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Everything posted by asal

  1. curious isnt it. as i recall according to the records theres been three phases of global warming and ice ages as well before man was even around to "cause" it? so sceptical?? yep :D
  2. frankly if the incidence is 1 in 4 that equates to a B. WHATEVER the gene they are talking. for a one in four incidence of an expression both parents have to be carrying one pair of the defective elle or gene in pra for example A is free of the gene and ALLL PUPPIES ARE clear. one in four means both parents are B carrying one copy of the defect. soo are they saying ALLL CAVALIERS are carriers?
  3. hey i just stumpbled on this googling for something else? http://www.sosnews.org/newsfront/?p=532 so there has been a senate enquiry? anyone know what transpired? n how tragic it this ladys story. how come no city papers took it up? ho is about a few things, i mean the lady in armidale
  4. polies want and like press.. we need to get enough numbers to rallys at the parliment gates. then every pollie who want's his/her piccie taken might, just might actually listen while he/she's being pictured by the press. any photo shoot will do from what ive noticed over the decades, if they think theres a vote in it theyr there. cynical... u bet... but any better ideas?
  5. my suspicion is rallys big enough to attract the tv and papers to headline it.
  6. toy dog, i dont have any ideas anymore. i drafted up a letter (umm amend that to quite a few over the last decade) and sent it to every politician listed. n what did i get back? thanked me for my input, yes. then advised me as my address was not in their electorate sorry but cant help. to please contact the polie in my electorate. soo from that i gather i you expect any results we need to have as many people as possible in as many electorates write . because it sure came back to me that, not in their electorate. in to the bin it goes. as for my own area poli? thanked me kindly for the input..... n silence. good luck folks they genuflect to the greenies. but what do the greenies do to get the desired response, is the question?
  7. ooooo caramel looks just like Cynthia.. n Winston looks like Snowy/Luke. well he had black eyes. gee u bring back memories.... old age took them over 15 years ago, still miss em
  8. sorry steve, apologies. but it just sends me nuts. sooo many still in favour of MORE laws in the quest to control 'puppy farmers' n the silence over asking for something as straightforward as a law surely despeartely needed, giving victums of the very power who will be 'enforcing them' n has already rolled over such as judy to have an avenue of appeal instead of having to endure the juggernaut of all their fees if your lucky and they cant find a chargable offence or the tens of thousands, nay hundred of thousands, of legal fees if they force u to court like they did with Ruth Dalton. just short of 300,000 in just the legal fees for them shooting her cattle.... like they never fed em even a bucket of feed. yet kept a group of men on 'standby' n pay waiting t for the signal to move in in bury them soon as they were shot, they were on standby for nearly a week. as one lady pointed out, the fees for the prosecution of the guy who killed her sister didnt amount to that? what is going on? why does no one, not even the polies twig, something is seriously wrong when ONE and ONE organisation only is exempt from accountablity or appeal? what happened to oscar was apalling,,, n now there is a push for his law.. but still no push nor thread even about making the rspca accountable or appeal avenue. why is human suffering ignored? victums of the rspca are just as helpless as oscar. do dog people really dispise their own this much? that what it seems anyway
  9. i want to know what they are going to do about it , what are they doing exactly? have they done anything at all. i want their answer to this. and why aren't they doing anything. or if they have done something what is it they've done. this is what the members should be asking of them, afterall we pay them to stand up for us and as far as i can see here in this thread they aren't doing it. oscarslaw are calling for a ban on sales on petshops and shut down farms, they keep on saying it i can paste from fb page if you like the oscarslaws fb page. RSPCA are calling for tougher laws and polies are delivering as far as they are concerned. people are saying on their FB pages are you listening guys, we want to shut down farms we don't want any more laws. we want oscarslaw which says banning of sales, shut down farms. they also say starting a real campaign about pet ownership and i got into this further and it said desexing pets. this is what im saying, farms are legal and already conform to all laws so it doesn't affect them. people are asking for these farms to close but instead polies are just putting more laws up, is it what the public want? no. is it what anyone wants no, its what RSPCA want and what by the looks of it they are going to get despite many calling for something completely different. Perhaps a better question is what should we be doing about it. Not pushing for new laws which will expose the fact that most registered breeders are in breach of local laws ? they are calling for tougher laws and any new laws affect any one who breeds not just one tiny group and thats what we have been trying to say. I sat at the roundatable conference and Im promising you they are after anyone who breeds dogs in sub standard conditions. What is sub standard conditions? Conditions which don't comply with local environment laws and mandatory codes. That's you. Oscar law may say only commercial breeders but this is Australia and you cant make laws for them and not us. exactly or EXACTLY I just still cant believe how gullable everyone seems to be. if nothing else what happened to Judy Guard should have at least woken more people up to the fact that the dogs welfare IS NOT ON THE RADAR; eliminating ANKC members is. gee folks,, theyve sent the full armour of the law after her. for what? an 'accidntental' (my foot it was) inclusion in one of the new laws dog showis backed? in their hunt for those tail docking. n that just 'slipped in" about debarking? yet a dog bred in and debarked in nsw can be shown in vic, and its not going to get the owner charged. but a dog born in vic debarked in nsw can get you 42 convictions for 'exhibiting' . n the first one spotted is put down by the discovering vet? n the very prosecutors do what? debark, and you can show a dog bred in vic n debarked by their standards in vic and not be breaking the law, if thats not insane what is? get your heads around the facts. this is a witch hunt and folks.....your the witches.
  10. this 'morphing' does not just apply to the dog world. i well remember my friend coming home from a cat club meeting crying, yes crying. it had been pushed through to remove "pleasant expression" from the persian standard so the grimacing gargoyles with noses so short thats all they could do, grimace, but now thanks to those who prefered their even flatter faced hardly breathe look, could now win. as for the arabian. thousands of years bred for soundness remodeled in a few decades to what? friend paid 7,000 for a ribbon winning colt, he could never ride, he had so much "animation" he would rear and go over backwards without warning. but hey, the judgs want animation, that's more important than sense now apparently, n hey the judges don't ride em, think the fool who coined the phrase "living work of art " needed shooting, that in a breed once noted for its temperament, n excellence as a saddle horse at least i suppose we can thank our lucky stars there's not 400 kg dogs can land on u
  11. had this thoughts as i was doing the breakies this morning. not sure if its free of confusions so hard to work out the best wording but here goes. Shows, showing n where the breeds really came from. n why the other side sees showing as the dark side. Reading all the reasons given and or bandied about for the elimination of “backyarders” (when we all have them) and puppy farmers when in the eyes of the animal welfare’s n libbers if u breed you’re a puppy farmer. The one thing the majority belive shows they are “ethical” is they show or if they are not currently show, breeding “show” quality. What every registered breeder has failed to realise, is the SHOW ring did not create the breeds we know and love. They were created by backyarder’s. Bred for a purpose to the “standard” of the breeders choice. Parson Jack Russel created the what? The German Coolie/Koolie has been a highly regarded working dog in this country for centuaries, no one here has bothered to apply to any ankc to make them a registrable showable breed. It took some yanks on the other side of the world to go to the trouble and have em lobb back here as Australian shepherds? Now just why may this be so? Pretty simple really, same reason the Australian working kelpie has its own registry n not shown Since the advent of dog shows the showring has proven time and time again to refashion the breed year by year with no regard for the very qualities that it became a breed. Only the outer shell is “improved” daily, yearly monthly, as the standard is so easily reinterprated in some cases reinvented. Nobody could honestly say the british bulldog is the same breed it was 200 years ago. Its morphed into a stumpy legged caricature of the the animal it once was. Ditto for breed after breed all “improved “ until their creators would undoubly be unable to recognise them as descended from their kennel. Since when was any breed improved by the inability to be selected for unassisted whelping? Ceaseraians except in the case of a malpresention is now in many breeds more the norm than the exception, that in no streatch of the imagination should be construed as improvement surely. As for the Chihuahua standard. Here was a breed thousands of years old, reproducing in the jungles of south America, no vets there. The second it became a “show” dog the standard had in it “the more dimunative preferred” and the scaling down has been impressive to what benefit to the breed? Only now has that stupid sentence been removed, n not about time. As for the morphing of them from the dog found to the dog today is not sticking to the Aztec standard they wouldn’t recognise their little dog today. So to these “breeders” show is symomous with destruction, pretty much like the “pedigree dogs exposed program”. I have never heard the working dog breeds exposing the elimination of “backyarders” they are smart enough to twigg that means everyone. Unlike the show sceanies. So those who do not think they have jumped into bed with the animal libbers are certainly seen to have done so by many with a different perspective.
  12. u know whats even funnier? all this agnst over debarking. n so many thinking it should be totally banned. guess what folks. judy guard isnt being prosecuted because the dog was debarked solely. have u forgotten? the rspca debark dogs. they are quite ok with you "exhibiting" any dog debarked by them or by their rules. their agnst is that judys was done in another state. :rofl: :rofl: :D THIS IS HER CRIME if she had had the rscpa slit their throats open and rearrange em she would still be showing away. NOT FACING massive fines, no longer allowed to be a member or breed or show pedigree dogs again... pretty big penalty. without remembering if they want add 84 years jail time on top. it that aint overkill for an op they do themselves what is? her crime was she used her vet in nsw, who doesnt cut their throats like the rspca prefers, remember.. they were flying in an expert at judys costs to ascertain if the dreaded through the mouth op had been done instead of their preferred method.
  13. my two girls were poles apart in colour, cynthia was chocolate n cream, where your polecats are sort of blackish n cream. snowy was STUNNING. she was the one of the untwistable neck.. lucky she was so flexible eh pure white with eyes as black as beads. NO albino in snowy. the boy i bought to keep them company was like snowy with the black eyes too like his mum. his name escapes me at the moment. my other boy was Simon and he was like cynthia. chocolate n cream, n he was the prongiest wardancer in the country.. Ha Frosty tried to be a close second, but simon had the art of doing 5 prongs where there was only room for 4 and thus alwasy crashing either into. over or off something.. didnt seem to mind being laughed at fortunately
  14. I simply have to stop this . walk away n lock these things out of my head. nothing was believed 20 years ago or more when the hunt began and collateral damage is irreversable and as inevitable here as it is in war. may as many of you as possible miss stopping a bullet. wonder if i will be around long enough to see if theres any survivors?
  15. and yes i know. we all have backyard i could be called a backyard breeder too. but that is the term that has stuck. what else do you call them thats not long winded but some people go, whats that anyway. true.. so its neatly shortened and your just as likely to be netted n eliminated as Judy Guard. ho well, maybe it should be considered exciting to see who gets meshed and eliminated n who gets missed in the hunt. as so many have said in the past. the elimination of innocents happens in a war, they are called, "collateral damage" maybe those so eliminated can stand proud they contributed to the fall of those actually aimed at eliminating? except only they will know they were not the target. the ones not eliminated will all firmly believe they and they only were fit and proper. the "where theres smoke theres fire" brigade dont believe theres such a thing as "collateral damage", or "friendly fire" could kill or eliminate an innocent
  16. trouble is look at the mess they made of the tail docking law, shoved in its a crime to "exhibit" debarked dogs and Judy Guard is first in the net. n what does that have to do with puppy farms?? they are busy sowing legal minefields with every one of these new laws and even though its amazing how many politicions studied law before politics. im rapidly comming to the conclusion their main point of study was the confusing of jury's/joe public. not law drafting. the amount of additions shoved in, for whatever reasons, n I dont seem to recall anyone enlightening us how making it a crime to show a debarked dog has anything whatso ever with eleminating or preventing cruelty or puppy farming anywhere whatsoever. but its now law and someone/organisation is standing to make a nice pot of mula out of Judy. n the bell wether dog paid with its life because the vet decided it wasnt socalised properly.. considering it was a ex showdog n no one has mentioned it was ever banned from the ring for attacking a judge, i would somehow have to presume it was not savage? since when was not showing affection to a complete stranger, even if said complete stranger is a vet with the power of life and death over you if you dont adore em on sight how is it now acceptable said vet can say its not socalised enough and should be put down? AND DOES SO, dont forget. loves doggies all right. but only Affectionate doggies it seems. this in a breed that even the standard describes as aloof? does this mean every afgan, maremma, cattledog, so many of such breeds will be decimated of all representatives that dont fawn to, and run to ,complete strangers? theres far more implications and precedents rearing their noses just over that one.. whats hiding, yet to see light of day we dont know yet?
  17. thems was deaf then, would be nice to think the wax is running out and freeing up their ears, but i dont hold out a lot of hope. n look where its got me... raving,,, ranting....nn weird please do be careful. i would hate to see u straightjacketed beside moi no its the panic buttons confusing me. no way your in that danger. apologies for even thinking it
  18. just as i tried to explain, if you eliminate "backyard breeders" you are backing eliminating yourself. EVERYONE, has a backyard. be it 1 mtr square or 100 miles square.. .... n look where its got moi your beginning to sound a little like what i was thinking 20 years ago ?
  19. You're weird. OK you win. very civil of u actually, usually get branded , ranting or raving.. inference being mad i think what was the prize incidently didnt realise it was a competition
  20. does steve now have two monikers k9 n steve? i gather k9 being an expert, my crime was mentioning what i had observed that didnt fit what the expert said. again another case of shut up or wear the unethical billboard. ho dont bother answering. TA.
  21. n how many of you thought its only good for trucks n tractors eh?
  22. yes its been a hoot hasnt it, learned stuff i wish i had known when i still had my lot. keep it stored in case another wanders into my life again. the first i discovered at a pet stall in penrith markets. so skinny no one wanted her n even her owner thought she was going to die, he couldnt fatten her up. so muggins came home with her n discovered she ADORED milk n egg yolk. never looked back after that. he sure was stunned to see her only 2 months later. the second girl i ended up with because my first girl came into season and in the search for a boy to put her too rather than loose her, arrived at the owners house just in time to hear him tell his wife to "get the gun as hed have to shoot her. she's too squirmy to ring her neck ." sooo muggins asks whats the problem n gets given the most stunning pure white girl with an apalling case of what he called footrot. rang hubbies vet mates and a good soaking in diesel daily and bingo... 3 months later svelte ferret with equally svelte toes n nails. amazing stuff diesel oil?
  23. K9: about euthanasia being legal, no that is correct. K9: So this lady has debarked every one of her dogs, all 20 of them, hmmmm thats interesting. But anyway, try doing some research and you will see that I am correct. K9: Unfortunately it is not an exact science, some dogs go through the procedure and no effect takes place, others the tissue grows back or they bark off the scar tissue created in the surgery, others develop breathing problems and some are totally silent. K9: so as most people in suburbia have 3 neighbours within 80 feet, the point of debarking is? lol K9:Seems you travel in circles of people who like to debark dogs... K9: Russian Roulette anyone? yes she had three that would bite strangers, being chihuahuas it wasnt that much of a problem, only got chomped once helping doing nails for her. but then perhaps u should be bringing in BSL for any chi's that bite too? oddly when she died these three along with the boy were given to me, n once i was no longer the "stranger" in their house they dont bite? lucky for me they were the old ones and have since crossed the n theres only one left, the friendly one yes i move in sick circles if that is what you intend to infer. she lived in the suburbs. she was surrounded on two sides by a school so barking wasnt a problem there. BUT THE ONE neighbour she did have decided one day to call the RSPCA, Animal Welfare and the council ranger. all three turned up same day half n hour apart. she was terribly distressed by the out of the blue to her complaint. turned out they had a new baby that woke to the slightest sound so they did the biscuit. she was given an ultimatioum.. debark or destruct every single one of em. being a totaly dreadfull person she complied with the debark order as she for some odd reason didnt want to kill her dogs. yep some sick unethical people out there. n yes every single one of them could bark. it was the pitch lowered not them rendered totaly mute. sorry to dissappoint you NOT. so i gather u can be added to the list of those who dont agree with you, must be bad people? n so it goes. so that makes me one of em, n so its then ever so highly ethical to insinuate im bad and to be not believed i gather? agree or be tarred as unethical, is it? or shut up when your posts are up or pay the price ? somehow i think the quickest i rehome that dog of hers the better, but who will accept a tortured dog?. thanks to all the crap being bandied about debarked dogs i learned fast, I cannot let strangers meet him, they think the worst the second he barks at them. so the word is being well spread. dead is better than debarked. cant give it back to her. she had a heart attack afterwards, family thinks it was the stress. didnt die straight away lingered for quite a while. as for the dog that the friend debarked and got its voice back. in the 60 odd years my husband n he were friends with that was the only dog he ever resorted to having done. and he bred an awful lot of dogs over those decades. think i remember being told he was the oldest kennel prefix still going of his chosen breed. n no he bred cattle dogs, not chihuahuas. n yes im extremly short tempered for some strange reason.
  24. Really? Why is that, Steve? ie what's the dog psychology behind it? K9: The availability of the dog giving warning sounds (growling, whinning, barking) has been removed, so biting is all that is left (is the main theory). just because the growl is soft doesnt make it any less a warning. whoever ignorned the warning more fool them. cant recall a dog that didnt add lips curling, teeth showing, theres a lot of body language going on before the bite... whose deaf and blind??? not the dog i think
  25. surely you are joking? as i said earlier i knew a lady every one of her dogs were debarked and there were some 20 of them.. no how no way could they bark for help or yelp and not be heard. debarking DOES NOT SILENCE THE DOG FOR goodness sake. it lowers the pitch so it cant carry for miles . full stop. it certainly can be heard by the owner... well unless its out in the country and hundreds of yards from them. i have one of her dogs now and i can hear him 80 feet from me n how many suburban yards are much bigger than that nowdays? most even less what a crock of misinformation that seems to me from what i have seen and heard over 30 years with friends debarked dogs, anyway n the ones she had that bit, bit before they were done, some have attitude, others dont
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