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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. Beagle= super sensitive nose cunningly disguised as a charming, lovable dog. h
  2. preventic this year.. last year..kiltx. had three tick poisonings last year h
  3. Just a warning to be vigilant first tick found on harry this morning. all dogs have had their tick collars on for the past 10 days H
  4. First tick found this morning on harry. All dogs have had their new tick collars on for 10 days just a heads up for everyone to be vigilant h
  5. take a deep breath, then remember to breath out. Altho the result was not a perfect outcome.. it is certainly manageable. My girl Lucinda had MCT grade 3 no clean margins and lived a full and happy life for many years after dx, staffyluvs beloved Ollie dog also lived long and well with MCT. worthwhile haveing a chat with her. THis is NOT the beginning of an end.. it is an opportunity to be proactive... May i suggest consulting with a reputable holistic vet who can put together a complementary treatment plan in conjunction with Brunos vet. thinking of you both Helen
  6. appallingly unprofessional of that clinic. I would be putting a complaint in writing and perhaps forwarding to the vet Board. Anyway.. take a deep breath MCT is not the end of the world. Take things step by step. Many MCT are removed clean margins and there is not a problem... so dont cross any bridges before you get to them. May I also suggest consulting with a reputable holistic vet who can assist with support for Bruno at this time.. hang in there. My girl Lucinda lived a full life with MCT grade 3 for many years after dx despite the oncologist suggesting I take her home for a few days to say goodbye...and I know that Staffyluvs Ollie Dog did the same. Helen
  7. ^^^^ this. When i had maremmas guarding my flocks and the koalas came by we would move the sheep/goats and dogs to another area. If there are koalas around the house my old guys now sleep thur but the yopungsters get confined for the night not too hard. H
  8. More paper does not equate to better dog laws. The sentances do not reflect community expectations that is the magistrate/judges responsibility H
  9. dunno it sort of happens.. the second i set eyes upon glossy Morrie something just happened... when he passed in my arms the pain was beyond description but we had a magic time as we wal;ked our life path together and he taught me so much about "DOG". then to my great surprise Dennys Dog was born and he drew his first breaths in my hands.. snap. we are both doddering about now in our dotage. In between came Jake..man was he special. Came for a three day long weekend and stayed for the last 6 years of his life... he i think literally stole part of my heart. I did not want to love him at all.. a skinhny scarred smelly filthy pitbull ..but he tenaciously persevered and wriggled his way so deep into my heart and soul that his leaving still causes a deep down grief .. he too was a teacher dog.. bless all the dogs who have left part of themselves with me... H
  10. sheesh! used his dogs to att people on 4 ( reapeat 4) separate occasions! and still had dogs????? yet other people loose their dogs merely because they are pitbulls!!!!! Hells bells where is the justice in all this. At least he is dead and can no longer inflict damage on other people..Sympathies to his family. H
  11. i suggest that as we have become a less dog inclusive society.. ie keeping dogs confined, often alone or with maybe another dog, largely results in more agression/uncertainty when the dog finds itself in a challenging and different situation. H ps. also we have a propensity to regard dogs as either surrogate children or in soem cases as an additional set of testicles with teeth
  12. [perfect approach... then the new neighbours will not get defensive and antagonistic. H
  13. i have hot water outside.. cut into cold and hot water lines and added proper joiners ( copper pipe etc ) then attached to mixer on outside wall..voila!!!! ah the joys of rural living. H
  14. poor dog! poor you! a challenging situation for both of you. She must be so confused. her entier world has shifted dramatically and everything she has known for her entier life has now changed. Is it possible to obtain some of the DAP ( dog appeasing pheromone) H
  15. many years ago when i lived in sydney i was driving somewhere and saw a dog hit on the road infront of me ( strangely i had driven past a vet clinic a little earlier) stopped in the peak hour no stop lane to help. A police car arrived with occupants ready to chastise me... but when they were told what had happened one directed traffic while the other help me gently move the injured dog into the car. and then stopped traffic while i drove to the vet ( love those guys still) . the vet thought they knew who owned the dog. I left soem money to cover some care just in case and my phone number. The next day i got a call from the grateful owners.. H
  16. Just gotta love a dog lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great work! H
  17. PHEW! what a difficult journey this has been. So pleased that finally a dx has been made and that the little man is feeling more comfortable H
  18. patience grasshopper.. in the fullness of time she will let you know her real name.... all my failed fosters have... H
  19. just popping in to say Hi to you and Struppie. I am so glad that despite everything he is enjoying good times and loving his walks with the other dogs.. maybe change his meals to something different for a day or two.. nice a smelly like mackerel cooked or salmon. the calcium deposits are possibly caused by the pred ( they are a symptom of cushings).. sending you all loads of positive energy and gentle blessings helen
  20. poor baby. have you had a peek at the snooza range? I have nothing but praise for the company and their products. http://www.snooza.com.au/home if large enough maybe the cat igloo with the mock lamswool topper?? http://www.snooza.com.au/enclosed-beds/ h
  21. several kidnapped live chooks.. margali could not resist them h
  22. another vote for Tony Smith.. he is also vet to my dogs and others.. wonderful vet H
  23. that is awesome.. your dogs have a great sense of humour..LOL H
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