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Everything posted by Kazm

  1. Totally understand Gretel. It's not nice. We said goodbye to my baby girl on Monday but whenever she had bad days I would always get upset too. I hated what was happening to her. Now I'm just constantly upset and it hurts real bad. Miss my little girl.
  2. Yes Dave, that she did. Right up to the last day she kept trying. I swear I have never known such a tough little dog.
  3. Just wanted everyone to know that my Zena came home to us today in time for Easter. We had her cremated and she received the best treatment. I now have my little 'red' girl ( from day 1 she had red collars, red coats, red leads, red bowls and red blankets) back with us in her beautiful little red urn. It's not the same as having my beautiful little girl here to cuddle but at least her soul is now back where it belongs. With us. The days have been hard. We have our moments. Molly is doing ok. She did something the other day to prove to me that we would be fine. We'll eventually get there. Thankyou for everyone's beautiful comments.
  4. Hey Tassie. Glad to hear Kirra is still doing ok. Hopefully you will get a lot more time with her. Hurts too much when they leave. I hope your little Ingrid continues to have good days too Gretel
  5. Just want to tell you all of an interesting moment I had this morning with my Molly. We are still struggling, she seems quiet but this morning Molly did something to prove to me we will be ok. First thing Molly came downstairs and she did seem very quiet and as I watched her she wandered over to one of our lounges where Zena spent a lot of time and she walked the full length of it looking up and to me it looked like she was checking to see if Zena was there. This upset me and I will admit that after my husband left for work Molly and I sat on the ground and I had a good cry with her and spent some time just talking to her. For once she sat and really listened to me and looked me straight in the eye. From there we went back downstairs and she wandered over to a dog toy box I have in a corner of the room. This she only ever uses when there is another dog staying with us. I stood quietly just watching her and she rummaged around until she found a toy. One of Zena's and in the middle of it is a squeaker that actually makes a laughing noise. This is not a toy she would usually choose. She grabbed it, made it laugh and came running over to me and dropped it. Maybe it was my imagination but it seemed to me that she was trying to say it's ok to laugh and play and we'll get through this. I gave her a big hug and then gave her a good game of fetch. And yes she did make me laugh and from that moment she seemed like her old normal self. I really think you have to give animals more credit than the average person would. I honestly think I have been totally blessed to have had Zena in my life and now her daughter has well and truly stepped up. I really love my girls.
  6. Thanks everyone. We are missing our precious girl terribly. It's been a s... day. Memories will keep us going. I hope. And all our very supportive friends. Zena touched so many people's hearts. She was just that kind of girl. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. Hope she's happy now. We aren't but realise life must go on and we really need to look after her daughter, our Molly, now.
  7. Thanks everyone.It has been such a hard day. Everywhere I look I can see her and even as I move about the house I have had to stop as I have found myself calling out to her and Molly as I normally would. It is a crappy time mackiemad. My girls and my other pets mean so much to me and I know I love them all too deeply but they give back what you give them. I have just spent the day reliving the last 8 weeks and I just honestly hope that there was nothing else I could have done for my Zena. She truly was a special schnauzer. Those that were a part of her life know what I mean. I could go on forever about her. This little one was so intelligent I used to have to spell certain words just so she wouldn't get excited over whatever it was I was saying. She loved santa and would look to the sky when he was mentioned. She loved birthdays and Christmas and would unwrap all her gifts by herself. People must think I'm mad but she truly would. She could read me like a book and always knew what I was up too. How can I get over losing an animal like that. She was super amazing and yes I have so many memories and hopefully none will be forgotten. All my people who have bought puppies Zena produced have been very supportive but then we did become such good friends with all of them. Amazing people. Poor little Molly does seem to be missing her. She is quiet and occasionally it seems like she's looking for her. Won't sit in Zena's lounge spot. She just sits in her place right next to where Zena spent a lot of the last few weeks. But we are giving her lots of love, hugs and attention. Hopefully in time we will all be ok.
  8. A lot of you would already know about my Zena. For those who don't she was diagnosed with cancer that was untreatable. Yesterday we had to make that heart wrenching decision to let her go. She passed away very quickly and peacefully but has left a huge hole in our hearts. Our life can never be the same without her. She was such a beautiful little girl. Everyone who met her loved her and she loved right back. Everywhere I look I can see her and the tears just don't stop. We just miss her so so much and honestly just want my girl back. Yes, I know she's not tired or in pain anymore but we just had so much more left to do. She was only 9. Rest in peace my little lovey. I will never ever forget you. Until we meet again. Loved you Zena
  9. Just an update - my sweet gorgeous girl Zena passed away yesterday morning. Exactly 8 weeks since diagnosis. She did very well and made me so proud to be her friend, not owner, friend. We made the decision as we could see she just had nothing more to give. She was so tired and just wanted to sleep. She was looking quite frail and was having difficulty walking. Sunday morning she had snuggled closely into my husband in bed and later that morning she came to me asking to sit on my lap. I think it was her way of saying goodbye. She passed very quickly and peacefully.
  10. My Molly hates being brushed but I tell her it's all part of being born a schnauzer. Lol She puts up a good argument but never wins. Maybe I should put a bowl of food in front of her as a distraction. Maybe that would work. She loves food.
  11. All men must be the same Pandi-girl. My hubby wouldn't put up with it either. Yes, I agree, look after yourself R. You really do sound like you have your hands full.
  12. Know where you're coming from. I'm currently dealing with a sick little girl who has never shown pain. Some are just too tough for their own good. Best wishes to you
  13. Personally I think I would get it looked at. I'm just a bit paranoid about lumps on doggies. Better to be safe than sorry I think.
  14. Poor little Ingrid. Thinking of you. She might be 15 but it's still never long enough.
  15. She is so gorgeous. Good luck with her new diet. I hope it gives her extra time as well as quality of life towards the end. And thanks. My Zena is a toughie. Always has been. Only ever heard her yelp once in her life and that's when the cat pushed her off our bed. Lol. Oh, the memories I have. She's not having such a good day today.
  16. Very interesting reading. I always wondered what the purpose of the dew claw was. Learn something new every day. We were actually going to have our little girls removed last year when we had her desexed but at the last minute we got soft and changed our minds. The only reason we were considering it was because the little sod jumps up and sometimes she kind of grabs our legs and in summer time her dew claws can scratch us quite badly. Even though I do trim her nails. We just now try to stop her jumping up as much.
  17. Hope all went well with your holistic vet visit Tassie. I'm kind of sorry I actually didn't try something like that right from the beginning but we were given such a bad prognosis and no one expected her to stay with us for very long at all. Nobody even suggested trying anything. And I guess we were kind of shell shocked. If we ever have to go down this wretched path again I will be a different person. By the time I'd done my research we all knew it was too late. Even though she is still with us. She's done a good job all on her own. Hopefully you will have some good times and plenty of them still with your girl. What's her name if you don't mind me asking?
  18. I can understand how hard it must be to function as you say. We have a very sick little miss at present and are getting close to having to say goodbye to her. It will be one of the hardest decisions we have to make. She is going to be terribly missed. I am fortunate to be able to stay at home with my little girls. Zena ( mum dog ) and Molly ( her daughter). Zena has been such a life loving, fun little girl who had so much energy until recently and has been constantly with me 24/7. She has always loved to be where ever I am. Still does. Can't even go to the toilet by myself. Lol. Whenever we sit on the lounge she'll be right there by our side, needing to touch one of us and yes she sleeps with us too. So her absence is going to be like a huge hole in our lives. I am also extremely worried about Molly. She has never been away from her mum and they do have an incredible bond. I just worry about her missing her mum and hope that she pulls through it all ok. Us as well. Thinking of you
  19. Hey alibi as you know from reading my posts my girl was given just barely a month but here we are 7 weeks along and she just won't give up. I have spoken to all vets that have seen her and they all say the same. Operating is not an option. They all agree too that she shouldn't still be here and that makes it so hard as on her really good days I find myself doubting them but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do. These last few weeks I agree with you, have been so much of a struggle getting her to eat. And yes it's so stressful. I can't think of anything else. I don't sleep well at night and feel sick in the stomach with constant worry. It really is a horrible time. And my fridge has so many little containers of left over food. Food that she did want and may want again but probably won't. Every time she gets a bit low I mentally decide that the time has come and it's just like she's a mind reader as she perks up again and while she walks ok and wags her little tail at us and snuggles in for a cuddle there is no way we can do it. Sorry to hear of your loss and the troubles you went through due to this horrible disease.
  20. What a cutie. I am sorry to hear of your loss. He sounds like he was a great little guy. I think when you have a four legged friend who spends so much time with you and wanting to sit by or on you you feel the loss of their presence so much. Take care and treasure all the memories you have of him. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  21. Sorry to hear that your girl is not well and I feel so much for you heading into this awful situation too. It's absolutely terrible and it takes too many of our 4 legged friends. For some reason my girl is just not giving up. Last Friday we thought was the day but within an hour of thinking that, she had perked up again and she spent a great weekend with us and some of her favourite people. Monday just gone she was so good nobody would have thought much was wrong with her but today she is so much quieter again and food is an issue. She has started to lose weight and that's not good. She is still a determined little thing though but we honestly don't believe she can give us much more and we are really starting to think. We can not allow her to suffer. It has now been 7 weeks. We were told barely a month but that's my girl. Just love her too much. We know that we are possibly down to her last days, even though I'm sure I've said that before, but it is so damn hard. She looks at us and wags her tail and you just wonder. Sorry, but I really am struggling. Take care Tassie. Best wishes to you and your family and hugs to your special girl. I hope when she goes it is peaceful.
  22. I agree westiemum. Whenever I give mine the dry food I always call it 'junk food' night. I also highly believe in a varied diet. I always ask my puppy buyers if they would like to eat the same food for every meal.
  23. Everyone has their own opinions naturally but I feed my girls fresh food. Commercial food does not impress me at all. Chicken necks, wings,chick. fillets, eggs, small amount of kangaroo meat, veges, rice and pasta. Some sardines and occasionally dry food and bones twice a week. When you get your pup I would check what the breeder has been feeding and continue on with that and gradually wean it onto whatever you choose.
  24. Wow. Cool. What a bunch of cuties. Nice job!!!
  25. Yes I agree it's very important for breeders to answer any emails as soon as they can. Hopefully it is the weather. As a breeder I checked all emails and answered promptly and with as much info as I could. I only encountered "problems" when I would receive emails asking specific questions and asking for photos to be sent through. I spent a lot of time answering emails and sending lots of photos and then never getting a response I found that quite annoying. A quick thank you for your time and effort doesn't go astray either. I believe in being nice and helping everyone. Especially if they are looking for a fur ever friend. But some people just don't respond quickly to emails so I would just phone them and have a bunch of questions ready to ask. Good luck to you
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