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Everything posted by oakway

  1. Errrrrrrrrrrr, Why not put the dog in his kennel yard while the washing is on the line.
  2. Hi, First of all dogs/bitches are de-sexed. In bitches it is called spayed and in dogs it is called neutered.. It appears that the change of antibiotic has worked. If the vet is not sure what has caused the bleeding I have no idea what could have caused it. I have seen dogs/bitches pee what looks like blood, but it was just due to stress and over heating.
  3. They had Royal Canin before - not Sensible, but Maxi, so I don't see why it should have caused such an horrendous reaction! I'd be inclined to agree you with there. But....it may have a total different formula with more, lets say corn for arguments sake... and your dogs may may not tolerate a larger amount in the formula. Just a thought.
  4. Hi, How about giving him an inner health capsule morning and night. It may help the with upset tummy. Cheers
  5. Hi, You say=== don't really want to feed her on only dry food. Do you have a reason for this? Good quality dry food, with a few chicken necks for her teeth, should be an excellent diet for a Chi. If you select a complete diet it will have everything in it the dog should need. Cheers
  6. Years ago I was told of a litter of puppies that had such a bad worm burden that when the pups were wormed it telescoped the bowel and they died.
  7. No pup should be vac at six weeks of age. Nobivac at 10 weeks. If you want to vac at 8 weeks you can pick whatever you feel is best for your dog. C3 C4 ???? My advise is to find a kennel that is modern and has moved with the times. The vets all know that Vac is not necessary every year. This was discussed at the vet conference in Hobart and that was ages ago now. Don't be fooled by we have a new one that we give every three years either. Its the same vac in a new bottle. Keeps the vets happy, remember they made a lot of money out of yearly vac.
  8. Do u mean home prepared cooked rice and chicken? or something else? I just followed vets advice on the cortisone. I didn't think it was something dogs could be on long term. But it's worth running it by the vet, I spose Yes, just an old cheap boiler. When cooked just strip all the meat off the bone and put in the chicken stock and add some rice and re boil till the rice will soak up all the stock.
  9. Hi, No puppy should be vac before eight weeks. Unless there are unusual circumstances IE= bitch lost at birth or close after. Then I usually vac with a C3 at six weeks. Then at 10 weeks I ask for Nobivac to be ordered in and give that. Normally I would make sure that the pups have had no drinking contact with the bitch from six to eight weeks. Some bitches milk has been tested at six weeks and some still have anti bodies in the milk. If anti bodies are present in the milk the vac will not work. At 8 weeks I usually give a C4 . From now on I will be waiting till 10 weeks and giving the Nobivac. I do not vaccinate yearly. It is not necessary. Once the vac is introduced into the body it will multiply and do its job should the dog come in contact with those diseases.
  10. Hello, Chicken and rice mixture?. If the cortisone helped why not put the dog back on it. I know dog that lived his whole life on low doses of it.
  11. Put the cat in an open wire crate and then bath. Special cat bathing crates can be purchased. The open crate makes it very easy to dry the cat under the dryer also.
  12. Why not try Dog Rocks in the water. Visit the "View All Advertisers" at the top of page and go to the Dog Rocks page.
  13. I have been feeding pork to my dogs for years and it has no effect on mine. Not every day. But when its available.
  14. oakway

    Skin Allergy

    I'm with settrlvr on this. It appears that by your words that the dog only became like this since you bought it home. It could be something that you have growing around the house. Why not try and keep the pup on cement and see if the condition improves. Let us know if you get an improvement. Cheers.
  15. Hi, Take the dog of Rimadyl.
  16. Hi, This is what I have been told about titre tests. If the titre test is low it does not mean that the vaccine is low in the dogs body. It means that the dog has not come in contact with the disease because the anti bodies have not multiplied. If the test comes back high it means that the dog has been in contact with the disease and the anti bodies multiplied and did their job by protecting the dog from the disease.
  17. You can bath dogs every day if you wish. Some dogs have to be bathed every day because of skin complaints. Just make sure that you use a quality shampoo and conditioner in conjunction with a moisturizer. If the dog is outside a lot a sunscreen would not go astray.
  18. Hi, Your Charlie may be OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) I have seen dog change gait from a trot to a pace. Most of these dogs would pace a distance, turn and pace back to a spot, turn and pace back to the original turning spot. These dogs when out walking (on lead) would trot, never pace. Some breeds are more prone to this type of behaviour. As others have suggested, video the dog doing it and show your vet.
  19. The only thing I can suggest is a cement yard with a weld mesh pen.
  20. I think it could be a case of vets like to receive money. A consultation fee and a fee for the vaccine that costs very little.
  21. Have you ever told your OH that the dog means as much to you and his car means to him. Tell him if he is unhappy about the dog to go and purchase a run for her/him. Available at bunnings. If he doesnt like that, you could always show him the door. I did and Ive never missed him at all. :rolleyes: ;)
  22. It's a dog. They also have some disgusting habits to humans, they are dogs and dogs do things like that
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