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What To Feed After Dental


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Hello all,

I've also posted this in the greyhound thread, but I'd like to get a wider view. Bianca is going in for a dental tomorrow..one side of her mouth needs attention, and she'll probably lose one tooth. The other side is pristine. Anyway, what do you feed after a dental when they're sore? She currently eats raw beef, kibble (Euk light) and chicken frames or lamb necks. I can't feed anything too wet or it might go right thru her. Should I go with smaller bones for a few days (eg chicken necks) or, as she's eating OK on one side, should I just leave as is? Her meat is currently large chopped so she has to chew, should I get some as mince for a day or so?

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i would say no bones for two weeks - the sutures used are disolvable and they usually take a month to come out completely. Although the mouth does heal quickly, i wouldnt give bones for two weeks. My ridgeback girl had her two canines out and she was absolutely mortified that she couldnt have bones that she went scavaging around the yard and found one buried - io caught her after she had been chewing for 5minutes and she made her gums bleed!

Anyway. If you dont feed wet food i would suggest soaking her biccies for 10minutes so at least they are soft for her to eat and wont hurt. I wouldnt change her diet drastically to what she normally has otherwise it might upset her belly and i wouldnt give just mince otherwise you will get one blocked up greyhound. Soak the biccies and mix it with mince - perfect :thumbsup:

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I'm a raw feeder but my vet advised feeding cooked food for a week after mouth surgery to lower the bacteria load in the mouth.

I fed chicken and rice and made up a cooked stew based on the ingredients in my BARF mix. My friends kept lifting the lid on the pot of cooking stew and telling me how nice it smelled. I have no idea why they didn't want to try it after I told them it had plenty of chicken giblets cooking in it!! :thumbsup:

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When my elderly golden retriever had a dental, one tooth removed and a small tumor removed from his gum, I soaked his kibble in warm water til it was very soft and put it and some canned into my blender and pureeded i. He got nothing hard. Bless his old heart, he always got 2 treats on his pillow every night and he had to go without them for about 10 days, which upset him.

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One of mine had a few teeth out. I put some veges through the food processer to mince them, and stewed them with mince. Added cottage cheese, acidopholous (sp?) yoghurt, sardines on various nights, as she was eating this for about 10 days - and she positively inhaled it!! I think she was disappointed when her mouth healed and she was back on normal rations. She was given no bones, and no dry food at all, to allow her gum to heal.

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One of my old boys had a canine tooth removed recently and had stitches as well.

The dental specialist we went to advised to feed chunky diced raw steak for a few days.

Not minced steak as it will get stuck in the hole where the tooth was.

Also he said that the chewing of the raw steak actually helps the mouth to heal faster.

Not soft mushy foods and certainly no bones till the mouth is healed.

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When Cowboy had both of his top premolars out (the big prey teeth), I fed him just raw chopped meat for the first couple of days - beef & chicken. Then on day three he also had chicken necks and wings, then from day 5 back to normal - frames, brisket etc.. It seemed to take him forever to get through his first frame, and even now (months later) he has trouble with the first crunch, no longer having those teeth.

He had disolvable stitches and everything healed up nicely and very quickly.


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Been through a lot of dentals as I do love my oldies (fosters and my own dogs). I feed only soft food for a week if they've lost teeth.

My vets actually give out a leaflet of care following dentals. One thing I've often experienced is bloody dribbles from the mouth - be prepared for a bit of extra washing!

I give them rice with tuna/sardines or raw mince and maybe some soft pumpkin etc - nothing cold of course, in fact I'll give it a little warm in the microwave.

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Well, she came home sans 3 teeth (1 x molar, 2 x pre molar). I had bought some of the same meat I normally buy for her, but minced instead of large chop I normally get. I soaked her kibble, but it wasn't quite ready so I gave her the meat first, plus a spoonful of greek yoghurt. Well, she vacuumed that up and I gave her a little more meat as she hadn't had brekkie. That went down in a second too. Then the kibble was ready so I mooshed it up a bit and gave it to her. Hmmm, she's used to getting meat with her kibble so it was a hoot watching her search every corner of the (ice cream container) bowl looking for the missing meat. Still, can't let it go to waste so that went down the hatch too. Tomorrow morning I'll give her a little more kibble (she doesn't get much anyway as she gets a bit podgy), and I'll cook some veggies to add tomorrow night. No bones for a week or so. She's being quite sooky when she's awake (even more than usual), but she's asleep on her bed right now. I'm happy she came thru OK, she turns 7 tomorrow.

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Well, she came home sans 3 teeth (1 x molar, 2 x pre molar). I had bought some of the same meat I normally buy for her, but minced instead of large chop I normally get. I soaked her kibble, but it wasn't quite ready so I gave her the meat first, plus a spoonful of greek yoghurt. Well, she vacuumed that up and I gave her a little more meat as she hadn't had brekkie. That went down in a second too. Then the kibble was ready so I mooshed it up a bit and gave it to her. Hmmm, she's used to getting meat with her kibble so it was a hoot watching her search every corner of the (ice cream container) bowl looking for the missing meat. Still, can't let it go to waste so that went down the hatch too. Tomorrow morning I'll give her a little more kibble (she doesn't get much anyway as she gets a bit podgy), and I'll cook some veggies to add tomorrow night. No bones for a week or so. She's being quite sooky when she's awake (even more than usual), but she's asleep on her bed right now. I'm happy she came thru OK, she turns 7 tomorrow.

well that sounds good - I'd been wondering how she came through


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