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Everything posted by asal

  1. remind me never to read anything with that set of initials in the thread please
  2. Megan, the RSPCA is answerable to the 'greater good', which is a far greater position than the minsiter. Be Green Vote Green, end animal ownership and animal slavery in Australia! We don't wear them, we don't eat them, we don't own them! Support maditory desexing of all pets. I'm not sure if this is a joke or not either way food for thought. so if all foul domesticated methane excreters are to be eliminated?? does that mean all wild methan excreters are next for extermination????????? theres millions of them,, um actually a few billion of em particularly so in africa yikes homo sapiens also excrete..................what..................methane?
  3. well maybe i will number crunch for all the state rspca's. I think this might be something to consider - RSPCA NSW for example is completely different to RSPCA Australia (according to friend who is a vet nurse in RSPCA NSW). The news/opinions of RSPCA NSW or another state might be (and often are) very different to those of other states or RSPCA Australia. I do think it is very worrying that RSPCA Australia seems to have such a large amount of profit. They are not for profit... Also paying the ceo of a not for profit $120 000 seems pretty cushy! But then most ceo's make unbelievable amounts of money! wonder how many CEO's deliberately say at Mcgraths hill saleyards, "no one but the doggers is allowed to bid "on a bunch of horses they let the owner think and believe would be found good homes, thus to send 10 mares and foals to the doggers? although that was pre 1999 before he became CEO wonder if the attitude has changed since then? i was with the owner when she signed and heard the promise, i also was at mcgraths hill to hear that. so none of it is heresay.
  4. far as i can figure our politicions think the rspca has the power of infalability.. u know like the pope?
  5. your problem is what actually do you think constitutes "evidence" in the case of the gunnedah incident, the rscpa inspector received a complaint re the bull in gunnedah. she did not go to gunnedah. she did contact the owners of the bull and told them to turn it loose. they refused. she then contacted the gunnedah police and told them to enter the property, inspect the bull and ensure it was turned loose, if not, to arrest the owners and jail them. before they left with the prisioners they were to turn the bull loose. my friend did as the police advised, turned the bull loose. the bull only survived because my friend walked behind it all that afternoon and night keeping him moving so he couldnt eat enough clover to kill him while her husband finished the bullyard that was already being constructed and finished before dawn the next morning. the rspca officer never left her office in armidale. either before during or after the incident to come to the property personally. pending the finishing of the yard for him the baby bull was on a 15 foot tether chain (thats a 30 foot circle he could move around in) with access to a large barn with shade and water and hand fed (he was a $7,000 show bull, you could see your reflection in his coat)
  6. no they are not "answerable" to the minister. they must submit an annual "report" to the minister. there is a heap of difference in that. from what i have personally learned that report does not necessarly mean it has to contain the truth either and even if this is pointed out, and i have been in the position to point out what was reported to the minister was in a court of law would be classed as perjury, the minister chose to ignore and end all further correspondance. so dont go holding your breath too long waiting for any accountability comming from there in your lifetime
  7. I'm with you on this one. Desexing is the only way to stop the unwanted supply of dogs and cats out there. I have no problems with any of the laws wanting to be introduced. Registered breeders should be the only ones allowed to have undesexed dogs. Pounds, rescues, shelters, pet shops (which I wish they could ban from selling puppies and kittens), all should be desexed before going to their new homes. Wait until March-April 2011, when all the Christmas puppies and kittens hit the rescue pages or pounds etc. So very sad. You see to have forgotten another important part of the remedy. Education. Teaching responsibiity to owners, like - "if you OWN AN ANIMAL then you are RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LIFE OF THAT ANIMAL and NO, YOU CANNOT PALM OFF YOUR RESPONSIBILITY OF ANIMAL OWNERSHIP ON TO A RESCUE ORGANISATION OR A POUND. IF YOU own the animal, then YOU TAKE CARE OF IT .... til death do us part". Don't want the dog any more, for whatever reason? Then you be the one to hold the dog in your arms while the vet gives it the final needle. Not an easy task. If pet owners had to ask themselves "Can I do that?" BEFORE they committed to animal ownership there would be very few dogs and cats on death row. Most animals are on death row because they were with the wrong owners. Souff HUSH YOUR MOUTH SOUFF, naughy souff, you cant put the owner on the hook surely? surely you know it is the montserous mongrel who bred that poor creature to make $$$$'s from its mummys suffering, they are responsible. ive been told so, so it surely is right? isnt it???????????
  8. who told u that furphy? so you dont know a rspca inspector in armidale can call the police in gunnedah and tell them to arrest the owners of a bull if they have not turned it loose when they arrive to check they have done as told? i know this case i can get me friend to send you a stat dec if you really need one. to turn this baby loose on a property covered in clover was a death sentance, but could she, her husband or the police she sent get this through to the faceless voice on the other end of the line??? nope so dont try that one. the police all raised on the land said they had to do as directed if they didnt turn the bull loose . they had to obey the rspca inspecter even though she never set foot on the place to ascertain the situation herself. the bull was turned loose. as the police said, if they arrested my friend and her husband then there would be no one to save him when he bloated.
  9. alyosha not at all. i think the rspca should be paying their workers more, i respect the work you do and everyone who attempts to make the abandoned animal situation better. i apologise if i have written anything that gave you that idea. in fact, i am appalled that in sa alone they have $8 million in CASH and are paying workers crap wages...all i was saying is that until workers start saying its not good enough then they will continue to have low wages. well they certainly dont pay the ceo crap. 120,000 sounds pretty comfy for nsw's
  10. I believe you are correct. It is VEGAN policy. And Vegans are not green ..... but? dont they eat green
  11. asal

    100 Years Ago

    good grief! I wonder if they really recovered completely? i well remember one of my dads favourite dogs, he got it and was nursed through it and thought to have recovered and did seem fine for nearly a year. then it was noticed he would be playing or whatever and suddenly freeze. imobile to the extent you could pick him up and he was fixed like a stuffed toy?? just as suddenly he was un frozen and continue as if nothing had happened.. it was weird took him to the vet but he couldnt find anything wrong, that is until he went to take his tempretare and he again froze lke he had been doing. he couldnt even move his jaws let alone legs. he apparently had suffered brain damage. thats one dreadful disease. im so glad its virtualy extinct today
  12. are you serious? so where did you get you dog from? naughty. good question though.
  13. yep thats it. why dont u just solve your problem in one hit..... legislate no puppy can be sold for more than 100 dollars. get rid of every single pensioner that counts on her puppy pin money. and kiddo they are the bulk of the canine registries belive it or not. actually it would get rid of all but opps litters wouldnt it?
  14. thats a no brainer....more laws mean more chance of catching more fish. like judy guard makes it easier to raise income levels
  15. sorry steve asked the question in the wrong thread cheers
  16. Trouble is far as i can see,,, you no longer have rights if you are a pet owner... its interesting.. they talk of you having the right to make your own decisions,, if you kill someone you are innocent until proven guilty.. although that Gabe watson (is that his name?) can kill his wife of 11 days.. do a plea bargain... get 18 months.. and... the very same govt lawers that got him that fairy smack... wont let him be taken to the states until THEY are guaranteed he wont face the death penalty over there.... that guy HAS RIGHTS... as for the dead wife? dont see her getting parole or rehabilitation any time soon. BUT you want a pet dog or cat or whatever and what are u? GUILTY UNTIL proven innocent,, and anyway if you do attract attention and they cant find something to charge you with the smoke taint never lifts... is this world sick and getting sicker by the minute?? looks like it to me anyway
  17. "10. Stop any further breeding of companion animals, including purebred dogs and cats. Spaying and neutering should be subsidized by state and municipal governments. Abolish commerce in animals for the pet trade. Excellent progress has been made. The gene pools left in Australia after all the spaying and neutering over the last 15 years have now been substantially weakened. Oh yes, and all the blame is now cast on the breeders of purebred dogs, not the people who have desexed animals that should have been left in the gene pools. Another victory!" thats the victory that worries me the most, is it too late to stop the slide into extinction? Number 6 dare not comment on, always gets me labled hysteria mongering
  18. "12. Prohibit the genetic manipulation of species. This one might take a while. Evolution has shown that Mother Nature is quite capable of manipulating genes all by herself and definitely had a headsup! Now, where were we ...... " love it Souff trouble is now if it shows up in a dog, then its automatically the breeders fault..... they did it... mother nature and evolution dont happen only unethical breeders happen..... sigh :D
  19. lot of ticks or near ticks already n fifi dont kid yourself its all is the intention
  20. good one erny has it occurred to any one all these dog laws or more politically correct than actually realistic? still cant get my head around the one that snared judy guard is still out there unamended
  21. well ive tried google to try and find where it came from. found three talking about it http://www.nawcc-ch149.com/ch149mb/viewtop...d5ab8c350b50845 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2634124/posts http://quasi-superspooge.blogspot.com/2010...orrectness.html
  22. i think dumpage is a public education issue how has it come about that in so many quarters that its being slated to the actual breeder of the dumped dog being treated as the cause is a bit beyond me?
  23. Water does nothing to dogs that are intent on fighting.All it does is make them wet and harder to grab hold of. not quite so. keep the hose full bore on the nose, preferably straight up the nose if you can so it fills with water, and guess what? they cant breathe.... have to let go and youve the chance to pull them apart while spluttering... worked a treat when two cattledogs latched onto each other. partdrowned the worst agressor, then turned it on the other when he tried to renew the attack while the half drowned was being dragged away
  24. There is a contest at University of New Brunswick calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term. This year's term was: "Political Correctness". The winner wrote: "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."
  25. my brother was in that situation.. three, or was it 4? greyhounds. certainly more than they are legally allowed to walk, pulled their trainer over and went after his shetland sheepdog. run certainly wasnt an option. he scooped her up and held her as high over his head as he could. the greyhounds trying to climb him.. being nearly 6 foot helped a bit and them being muzzled certainly had to hold the pose until the trainer caught up with them and pulled them off. his dog not panicking or trying to jump from his hands probably saved her life too.
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