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I went to explore round Herdsman Lake yesterday....didn't last too long the heat and the millions of signs about tiger snakes made me a bit wary :thumbsup:

Herdsman Lake is across the road from where I work, we have a personal trainer who comes in and takes anyone who is interested for a walk around the lake. They often see snakes! (I never go because only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun :) )

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It's so hard to exercise Astrid when it's this hot!! I would usually walk her just before dawn or really late at night when it's hot but I can't always see properly and until some more time has passed without rat poison turning up in the area I want to be able to have a good look around wherever we go.

It's so frustrating! Playing fetch etc with her in the backyard doesn't seem to tire her out in the same way a walk does, I think it's all the extra stimulation that does it.

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Phew tell me about it....barely dropped below 27 for most of the night hot-sun-192.gif

I had the aircon on last night til about 3.30am. Would have left it on longer but thought of my power bill :thumbsup: It's on now and doing SFA of a job in this humidity! In my office its so friggin cold that you wouldn't be aware of the temperature outside, but as I'm working from home today, I can surely feel it!!!

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It's so hard to exercise Astrid when it's this hot!! I would usually walk her just before dawn or really late at night when it's hot but I can't always see properly and until some more time has passed without rat poison turning up in the area I want to be able to have a good look around wherever we go.

It's so frustrating! Playing fetch etc with her in the backyard doesn't seem to tire her out in the same way a walk does, I think it's all the extra stimulation that does it.

How about teaching her some tricks indoors? Mental stimulation can be just as much, if not more, tiring than physical stimulation :thumbsup:

But I'm in the frame of mind of bugger that too, it's too hot to do anything but laze around! (and it's even too hot for that!) :)

Edited by RubyStar
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It's so hard to exercise Astrid when it's this hot!! I would usually walk her just before dawn or really late at night when it's hot but I can't always see properly and until some more time has passed without rat poison turning up in the area I want to be able to have a good look around wherever we go.

It's so frustrating! Playing fetch etc with her in the backyard doesn't seem to tire her out in the same way a walk does, I think it's all the extra stimulation that does it.

How about teaching her some tricks indoors? Mental stimulation can be just as much, if not more, tiring than physical stimulation :thumbsup:

But I'm in the frame of mind of bugger that too, it's too hot to do anything but laze around! (and it's even too hot for that!) :cheer:

I do a couple of sessions indoors with her most days, mainly 'trick' kind of stuff. Plus the walk and training up at the footy oval, I use the oval and a long lead for recall practice. She seems to really need it all on a daily basis, I think perhaps while it's really hot I will try to 'up' what we are doing around the house, perhaps work on some new and harder stuff to keep her occupied!

We have a widget thing on the desktop of the computer that shows the current temperature from where my OH comes from in Michigan. It's currently -3 there which is warm for winter but sounds pretty good to me at the moment!

And here's a pic I got sent a little while ago of one of their dogs.


I could happily jump into that snow pile today :clap:

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Definately second teaching tricks, you will both have a great time and she will get very tired out from thinking so hard.

I have to say at this moment I am EXTREMELY proud of my old Boy Brutus.

I heard him barking and I thought I have never heard him bark like that so went to investigate. HE was standing staring at the down pipe. I looked, could see much and went to walk away. He stared at it againa nd barked so I knew there was somehting going on. I moved my angle of looking and saw a dugite curled up behind the pooper scooper and the down pipe, and wrapped around the bottom of the snake pipe!

The most interesting part of this was that Brutus has never and I mean NEVER in his 14 and a half years EVER barked at a snake. He has always just removed himself to a safer area. He rarely barks full stop.

Now I am concerned he has been bitten as he was very close to it's tail. It wasn't razzed up and when I moved the pooper scooper it stayed there so I am hoping he hasn't been bitten, but he is right next to me so I can watch him. He has too many health issues to treat him so if he has been bitten we will be making the decision to euthanase him and that is why I am watching him at home.

I cannot find any blood spots or swelling (he has an almost non- existant coat) so I am hopefull.

Brutus is a bloody legend. I would never have seen the snake if he hadn't of barked and it was right near where the kids play and right near the edge of the door into the garage. Brutus rocks!

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Definately second teaching tricks, you will both have a great time and she will get very tired out from thinking so hard.

I have to say at this moment I am EXTREMELY proud of my old Boy Brutus.

I heard him barking and I thought I have never heard him bark like that so went to investigate. HE was standing staring at the down pipe. I looked, could see much and went to walk away. He stared at it againa nd barked so I knew there was somehting going on. I moved my angle of looking and saw a dugite curled up behind the pooper scooper and the down pipe, and wrapped around the bottom of the snake pipe!

The most interesting part of this was that Brutus has never and I mean NEVER in his 14 and a half years EVER barked at a snake. He has always just removed himself to a safer area. He rarely barks full stop.

Now I am concerned he has been bitten as he was very close to it's tail. It wasn't razzed up and when I moved the pooper scooper it stayed there so I am hoping he hasn't been bitten, but he is right next to me so I can watch him. He has too many health issues to treat him so if he has been bitten we will be making the decision to euthanase him and that is why I am watching him at home.

I cannot find any blood spots or swelling (he has an almost non- existant coat) so I am hopefull.

Brutus is a bloody legend. I would never have seen the snake if he hadn't of barked and it was right near where the kids play and right near the edge of the door into the garage. Brutus rocks!

Oh i hope he is ok what a good boy

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:thumbsup: Hope he is ok! Scary stuff!

Does anyone know if there is Agility classes anywhere other than the weeknight meetings at DogsWest? I'm interested in doing some foundation type classes once we finish the obedience course we are doing at the moment but there's not much info around. Unfortunately I can't drive and my OH works shiftwork so weeknight stuff is out for us as I could only make it once a fortnight.

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On the news tonight they where warning dog owners who swim or the dogs swim to be on the watch for Bull sharks after 4 juvenile ones have been caught Maylands & another area where higher risk.

I have never seen sharks there although it is common knowledge they have been seen & spotted but the Biull shark wouldn't be the choice of shark to meet ,nasty buggers

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On the news tonight they where warning dog owners who swim or the dogs swim to be on the watch for Bull sharks after 4 juvenile ones have been caught Maylands & another area where higher risk.

I have never seen sharks there although it is common knowledge they have been seen & spotted but the Biull shark wouldn't be the choice of shark to meet ,nasty buggers

So thats in the Rivers??

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Yep I remember doing caoeing on the Swan at school when we all had to bail out because of a fin sighting. Still went swimming and canoeing there though.

There are always snakes here too, even in winter two warm days and they are out and cranky!

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'OSoSwift' post='5171517' date='25th Feb 2011 - 08:58 PM']SHarks up there, snakes down here - lots of deadly things around these parts

Think the sharks are always there we just dont always here about them.

Yep when i did sailing/windsurfing on the swan for school we where always told to be aware of sharks even though not that common.

I think a school rower died in the 20's due to a shark & the other attack was in the 60's.

I have friends who have seen sharks & many gummy sharks (harmless) & the likes have been caught but Bull sharks can certainly inflict some damage & i believe have the highest incidence of fatalities associated with them .

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