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Litters Due In December 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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well, we just had our x-ray, poor girl, no wonder she is waddling like a duck

what we could see, there is a belly full .

I have had her all settled inside for the past couple of weeks, and everything ready, so

now just have to sit back and wait, and all goes well, but have my vet ''on alert'' if need be..

Excellent news Dhana :laugh:

will be different from having a singleton last time :D


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yeah, still trying to digest it though..... This is her first litter so still a little ''on edge'', but

at least I have family history (both litter sisters all natural with 8 & 11) as well as there is a long line of natural whelpers...

I'm gunna be busy but I can't wait......10days to go and counting.....

How is Scarlett today???

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My girl was doing the same thing last night and the night before - made me have some sleepless nights so far!! hmm

It has been hot here but then my girl is inside in the air conditioning so I can not see how she could be hot and bothered?

As soon as I begin to retire for bed she starts nesting and panting - I am in bed and can hear her panting, so up I get again.... she is not due for another week or so, at the earliest she could pop around the 4th on wards depending on litter size, but she is getting quite big now and I just figured that she is just pregnant and big and getting more uncomfortable as the days go on, cause she has these little bursts and then settles for the rest on the night and pretty much all day??!?!

Yes that's how it works, turn the lights out, TV off and get into bed then the night noises begin :D I had a bitch tear paper and bang on the false floor of the box for a whole week before she whelped a couple of years back. By the time the babies arrived I was a nightmare from all those sleepness nights!


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My girl was doing the same thing last night and the night before - made me have some sleepless nights so far!! hmm

It has been hot here but then my girl is inside in the air conditioning so I can not see how she could be hot and bothered?

As soon as I begin to retire for bed she starts nesting and panting - I am in bed and can hear her panting, so up I get again.... she is not due for another week or so, at the earliest she could pop around the 4th on wards depending on litter size, but she is getting quite big now and I just figured that she is just pregnant and big and getting more uncomfortable as the days go on, cause she has these little bursts and then settles for the rest on the night and pretty much all day??!?!

Yes that's how it works, turn the lights out, TV off and get into bed then the night noises begin :D I had a bitch tear paper and bang on the false floor of the box for a whole week before she whelped a couple of years back. By the time the babies arrived I was a nightmare from all those sleepness nights!


I truly was BB :laugh:

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My girl was doing the same thing last night and the night before - made me have some sleepless nights so far!! hmm

It has been hot here but then my girl is inside in the air conditioning so I can not see how she could be hot and bothered?

As soon as I begin to retire for bed she starts nesting and panting - I am in bed and can hear her panting, so up I get again.... she is not due for another week or so, at the earliest she could pop around the 4th on wards depending on litter size, but she is getting quite big now and I just figured that she is just pregnant and big and getting more uncomfortable as the days go on, cause she has these little bursts and then settles for the rest on the night and pretty much all day??!?!

Yes that's how it works, turn the lights out, TV off and get into bed then the night noises begin :laugh: I had a bitch tear paper and bang on the false floor of the box for a whole week before she whelped a couple of years back. By the time the babies arrived I was a nightmare from all those sleepness nights!

LOL! how funny! But so true about when the lights go out- my poms turn into possums!!

I have only just recovered from being "on call" for a pug litter - that was fun!! Good practice though and now it is all starting for me in regards to sleepless nights - my friend with the pugs also a vet nurse is still getting up every 2 hours for feeds as they are just a week and a half old!!! - i will be right behind her I suppose!!!

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well, we just had our x-ray, poor girl, no wonder she is waddling like a duck :D

what we could see, there is a belly full :) .

I have had her all settled inside for the past couple of weeks, and everything ready, so

now just have to sit back and wait, and :laugh: all goes well, but have my vet ''on alert'' if need be..

How do I put this - congratulations?? although you already knew she was pregnant - but now finding out she is having a few babies that is exciting news - I do hope all goes well for you, your girl and the coming puppies! Can't wait to hear the news of their arrival!

Now the count down begins!!

all the best,


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Its my first litter on my own! So I guess you can understand now why I am a little anxious - but I try to keep this hidden from my girl so she does not pick up on the vibes!!! I use to ride and own horses and they are fantastic at reading people and nervousness - so I have learnt to hold a good poker face and control my inner feelings - lol

I really start thinking about her when I am not around her, but when she is with me she seems to make all the worry go away!

She is doing so well now after a not so good start - I am very proud of her!

I'm sure you will be fine, and I hope all goes well with your girl.......

I'm all outa stress, used it all last week with a sick newborn foal...

Thank you for your well wishes :laugh: I guess as soon as things start happening I will be a duck to water - but I guess it is the waiting that gets the nerves going a little at times with thinking about all the negatives and positives!! All in all I just wish for a safe delivery, a happy mum and healthy pups!!

I am sorry to hear about the sick foal - I hope she/he is ok! I am curious as I love horses, what do you breed? I hope your efforts paid off in any case.

Jess :D

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He is doing so well, you wouldn't even know he had a rough beginning.

He is a paint out of a quarter horse mare...both he and his mum will be heading to Tassie end of January

I agree, the waiting is the worst, I am so excited but because I have time to think about it, I am a little nervous...

I am at my best when everything finally gets going...

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I had my newfie scanned at 4 weeks (last week) only to be told he could see no pups but he did see 5 pieces of excrement. I was really fed up. She has had all the right symptoms from morning sickness to getting bigger nipples etc. I am wondering if vet could be wrong? Has anyone had a false negative scan? They would be due christmas eve.

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I had my newfie scanned at 4 weeks (last week) only to be told he could see no pups but he did see 5 pieces of excrement. I was really fed up. She has had all the right symptoms from morning sickness to getting bigger nipples etc. I am wondering if vet could be wrong? Has anyone had a false negative scan? They would be due christmas eve.

I am not an expert or anything - but I went to a specialist in sydney to get an early ultrasound on my girl (not my choice I would have waited longer) but because she was unwell and peeing blood and they wanted to check her bladder and see if they could see any signs of pregnancy at the same time, we were told to go to this specialist as they can pick up pregnancy as early as 3 weeks??? - she was about 3 weeks and a couple of days give or take - With their half a million dollar US machine they said no not pregnant no chance her uterus is so small that even if she were it would be more enlarged etc - a couple of weeks later when all hope was lost my girl got bigger and bigger and is now expecting puppies - I went to a local vet and we saw little puppies on their $10,000 dollar ultrasound machine!! so I would say in my case yes i think it is very possible that they can get it wrong, its only human and who knows how experienced the vets are unless you know them well and have been seeing them for many years - and even with the best equipment. I am not sure if your breed holds pups higher up too - but apparently poms do and this might have been why they missed them the first time???

If you can I would go to another place to get another ultrasound done or there is the test you can do - the name escapes me though?? - if the ultrasound comes back inconclusive then I would get this done - a simple sample of blood is taken and they will be able to tell you then and there - I have yet to have it done but I know many who use it if they can not get answers...

She sounds to have all the signs to be pregnant - but phantom pregnancy is always a worry - But I was told that girls do not get much bigger in the belly if it is just a phantom, but they can put on weight if the owner is feeding them as a pregnant girl???

I hope all turns out for you - Again the above only accounts for my situation and this is just my first litter so I would wait to hear what others say as well - but I do think if you really do think she is preg then get a second US done somewhere else.

Good luck and hope all turns out for the best!


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hi all,

Just an update on my girl.

After doing her scratching nesting etc the last couple of nights - as Aziah so perfectly explained! LOL :rofl:

She is a little quite today and has refused to eat anything, her temp has dropped, she was 37.5 last night and this morning she was 36.4 and gone back up again a couple of hours later when the vet took it - She has a little bit of discharge coming out now too which I noticed last night before going to be, but it is not green/brown, more a pink/reddish colour.

I had an appointment with the vet this morning anyway as I needed her clipped back again as my clippers have broken and thought I would get a final check up a week before due dates - I did know that some discharge before hand is usually normal unless it is green which is not a good sign - Anyway he seems to feel that she will come early with the above signs maybe even sunday on wards??? yikes!

From seeing two pups on the Ultrasound, he also felt her and counted heartbeats and seems to think there are more there which is why she may come early as 3 pups or more for a pom is usually a bigger litter then the average 1-2 pups and she is small but not too small and not too big if that makes sense lol! She is a size that I like, I see many poms who are so small that you could not expect them to have a single pup - My girl came from a litter of 4 but due to her size and being much smaller then her mum I always expected that she would have 1-2 pups at the most so learning that there is maybe more could possibly bring her to whelp early...

My other half says, if you tie a string on her tail she would look like a fuzzy balloon!! my poor lil girl!

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OOoooh, pitter patter of fluffy puppy paws, hope she doesn't come too soon,

that sounds very early, everything crossed for you and girl..

NEWFIESRUS: I would be getting another in about a week, had the same happen with one of my girls

cause she did carry higher than they thought, we ended up with 9 from that litter..

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yes does sound a bit early from this initial date I have on the first page which I think was the 9th - I think it is a little late to be honest but she was a maiden so they can hold off with their first litter.

Her first mating was on the 1st of October - from that she could whelp on the 3rd of this month - but who knows when she ovulated, and I did not do a progesterone test - and she may have ovulated a few days before her first mating which could make her due date earlier?? If I average her matings or take it from her 3rd or 4th mating she could be due on the 7th give or take a few days being a maiden.

I dunno what do you think?? The thing that has thrown me out with dates is I sent my girl to be mated and unknowingly she was mated a lot of times then I expected!! say 9 times!! I had no idea, but this breeder is all fore as many matings and I did not know this at the time??? so this has thrown me out a little if that makes sense. As from the first mating and last mating it really opens the due dates out by a week instead of 3 or 4 matings which obviously gives you a more accurate due date!

If she is having more then two pups then there would be a chance of coming early too??

If she holds off until after the weekend then I would think that would be close enough to the first due date the 3rd

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