggestion as well as a priority. But was also looking for feeding advise for follow on.
  16. Hi Everyone, I'm after some suggestions from people who have hand raised a litter. Quick background. My niece had a litter of pups last week, delivered by caesarean. Mum totally rejected the pups and was in fact aggressive to them to the extent of killing one and attempting to do further harm when put back with the pups. The bitch has been totally removed from the litter now and they are being fed on divetlac as per the Vet's suggestion. In 35 years of breeding I was fortunate enough to only need to do one Caesar and that was for one pup after 8 in the litter were born and Mum took over as usual so I have no experience about the above situation. The pups have now developed diarrhoea and I'm at a loss to know what to advise. Pups are 6 days old. One died yesterday after drinking less and less and started bleeding from the nose and anus. The instructions on the divetlac tin have been followed. I never used anything but goat milk to raise (supplement) pups and never had any problems with diarrhoea. Any suggestions would be welcome. My niece lives in a rural area and is not readily able to pop down to the supermarket to pick up supplies.
  17. Hi Everyone, I'm after some suggestions from people who have hand raised a litter. Quick background. My niece had a litter of pups last week, delivered by caesarean. Mum totally rejected the pups and was in fact aggressive to them to the extent of killing one and attempting to do further harm when put back with the pups. The bitch has been totally removed from the litter now and they are being fed on divetlac as per the Vet's suggestion. In 35 years of breeding I was fortunate enough to only need to do one Caesar and that was for one pup after 8 in the litter were born and Mum took over as usual so I have no experience about the above situation. The pups have now developed diarrhoea and I'm at a loss to know what to advise. Pups are 6 days old. One died yesterday after drinking less and less and started bleeding from the nose and anus. The instructions on the divetlac tin have been followed. I never used anything but goat milk to raise (supplement) pups and never had any problems with diarrhoea. Any suggestions would be welcome. My niece lives in a rural area and is not able to pop down to the supermarket to pick up supplies.
  18. According to my holistic Vet lamb kidneys are one of the best organ meats for dogs. I think tripe is all the rage at the moment as it is so hard to get and it suddenly seems to have become more available. In England it seems to be the main meat fed by many people. They buy it minced and frozen and the dogs love it. It contains an abundance of goodness. See more here. http://www.aplaceforpaws.com/faqs/products/what-is-tripe-and-why-should-i-feed-it-to-my-dog.html
  19. Have a talk to your breeder they will be able to help you to enter a show and make sure the dog is on the correct register and in the correct name. If showing a neuter that was registered prior to them being neutered you need to have them recorded as being a neuter on the main register.
  20. Touch wood, I've never had a dog with a cruciate ligament rupture but it does seem to be very common. I came across the following article. http://tinyurl.com/n6vey3e My recent experience with totally different ailment being treated by an holistic Vet rather than my conventional (very competent) Vet has led me to realise that too often we treat the symptom not the problem as is the suggestion in this article. Would be interested to know what others think.
  21. Sorry, it was narkie. You are right. I find it wears thin to see the rescue agenda continually raised in threads asking for breed suggestions FOR PUPS on a purebred dog forum. It would also be nice to see breed suggestions that actually relate to what characteristics the person is seeking in a dog but that's not your fault. However, if I posted "go to a registered breeder for a purebred pup" in "looking for a rescue dog" threads, what do you think the reaction would be? Pet Rescue is a lousy site for searching by breed. You can't. Philosophical reasons no doubt but "small, medium or large" is pretty useless for searching for temperament, maintenance or coat type which is where breed is very handy.
  22. Vet's All Natural may be a consideration for you it has 3.3% fat. www.vetsallnatural.com.au
  23. I think one of the best things you can do is become involved with the Lab club, go to shows, join breed forums and talk to breeders and other exhibitors and let them see that you are really interested in the breed and showing. If breeders can see that you are genuinely interested in learning and in being a serious breed enthusiast they may be more willing to help you.
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