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Everything posted by oakway

  1. Ring around the vets and find out who has an account with Hemopet. I was told the blood had to be spun down. As I have said before I use a vet that does it all. I just turn up with the dog. Forgot to say my last test was under a $200 but the dollar was better then.
  2. During the one of the American wars (Independence/civil ?) it was noted that dogs that licked the soldiers wounds were the ones that healed quicker and better.
  3. Sydney Royal Results Page. http://www.myras.com.au/res/results/ResultsSearch.aspx?Type=All
  4. We are told that the test done at Hemopet is far more extensive. I use a vet in Qld that does everything. I just have to turn up with the dog. :)
  5. We are breeders and we don't have a crystal ball. If we did all the pups we keep would be BIS winners and not the disappointments at 9 nine months or after and have to be placed in forever pet homes. :)
  6. I only use Jean Dodd's at Hemopet in the USA. The lab does by far, more intensive tests than the ones done in Aust. I haven't had one Thyroid tested for several years now so maybe things have changed in Aus.
  7. I only use Jean Dodd's at Hemopet in the USA. The lab does by far, more intensive tests than the ones done in Aust. I haven't had one Thyroid tested for several years now so maybe things have changed in Aus.
  8. Mine get fed mince balls from 3 weeks of age and after a few days of this they get added soaked dry food mixed in with their mince. The bitch is removed from the pups at 6 weeks.
  9. The OP is referring to this page: My link, the DOL breed information page. Thanks for that, I am pretty sure I get the gist of it now.
  10. This is the standard Australia uses for the Cairn Terrier. This is the standard that is used to judge by. By any chance could you be reading a standard that is used by another country, or just someone's interpretation of the standard. Group 2 (Terriers) History: General Appearance: Agile, alert, of workmanlike, natural appearance. Standing well forward on forepaws. Strong quarters. Deep in rib, very free in movement. Weather-resistant coat. Characteristics: Should impress as being active, game and hardy. Temperament: Fearless and gay disposition; assertive but not aggressive. Head And Skull: Head small, but in proportion to body. Skull broad; a decided indentation between the eyes with a definite stop. Muzzle powerful, jaw strong but not long or heavy. Nose black. Head well furnished. Eyes: Wide apart, medium in size, dark hazel. Slightly sunk with shaggy eyebrows. Ears: Small, pointed, well carried and erect, not too closely set nor heavily coated. Mouth: Large teeth. Jaws strong with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Neck: Well set on, not short . Forequarters: Sloping shoulders, medium length of leg, good but not too heavy bone. Forelegs never out at elbow. Legs covered with harsh hair. Body: Back level, medium length. Well sprung deep ribs; strong supple loin. Hindquarters: Very strong muscular thighs. Good, but not excessive, bend of stifle. Hocks well let down, inclining neither in nor out when viewed from the rear. Feet: Forefeet, larger than hind, may be slightly turned out. Pads thick and strong. Thin, narrow or spreading feet and long nails objectionable. Tail: Short, balanced, well furnished with hair but not feathery. Neither high nor low set, carried gaily but not turned down towards back. Gait/Movement: Very free-flowing stride. Forelegs reaching well forward. Hindlegs giving strong propulsion. Hocks neither too close nor too wide. Coat: Very important. Weather-resistant. Must be double-coated, with profuse, harsh, but not coarse, outer coat; undercoat short, soft and close. Open coats objectionable. Slight wave permissible. Colour: Cream, wheaten, red, grey or nearly black. Brindling in all these colours acceptable. Not solid black, or white, or black and tan. Dark points, such as ears and muzzle, very typical. Sizes: Height: approx. 28-31 cms (11-12 ins) at withers, but in proportion to weight. Weight: ideally 6-7.5 kg (14-16 lbs). Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Notes: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum
  11. It is not necessarily always scent that makes them go to the one spot in many cases it may be habit. If you don't want a use a certain area always take it to the area you want it to use. Good luck.
  12. Why don't you just scoop it up and then straight into the toilet then its all flushed away.
  13. Some litters seem more forward than others. I read an article many moon ago that said puppies open their eyes X amount of days after conception not necessarily after birth.
  14. I think that's what I was trying to say earlier. :)
  15. What do you actually want the dog to assist you with ?. Depending on what your needs are it may depict the breed you will need.
  16. Why not do this if you are concerned about the dog not traveling well. Before you leave for the boat drop your dog off at your favourite shippers to be flown to Tasmania the next day. The dog is only crated for a few hours and takes the stress out it for both of you.
  17. I use what suits the dogs coat best not what I would like to. :) It can take many brands to find out what suits best.
  18. Yes your quite right about having a circular one and also concave. Only problem as far as I am aware they have to be imported and at great expense. They also come with in built heating. I think the cheaper option is, as previously suggested, a clam shell pool and then buy a heat pad. I prefer to have one section warm and part of it not heated so they can crawl off the heat if they want to. If I ever breed another litter this is what I think I will go for. sounds a good plan ... I was thinking of something like a papasan Chair - you remember ? those cane half sphere things - gorgeous to sit in - impossible to get out of ? LOL aaah yes those were the days, when we were young and lithe and slim...........and we still couldn't get out of the damn things! :laugh: LOL!! That's it! :thumbsup:
  19. Yes your quite right about having a circular one and also concave. Only problem as far as I am aware they have to be imported and at great expense. They also come with in built heating.
  20. That's about all you can do. I'm afraid it may be a couple of rough weeks for you. All the best for the litter and you.
  21. My Peptosyl was white but came from the chemist not the vet. I was just concerned that you may have been given scourban instead of Peptosyl. Which chemist sells Peptopsyl? I asked chemist & they don't sell any ant acid medication with Bismuth Salicylate in it..... The vet didn't have it he told me to go to the chemist and get it. ????? was a few years back now. But I kept it in the fridge for a couple of years. I never had any further use for it so I threw it out.
  22. You'd have to ask her this question. Both times she was awake. With the most recent mishap she actually did try to move but as she did she was pressing on the puppys neck even more. It was just lucky I was there and able to push her head down and release the pup. My whippet Penny was the same though, she'd be laying on a puppy and it was squealing and she'd just lay there. I was the one who'd have to rescue it. You're lucky your girls are more responsive. Just wishing you all the best and looks as though you will have to be ever vigilant with her. Looks as though you may be in for a bit of a rough few weeks.
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