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Everything posted by Ons

  1. thanks Mita lots of interesting reading on that site
  2. I was told that there was no liver shunt in the Australian lines is this correct?
  3. my darling maltese Daisy RIP had it, the vet said her windpipe was collapsing. Can not recall the full conversation and diagnosis. She had it from a pup. She also had luxtating patellas and at the end an enlarged heart. Pre DOL days, she was just a puppy from the cute maltese next door to where I lived then. ultimate bybs, my landlord did try to tell me they bred only for money.
  4. awww what a brave little cutie, poor little fellow having to endure so much. I'm glad he has such a good carer to help him. Onslow, Tilly and Flashes send lots of licks and pats to Hugo and hope he is feeling better and healed very soon!
  5. hugs to you yes even 3 years later it still does hurt but thinking of happy times spent with Ricky will help a bit. If it does help post a bit about why he was so special, his little quirks, a picture of him and remember what a good life that he had with you
  6. my beautiful Daisy RIP is at a friend's property with daisies growing on her grave I was in rented property at the time and in a small country town that may be an option if you know a friend who owns their own property?
  7. Cavaliers farting????!!! Never! nor snoring - never at least this pup has a lovely safe home with Bindi Boo no matter who bred her.
  8. she is very very cute nothing like a cavalier to snuggle into you and help mend broken hearts
  9. that's a good suggestion to get a recommended behaviouralist. It worked wonders for me. Sounds like to me that you need to in the meantime read up on NILIF (Nothing in life is free) and TOT (triangle of temptation). they are pinned threads in the training section I think. Ollie needs to learn that you are the top boss of the pack and that his behaviour to other dogs and to Penny is not acceptable. he probably is adjusting his role in the pack at the moment and if you make it clear for him he will be a much happier dog. Good luck with it all
  10. absolute photos! the last caption captures perfectly what the dog in the back is actually saying
  11. great photos! love the sleeping one! sounds like you had a wonderful time!
  12. Ons


    what a beautiful tribute to your beautiful boy I'm so sorry for your loss RIP Fitzy, run free at Rainbow Bridge
  13. awww they are cuter than cute! adorable!
  14. Ons

    Help Required

    how absolutey sad you are not stupid, grief for a dog or any animal is real, they play such an important part in your lives I like alot of other DOLers have gone through it and even many years later still miss my, after I left my childhood home, first little dog but i remember things like you have started to, what a little character she was and the naughty and funny things she did, it does help a little knowing what a good life you gave your dog plant a lovely tree in her memory and ring Lifeline or see your doctor
  15. Ons


    I'm the same actually. they look so stunning but I don't think I would be the right home either. The babies are beautiful Centitout (and I've just realised what your name says having misspelt it and having to add a "t" to it - I can be thick at times cool name ) ! Congratulations, sorry about the little lost one.
  16. Ons


    I didn't realise they were so big though, just always thought they were "a next size up" from beagles for some strange reason :cool: they truly are outstanding dogs though.
  17. what a little sweetheart RIP gorgeous Molly Thank you YLD for saving her
  18. make her sit hold one of her toys up to her say give take what she has and immediately give her the toy lots and lots of praise, go overboard my house was never tidier when I had a pup, everything picked up, anything that the pup got was my fault she is still a pup and a labrador pup at that, patience, patience, patience and she will turn into a wonderful girl
  19. I am so so sorry to hear of your loss RIP Bindi at Rainbow Bridge
  20. wish my dogs had your dogs' problems Cynthia! Mine all need to loose weight and love their food like their mummy . I use natures gift if I have forgotten to defrost stuff. Also My Dog for the occassionaly treat, they like the beef and pasta and the chicken and vegies one. One smallish tin does the 3 of them. I also cook a stew for them and they like that! mince, mixed frozen vegies, water, chicken stock cube and in pre-weight loss days rice or pasta. It also has alot of liquid which they like over their biscuits.
  21. oh that tree is beautiful and what a lovely lovely memory of your dog Ashka
  22. Ons

    Gsd Jess

    RIP Jess, run free at :D free of pain and old age
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