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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

jess live die

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Sounds like everyones pups are going really well!

We will be going to the breeders tomorrow morning to choose our puppy. I'm so excited! I've read so many articles on how to choose a puppy from a litter, but I'm sure once I see them everything will go out the window. To those of you who had the opportunity of choosing your puppy, how did you do it?

How exciting! I didn't get to choose Mars, but still love to him bits!!! Even though he is a bit of a destructo puppy............

Just like Bluefairy Mars was the last of the litter, but as soon as we saw photos of him.. we just couldn't resist!

Have fun and hope that you will have pics to show us :thumbsup:

Edited by Clastic
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Georgia's developed a bit of a bad habit in the time she's been here in that she never wanted to do her business on the grass because we had a lot of rain when she arrived. Now she's been doing her poos on the concrete and continues to do it even when its not raining.

I've been moving her poos to the spot where I want to go. Its probably a good idea to clean the area to remove the smell, but what should I use? Any advice to break the habit will be appreciated.

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Michelle - Georgia must be very tired after the playdate. Look at her sleep :cheers: . I wish I had somebody who I can have puppy play date with as well. I am trying to persuade my girlfriend's auntie into getting a dog. She wanted a dog for a long time but her husband says he doesn't have the patience to teach the dog. We'll see how it goes because her auntie loves dogs a lot.

BF - I give Oreo water all the time because I am afraid that his urinary tract infection might come back. Well, I'll just have to keep waking until he is older. But he holds his bladder really well so that is a sigh of relief for me. :laugh:

Magstar - I also didn't get to choose Oreo. The breeder asked everyone which puppy they prefer (by looking at pictures on the breeder's website). I chose a typical BC looking dog as my first choice and Oreo as my second choice. When we were informed we got Oreo, we were very happy as he got the most naughty-looking and special-looking ear ever! Haha I was glad I got him because when I picked him up from the airport, he was licking my face and my girlfriend's face. Such a lovely boy.

But since you got a choice, maybe choose a puppy that really bonds to you? I think its more important to get a dog that bonds to you because you are going to spend at least 10 years with him/her. Its my silly opinion but I would choose a puppy that bonds to me.


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BF, I'm glad to hear Zoe's sleeping through the night! And well done to her behaving so well whilst you were out - is that the first time you've left her for such a length of time?

Michelle, that's such a cute photo. Wonderful to hear that she's fully settled. They very quickly make it feel like they've been here forever, don't they?

Magstar, there were only two black boys in James' litter and the breeder was to make the decision. I'd grown quite fond of James for the trivial reason that he had a scab on the back of his neck. The last two times we visited before picking him up I spent a lot of time playing with him specifically, to the point where he eventually started falling asleep on me instead of getting up and falling on the mountain of puppies to nap. And it turns out his breeder had picked him out for us anyway :cheers:

It's amazing how fast he's changing! One week he'll have some terrible habit that you can't seem to shake, the next it's completely gone! And he's become so reliable, as well! He's getting very good at entertaining himself so I don't need to play with him all the time. And I can confidently leave him alone, not in his pen, when I go to have a shower or do something downstairs for a bit, without fear of destruction. ...well, with only small fear :cheers: I came out to find that the monster had pinched one of the cushions of the couch, had dragged it over to the door and was resting his head on it while he napped :laugh:

Perhaps a not so subtle hint that we need to get him a bed for upstairs.

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Georgia and I attended our first dog obedience class, it was great fun. Georgia did really well and I think I did too. I met some wonderful people and even a couple of shelties. It was a really positive experience for both of us and now Georgia is sound asleep.

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Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend!

We went to see the puppies yesterday morning and they were just the cutest!!! We fell in love with one immediately. It was the strangest thing to feel that bond so quickly out of 6 possible pups. Unfortunately we may not be able to have him because someone on the list before us had not chosen yet. This meant that we had to pick our top 2 pups. Luckily my husband was paying more attention to the others than me (as I was too preoccupied with puppy #1), and he suggested the 2nd puppy, which I then had a cuddle with. I would be happy with either. All puppies were quite happy to be held and handled which was good.

We were at the breeders for over half an hour but the time went soo quickly! And now I'm sure the next 3 weeks will go very slowly.

The worst part was that we forgot to take any photos! I even had the camera in my pocket!

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magstar - So glad you had a good time. Haha :hug: everyone is preoccupied with puppies. Its normal~ Are you looking at a boy or girl? Hope you get your favourite puppy!

michelle - what did you learn in your obedience class?

Have been walking Oreo (13weeks pup) and he is behaving so well outside. He gets excited very easily when he see other dogs so I just let him say "hi" and I leave because he will nip the other dog's ears. He needs to learn not to do that first. Haha I also went to a local pet shop with him and he is performing tricks for everyone in the pet shop. He "shake", "sit" and "drop" for everyone. Everyone love him.


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Michelle - good to hear your obedience class went well. I observed a puppy preschool class a few weeks ago - it was a great puppy fix actually!

Magstar - when will you hear which puppy is yours? It must have been so exciting. These last few weeks will drag. Have you done your all your puppy shopping?

Nic - Oreo is doing so well. He is so obedient for such a little guy.

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Lily123 - I'm not sure when we will find out which puppy is ours. It might not be for another week or 2. I thought not knowing would bother me, but now I am just looking forward to the surprise. We have done most of our shopping, but we still need a few more toys. I think my parents might contribute some toys though. They are excited about getting their first grandchild lol!

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Nic, we're just in the beginners class now, which runs for a month. I suspect it would be similar to a puppy preschool. There was alot of discussion as to how to treat the dog to make sure you build a good relationship. Then we started learning how to get them walking at our heel. And also the COME command. We've been practising come alot today and she's really got the hang of it. Its great because if I don't know where in the house she is, I just call out in my best happy voice, Georgia Come and 9/10 she's there waiting for her treat. The trick is to make sure you sound happy because if you sound like your Mum when you were a kid don't expect the pup to come. LOL

Here's another pic of Georgia asleep in bed with our son Bailey, this was taken in the first couple of days.


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Magstar - My gf's aunties and uncles have been buying stuff for Oreo as well. He have been given a couple of toys and poo bag dispenser. He is a spoilt brat.

Michelle - I have also been training Oreo to come at home, which he came most of the time. But when he was at the puppy school, he is too busy going around to play with other puppies that he didn't came to us. Otherwise he did pretty well in SIT and DOWN.


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Hello everyone,

Niques ~ I have been leaving Zoe alone in her crate every few days, getting this kitchen renovation organised does not make for staying in everyday :laugh: but she is getting so much better. I now use a very heavy pottery dog bowl for her water, she can't tip it up anymore :) but she can rip up the newspaper and stick it in the bowl :( I can't win.

Zoe is showing our cat that she is the dominate one :laugh: she is smaller than the cat. I am wondering how long this situation is going to continue....so far the cat is letting her rule :)

Zoe is still not crying when she goes to bed, and is waking between 6:15am and 6:30am. So I am extremely happy with that. i do think I need to change her food bowl though.....I found 2 heavy pottery ones, I had for one of my previous dogs. The water one is fine as Zoe can't tip it. But the food one she seems afraid of, she doesn't eat her food like she normally does anymore (I mean with the last bowl (I replaced them because I was finding it hard to pick them up)) she gingerly goes up to it and takes a little at a time.....and she always leaves lots of food....weird, but I might change the bowl back and see what she does.


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Zoe is showing our cat that she is the dominate one :D she is smaller than the cat. I am wondering how long this situation is going to continue....so far the cat is letting her rule :provoke:

Hey BF, Zoe might well end up being the boss forever! When 1kg puppy Saxon came home I thought both cats would put him in his place. Grumpy old cat Chops made it clear from the start that she was the boss but poor younger boy cat Charlie didn't know what to make of this small creature.

I was waiting for 5 year old, 5kg Charlie to put the puppy in his place. To this day (8 months later) Charlie still just meows pathetically when Saxon (now about the same size) jumps all over him :wave: I figure, well they sorted out the pecking order themselves and no one gets hurts, and if Charlie, the biggest, couldn't put the tiny puppy in his place, well he can deal with it. Poor sooky boy :o

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Sorry for so many questions people, but what can i do to keep my little guy entertained while i am at work. Unfortunately i cant take the week off, but am pushing to work half days for the first week. But when i am not there even after the first week. What do people recommend? Kongs with food stuffed in them? If so, what do you put in them? I am just worried that he will cry or make noise if he is bored.

I have check out a few websites and all the boredom type toys all sound the same. Any recommendations would be great. I also intend to get up 30 minutes earlier initially and play with him a bit so that hopefully it will make him tired and he can sleep for a bit. Eventually once he is older he will be walked in the mornings as well.

PS: We have narrowed the names down to Jager, Remy and Moet. But thats as far as we have got, i think once we get him home a name that suits him will jump out.

Cheers guys.

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Nushie - where would you leave your puppy when you are away? Use the weekend to toilet-train him. I heard people put liver treats at the end of the kong so the puppy would not get it so they won't lose interest. Then soften the dry kibbles and squeeze it in. You can put a bit of peanut butter to get him interested. Some people freeze it so the kong would last longer but I wouldn't do it for your puppy yet because he still haven't learn to play with the kong yet. Make it easy first for them first and they will love the kong when they are older.

I heard of the Kong dispenser. You might want to check it out. You can set a timer then kong will dispense at the time you set it. If your puppy has chew toys, they can't bark. =D

don't worry too much if you are not home. if you play and train him to mentally stimulate him, Puppies will happily sleep the whole day while you are at work.

Hope that helps.

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Nushie - where would you leave your puppy when you are away? Use the weekend to toilet-train him. I heard people put liver treats at the end of the kong so the puppy would not get it so they won't lose interest. Then soften the dry kibbles and squeeze it in. You can put a bit of peanut butter to get him interested. Some people freeze it so the kong would last longer but I wouldn't do it for your puppy yet because he still haven't learn to play with the kong yet. Make it easy first for them first and they will love the kong when they are older.

I heard of the Kong dispenser. You might want to check it out. You can set a timer then kong will dispense at the time you set it. If your puppy has chew toys, they can't bark. =D

don't worry too much if you are not home. if you play and train him to mentally stimulate him, Puppies will happily sleep the whole day while you are at work.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Nic - he will be in a playpen in the living area while we are at work so that he cant get into trouble :laugh:

I have seen the Kong despensers for sale and thought they would be a great idea. Does anyone the difference between normal Kongs and the Puppy Kongs? Are they a softer plastic to not damage their teeth or are they just smaller?

I have also seen some treats that are suppose to last for hours, does anyone know if these would be appropriate? They can be used on their own or in a container type toy. Do you think they will be too hard for little puppy teeth?


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Nushie ~ When I leave Zoe all day, she gets a Wubba (a fluffy kong, its her favourite) and a biscuit, like the bone shaped Lucky Dog ones. But she never eats it, she waits until we get home then she brings it out with her and happily sits on her bed munching or barking and playing with it. She is a weird dog :laugh: Oh and she is in a crate in the lounge. Kongs are great, but don't give too many liver treat ones as it can make a puppy have diarrhea, I learned the hard way :) There is no hard and fast rule as to what will occupy a dog, Zoe won't play with some of her toys, and she drags around others all the time. Its just a matter of finding out what works. As for the puppy and adult kongs, I have no idea why they are different, I just bought Zoe an adult one and she is happy with it. I sometimes fill it with dry food and she loves rolling it around the floor and watching the food fall out, she goes behind it like a vacuum cleaner sucking them up :wave:

I took a picture of Zoe on OH's chair, she likes it better with the cushion down :)


Saxon Pup ~ I agree. Our cat Shadow has always been the follower. Every animal we have ever had in the last 4 years, including a 12 weeks old kitten was dominant over her. She is such a wuss :( its funny you'd think the older animals would put the younger and/or smaller animals in their place. But nope.


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