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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. Have they delivered flyers to the schools in the area and maybe the local churches may also help H
  2. They're such weirdos sometimes, Mosley ate a whole packet of bird seed when he was little?! Who does that, it can't have tasted very good? the Divine One used to do that too.. then they poop cylindrical poop that looks like health snacks.. but does not smell at all similar one of mine also ate one of my chooks. Looked for her for ages.. then two days later found poop in the yard which had beautifully aligned chook feathers in it all pointing the same way.. yep i am seriously weird too H
  3. my dear departed Divine Miss Sophie was a great eater.. anything and everything. she once ate an entier box of those disposable gloves.. we counted 33 gloves over the next few days.. pulled several out eeeewwwwwww! there is something really weird when your dog backs up to you and she has a glove with fingers poking out of her bum.... H
  4. i agree with this comment but do not apply it to many of the people who are at the "real" end of the work needing to be carried out. However i do think that Th eRSPCA has lost sight of its original vision for all creatures.. and spend a deal of time and money on PETA like campaigning. And as i have said before i remember Clifford. H
  5. Mita the way the program represented the situation was that the dog in question - a Staffy/BC cross - was shown the doll and exhibited avoidance not aggression. The RSPCA rep then stated that the dog could be a danger to children and "could not be rehomed" - which is RSPCA speak for PTS I guess. All of the dogs if I recall correctly were OK with the food being taken away test. Therefore it would be construed by most people watching that the failure of the dog to react favourably towards the doll decided his fate. They did not say that the dog failed any other test. that is correct i watched that program seething.. the bias about dogs used for hunting came across loud and clear. The black and white dog did exhibit avoidance. At the end of the program they said that it was great that two of the pig dogs had found loving homes.. nothing was said about the balck and white dog.. i guess it does not sound so good saying : as for the black and white dog we killed it cos it was not sure around a huge doll". reminds me why i do not watch that program. I remember Clifford H
  6. most of my dogs have sort of named themselves: Brian Custard O'Doggle ( named Brian O'Doggle after a very good friend Brian O'Donnell and his good dog Fats) Custard after he fled from two charging strays leaping 8 month old child to hide in the back section of the pram.. it was hilariously funny and so Custard he became. Morris.. we thought of all sort of names for him until finally when he was about 14 weeks old my son and i turned to each other and said simultaneously he is called Morris.. and the pup looked at us with that canine expression of superiority that says " at last ! I cannot believ that they can be so slow on the uptake and still survive) Lucinda and her brother Oscar Magali and her pups: Felice, Dennys Dog ( as opposed to spouse Denis God) Guiness McGuinness ( cos he like to watch) Joel, Jacob,Joshua, Angelina, Angel, Honey 1 and 2, The Bear, Casper, Rosie o'Gradey, Jake, Snotto ( somehow that has just stuck no matter how hard i try to change it) Gina and Grace, Hairy Harry Huge arrived as Ari and his name grew upon him and so it goes.. often they develop multiple names of affection because i sing them their own little songs that i make up.. and yes I am possibly quite nutty.. ok make that totally nutty H
  7. I was oh so lucky to be invited to this graduation.. a perfect day on the mall surrounded by wonderful labs of all colours and beautiful goldens and their partners.. for those on facebook http://www.facebook.com/assistancedogsaustralia what a day of celebration of achievements..... H
  8. hugs and comfort heading your way.... you are the one left with the heart break .. thanks to your love and care Molly enjoyed and revelled in love and having her very own human to accompany her as she completed her time here on earth. Whether your dog has had a place in your heart for three days or three decades the leaving is oh so painful. Molly is now at that place where all dogs go.. happy, at peace and healthy watching over you until it is time for you to meet again. hold the love in your heart Blessings Helen
  9. Oh you poor thing! do not sell yourself short on what others may or may not do.. you certainly gave all you had and more. It is a good idea to leave her at the specialist centre and it will give you some confidence that all that can possibly be done is being done.. in addition if there is a change in her condition it can be addressed immediately. In the meantime try to relax and regain some of your energy and recharge a bit emotionally. H
  10. thank heavens! Better to have had the checkup tho... hopefully he is more comfortable now and you both get a good nights sleep H
  11. do you have a pic or two of your dog that you can post??? H
  12. sending much positive energy to accompany you both. H
  13. if you can phone your vet do so. otherwise if it were me I would be off to the emergency vet ASAP. H
  14. we should never doubt that angels do in fact walk amongst us.. what a lovely and loving thing to do.. may karma descend in the appropriate way on all involved.. God Bless the old fellow and hopeing that his older years are filled with as much happiness, love and joy that his heart can bear. h
  15. that was so very beautiful .. and all who have shared their hearts and home with a dog know the joys of each wonderful day and then that terrible emptiness when they have to leave us... always too soon. But none of us would forgo that journey. Thankyou for sharing that tribute H
  16. there is a good fit for me in that list too... just yesterday i caught myself snatching my breakfast out of one dogs mouth and biting into it before remembering that the dog had actually filtched it from my plate and had it partially in his mighty large mouth.... sigh H
  17. there is a good fit for me in that list too... just yesterday i caught myself snatching my breakfast out of one dogs mouth and biting into it before remembering that the dog had actually filtched it from my plate and had it partially in his mighty large mouth.... sigh H
  18. +1 Self doubt is insidious in nature....try not to be too hard on yourself. You are getting there! +2 prgress is most often a series of steps forwards and back... just try to remain consistent and positive within yourslef. you are heading in the right direction BELIEVE BELIEVE BELIEVE H
  19. it is some very small consolation that from such a terrible tragedy comes change in the code of practice that may ensure that this never happens again. you have been so courageous to pursue this hugs H
  20. farewell sweet Sooki. Long will your memory fill the hearts of those who knew and loved you. Enjoy the great tratturi of the skies with your illustrious ancestors. so saddened by your loss Paul blessings H
  21. i just have to add that this thread is one of the reason i love DOL...and DOLers! THe OP is really going the distance for her dog and many people are helping out with suggestions and in the case of Nekhbet hands on assistance and person to person mentoring i love you all H
  22. more with Tintin Jacs comments .. you are amazing and wonderful. have you tried DAP difussers in both the places she stays????? Helen
  23. I meant to add with regard to the traumatised owners identifying the attacking dogs as possibly a staffy: here is a photo of my lastest adopted dog who was described to be as a staffy cross.. I do not see staffy in him much if at all. Just using this as an example and not as a criticism of the owners of the dog who was killed. Helen
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