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Portia Baby....i Love You


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My 8 month old siamese cat was taken from me today. We had workers at our house installing a new kitchen. I put Portia in the bathroom, put a sign on the door saying "Do NOT enter, cat in bathroom"...but do you think people listen?

I got home to find my beautiful baby in the shower, with the taps turned ON and lying on the bottom of the shower dead. I SCREAMED and could hardly breath....that image will be traped in my mind FOREVER. At first we had thought she had passed under suspecious circumstances but figured out that when the plumber came to the house...he turned on all the taps in the house to release pressure before disconnecting....but of corse FORGOT to turn the shower tap off before reconnecting the water....Portia must have gotton in the shower (this i have seen before, she jumps onto the top) during this period and therefor either died of stress or cold water.

I never usually trust anyone with my pets, BUT, who would ever think something like that could happen?!?!? I feel so guilty for not being there watching every move people made....if I had, she would still be here right now.

My heart will be broken forever....I cant stop crying, my heart is aching sooo bad....she was ONLY A BABY!!!!

I cant even LOOK at that house right now....let alone EVER EVER EVER go in that shower again!!!!



Edited by Heidii
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Thanks for your messages everyone. The worst thing is, if she was human he wouldnt only be charged with negligence but MURDER too!.....people just dont understand because she is an animal, he shouldnt be able to get away with it :eek:

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