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Everything posted by Airedaler

  1. Thanks VM. I'm not in need of one at this stage but thought they would be an interesting option in some cases (particularly the leg one) and do look far more comfortable or confronting than the cone of shame.
  2. Anyone have any experience with these? I'd be interested in information about them if so. http://www.medicalpetshirts.com/index.php/en/medical-pet-shirts-en
  3. Thanks Julie. I'd decided that I would just go myself and leave the dog at home. Sent my form and payment last week so you should have it by now. Looking forward to the day.
  4. Just a thought. Do you think Didi may have been protecting you? In the first instance someone holding a strange object in their hand moved toward her/you and in the second you had her between you and a solid object and someone came toward you with a stick and raised (albeit slightly) raised hand.
  5. After struggling with Oster corded clippers for years I spoilt myself last year and bought some Heiniger Saphir Cordless clippers. They are brilliant. Reasonably light, and easy to manage, being cordless I don't have to work around the cord and they do not run hot after being used for a while. They have cut the time it takes me to do my dogs by about half. They are not cheap @ $365 (as per Clipperworld yesterday) but IMO well worth the extra cost. I bought an extra battery pack with mine but unless you are doing several dogs at once I don't think you need it. From memory the extra batter was about $80. I'm not able to help you with blade size for the Cresteds I'm sorry but have a look on Clipperworld's website and they will have the details of the blades there which may help. Otherwise ring them and I'm sure they will be able to help. The blades are all interchangeable I bought one yesterday and Clipperworld staff recommended a Buttercut brand which coat me $34 as opposed to the Heiniger brand @ $85. My Oster blades work well on then too.
  6. I was not suggesting agility equipment as such, just a range of similar items that were low. As OSS puts it bridges may be a better term. Tyres lying on the ground instead of set up as a jump. I would not have thought the risk of injury was any greater than the dog jumping off the top f a pile of dirt/pipe/sane etc. Another thing I have seen give many a dog much fun but you might not be happy with is bales of straw.
  7. Am I correct in thinking that the only people registering with the MDBA are MDBA members? Not really - the only people registering their litters are MDBA members but our information comes also from people who are not members who provide us with information about their purebred dogs which we add into the data base to enable breeders to have greater knowledge to profile a pedigree and 'line' to select the best breeding dogs. Is the MDBA database readily accessible to only the MDBA members or generally available? Only members for now but it will be more widely available in the future. Have to say that there are interesting things to talk about in what you see in the "lines" such as higher incidence of something in the family when an animal is desexed early etc. Hoping to be able to correlate and consider lots of things as well as heritability over time as the information builds. Not just health gathered but also temperament and what work a dog does etc. Also information is coming in from world wide - 11 countries so far. Thanks Steve. I have recently read a few articles on the negatives of early de sexing. I find it quite ironic that the social pressure that is put on people to de sex early is beginning to look like the cause of much angst for owners. Throwing the baby out with the bath water comes to mind.
  8. Am I correct in thinking that the only people registering with the MDBA are MDBA members? Not really - the only people registering their litters are MDBA members but our information comes also from people who are not members who provide us with information about their purebred dogs which we add into the data base to enable breeders to have greater knowledge to profile a pedigree and 'line' to select the best breeding dogs. Is the MDBA database readily accessible to only the MDBA members or generally available?
  9. What about adding some agility type items, small/low table top, beam, seesaw etc. These could have different surfaces - non slip paint, rubber etc. It sounds like a wonderful plan.
  10. Am I correct in thinking that the only people registering with the MDBA are MDBA members?
  11. You can purchase, through Dogs NSW, a database of any specific breed. I bought one last year, it cost me $65 per 1000 entries. The form for applying for this is available on Dogs NSW website. Even though I am in Vic I could still use this and I hope to do so again early next year to keep my database up to date. No health testing is recorded on this and I'm not aware of any database that has this. The breed information includes: dogs name, regn. no. breeder, breeder m/ship no. DOB, gender, sire, dam and regn. nos. of sire and dam, colour
  12. One feed per day at about 2 - 2.30pm. My son when he was at school used to fed the dogs when he came home about 3.30pm and when he left home and I retired a few years later I continued that. The dogs remind me about 23.5 hours after their last feed that it is time to feed again so that feeding time came back to about 2ish. I find this gives them time to go to the toilet before they come inside of an evening and it gets it is convenient for me.
  13. Not sure where in Vic you are PME but I suggest you try contacting Ann Nevill a holistic Vet in Bentleigh East (East West Veterinary Group) 9555 1899. I believe she will also do phone consultations.
  14. Great dogs, Airedales. Vizslamomma, you will not get any argument about that from me. 41 years in the breed and still cannot imagine not having one. There is no doubt that it is better to strip an Airedale but as showdog says most pet people have them clipped. It does however, usually make the coat softer and lighter.
  15. Because in many cases the breed as prepared for the show ring does not look like an ungroomed pet. I'm thinking in particular about my breed and other prepared terriers. An Airedale left untrimmed looks vastly different to a show trimmed Airedale Terrier. Yes, the basics are the same under all the hair but what is seen at a show is not what one gets unless they spend time or money making it that way.
  16. Sounds great, would love to participate in this. Would it be appropriate/ideal to do so with a 12 year old dog with no obedience experience or do you think I would be better registering without a dog?
  17. Maybe a bit bigger than you are considering but IMO worth a look is an Airedale Terrier. Yes the digging may be a problem but most of your other requirements would be met and by making a secure area away from your garden the digging could be contained. Not all Airedales are diggers by a long shot.
  18. I think I am about to get a new puppy. It will be the first for 9 years and one of only a few in 41 years that I have not bred myself. For me at this stage the hardest part is can I do the right thing by the pup in terms of general training, bite inhibition, socialisation etc. This doubt is enough to make me seriously wonder if I should get this pup.
  19. Thanks for the explaination on spots and blotches. Like everything it needs to be kept in perspective.
  20. Hi Erny, No experience with this condition but I would highly recommend Ann Nevill. She will not send them off for tests just for the sake of it in my experience is well aware of the financial burden on clients and looks to lessen those as much as possible. Why are you exploring the Canine Cough? Because of the possible activity in the throat being from a separate issue?
  21. dotdadhdot, am I correct in saying that your black spotted dally would not be acceptable/ideal for the show ring because some of her markings (ears & throat) are too heavy? Blotches rather than spots. I love the baby photos. Oh the others are nice too. LOL
  22. Thanks for your replies. fortunately for me it is not my dog missing, I'm just trying to help out. Sandgrubber, that is an interesting response from tracking people. I wounder why they think that. While the trail may be too old if he is on the move then would not there be a new trail. Only problem with this is that there has been no sighting that we know of since Friday. Anyway I just thought it may be worth asking.
  23. There is a lost dog in Melbourne, now missing since July 17th. Does anyone know of someone who may have a dog that could be used to try tracking this boy? He was lost from near the Koonyong Tennis Club. He was last seen on Friday 18th.
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