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My Puppy Is Turning My Home Into A Bomb Site


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I will start trying to teach her more tricks etc, we have started working on stay. Must admit I am not very creative, and had no idea of how to stimulate her, so I will definately try your ideas.

I need all the help I can get, at the moment I feel like a failure, I am trying but not suceeding.

You're not a failure at all Chloebear. You're a learner and so am I though I've had dogs for many years. Mine are obedience trained and I still make plenty of mistakes and confuse my dogs. You may find a few training books helpful. Have a look at Amazon, their books are reasonably priced and delivery is good. I have just bought 'How to speak dog' and 'How dogs think'.

As for tricks, the only ones I teach my dogs are shake and high five, mostly because it removes the fear many people have of Rottweilers if they offer a paw. I've taught one Rottie to roll but that's because she's always at the damn vets and it helps the vet examine her if she'll drop and roll onto her side. I'm flat out putting them through their obedience routines and I don't care much for tricks or dressing dogs in silly clothes. I'm happy with well behaved dogs who do what I tell them to do.

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I should also add, we taught them sit, drop, stay, come, shake from an early age. They didn't always obey and just goofed off but we were consistant. Then at about 9 - 10 months their brains seemed to click into gear and they started doing everything that was asked of them. I had the double problem of inseprable litter mates but patience and consistncy paid off.

I now have 45 and 38 kilos of beautiful obedient dogs :).

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101 things to do with a box: a no-error and fun way to start with clicker training.

I remember reading or hearing about making a "pass the parcel" kind of thing for the dog to rip up. Layers and some treats the dog can get at as the layers are shed. Start the game by making an easy one that has lots of treats and is easy to rip up, say made of newspaper. Eventually you can make a rag bundle with treats in it. Treats make it more enticing than stuff you don't want it to rip up, and satisfies the desire to rip things up.

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Thanks everyone for your idea's, trust me I am going to give them a good go.

Have also read a number of the links that I have been given, I am looking forward to trying clicker training, I am going to buy one when in town next so I can start. Tried playing with puppy this morning for about 30 minutes, but sadly this time of morning she shows little interest more interested in where her food bowl is. As I was tiping this I could hear her destroying something, said no in a firm voice she put it down and took a couple of steps backs. She has also started to chew the earth wire to the house, I have now blocked it off.

Edited by chloebear
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Mine ate our bed when they were 6 months old.

Exhibit A post-13177-1197544673_thumb.jpg

Then when our bed was gone, they ate their own bed

Exhibit B post-13177-1197544875_thumb.jpg

They are now 15 months old and perfect angels :)

It gets better.

Yep, you win, OMG if my puppy ate my bed I think I would totally lose it. OH has time off over Christmas so we are going to change layout of yard, patio etc to allow her area to run without having access to patio - her destruction zone.

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Tried playing with puppy this morning for about 30 minutes, but sadly this time of morning she shows little interest more interested in where her food bowl is. As I was tiping this I could hear her destroying something, said no in a firm voice she put it down and took a couple of steps backs. She has also started to chew the earth wire to the house, I have now blocked it off.

If she likes her food, put her on a lead and make her train to earn her breakfast, it's all part of the 'nothing in life is free' and will keep her brain busy. When you train her have a plan so you know what you are going to work on beforehand.

I think you need a secure/dog proof and safe dog run for her when you are unable to supervise her.

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If she likes her food, put her on a lead and make her train to earn her breakfast, it's all part of the 'nothing in life is free' and will keep her brain busy. When you train her have a plan so you know what you are going to work on beforehand.


if she gets dry food..do some training with her, using pieces of her food as rewards!

walk a short time on lead without pulling..a piecs of food... sit first time..a piece of food....come first time when called..a piece of food..etc etc...

also ,instead of feeding in a bowl... pack it in the kong! even dry can be packed in, moistened a bit, an then plug the hole with a large piece of cheese, or a chicken wing..she will have to waork for a while to get her breakfast;)

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Some dogs/puppies are more work than others.

Some of the photos Ive seen on this forum on the destruction is amazing. ;)

I agree, she needs more stimulation mentally & physically.

Make her work for pretty much everything, food, toys, play, treats, pats. :)

Also, dog proof the yard, keep everything up high.

Try getting a clam shell pool and putting sand in it...that way she can dig in there (you can hide treats in there that she has to dig for)...if she likes water, fill the other half up with water. :rofl:

There are some great interactive toys for dogs (Aussie Dog Toys) I think the Home Alone toy would be great....also the turbo chook, staffy ball, etc. :confused:

Link to online store below.


She is bored, and when pups are bored (just like kids who are bored :rofl: ) they turn into little monsters. ;)

ETA: Marrow bones are great, you can freeze them for hot days too, lots of fun chewing on them. ;)

Edited by Cazablanca
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Bones are great- especially marrow bones, but considering she likes digging make sure you take them away when she has finished with them- YOU decide when she can have them, otherwise she will bury them for later. My girl loves bones and gets a couple each week but i know that if i leave her home alone with one for a couple of hours my garden will suffer. RIP poor little camelia bush.

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Bones are great boredom busters. There are a range of other one's around too.

Anything by Aussie Dog Toys would be worth a look - they sell their stuff to zoos these days. For a dog that likes to jump and grab stuff the one you tie onto a tree or similar might be worth a go.

Chloebear try looking at life from your pup's perspective. I suggest you time precisely how long each day you interact with her and I think you'll be horrified at how little it is. If she's kept outside, your OH shows no interest and your son's allergic to her, I'm guessing it's as little as 1-2 hours max?

Dogs are social animals. In the absence of company or stimulation she'll find her own. Give her things she CAN play with.. an old soccer ball, bones, a big cardboard box (lots of dogs love those). Take her out for a 5 minute look at the world a few times a day. Little and often can be more achievable in a busy day than a long play time but the main thing is to boost interaction with her.

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You forgot toilet rolls Poodlefan

Many dogs will throw them around and have a ball

Yes, and some dogs don't wait for you to give them the empties. Leave the door to the loo ajar iin my house and Darcy (who at age 4 you think would know better) will take the roll off the hanger and create a snow storm. :thumbsup: I reckon he'll still be trying to sneak in there when he's 15. :rolleyes:

The GSD next door gets the odd whitegoods box to demolish.. it's an impressive sight to see him go at them!

Glad wrap or toweling paper innards, the soccer ball (kiddie size), tugging and fetching games are highly valued in my house. However, without regular exercise, my dogs do get fractious.

I play some stupid games with my dogs.. "Mum's A Scarey Monster" is a favourite.. I act like something out of a creature flick and stalk and chase them around.. They react with what can only be described as glee... and bolt around hiding or teasing me :)

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You guys must have been reading my mind, I decided whilst at Kids party that when I got home I was going to ask for a list of things to get to keep her occupied, so please keep the suggestions coming. I have decided to drive to town tomorrow to get some things to puppy proof the area's that she has access to, large plastic crates (with lids) for shoes, some more toys for her. So Please keep the suggestions comming, because, before I leave for town tomorrow I am going to log on, and write a list................of items to puppy proof my home (outside), and items to get to keep her entained.

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You guys must have been reading my mind, I decided whilst at Kids party that when I got home I was going to ask for a list of things to get to keep her occupied, so please keep the suggestions coming. I have decided to drive to town tomorrow to get some things to puppy proof the area's that she has access to, large plastic crates (with lids) for shoes, some more toys for her. So Please keep the suggestions comming, because, before I leave for town tomorrow I am going to log on, and write a list................of items to puppy proof my home (outside), and items to get to keep her entained.

It doesn't matter how innovative the toys are or how many she has, toys are not a substitute for interaction with her family. This dog needs at least one long walk a day, a period of free running if possible, a couple of training sessions and plenty of play and one on one attention from you. If you're going to town tomorrow make sure you take her with you, it's a good opportunity to socialise the dog and to expose her to sights and sounds outside of her yard. You'll probably find she'll be stuffed when you get back, and a tired dog is a good dog.

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You forgot toilet rolls Poodlefan

Many dogs will throw them around and have a ball

That is what my dogs are getting for Christmas a whole basket full of Toilet rolls they love it.

Other boredom busters for my dogs is the rope toys, Ceejay sits there for hours trying to undo the knot. I buy fluffy toys from second hand shops, make sure that there is no beans, or hard eyes. They can defluff it and chew the hearts away and only for 50c each, leaves a mess though. lol.

But the best thing I have done is obediance training with Izzy her confidence has shot up in herself, and know she can sit beside another dog without getting worried and anxious.

If it is any consolation they do eventually outgrow it my last Boy Zorro, chewed through three library books, half a dozen shoes, an old couch, my exes akubra hat with the $200 tucked in under the sweat ban (very close to getting a bullet from the OH, quick talking from me saved him). He grew up to be a gentle boy who I loved. But it certainly taught me about patience real fast.

I do really feel for you and just hang in there. Books was my other saviour, I read everything I could about dogs.

Don't give up, Chloebear.

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I had just gone through and cleaned my patio up from the last lot of chewing by my puppy, area looked great. So I decided to shut patio gates to keep puppy out, but she had just jumped over the gates..........at the moment I don't think words can describe what I am feeling as I am typing this I have just heard her destroying something else.

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