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Moron At The Vet Clinic

Guest Willow

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I know this has been done to death, but still the idiots keep on coming!!!

Was at the vets with 1 cat & 1 rabbit the other day (both securely caged, I might add!). Anyway, a guy comes in with a BC off lead, and sits right next to the door (why do people do this??? ). Anyway, a woman comes in with a dog, and the BC knocks her out of the way & takes off across the car park.

Woman with little dog goes "OMG!!! Your dogs gone!!!"

Guy goes "Oh, it's ok" & saunters out to get her.....the car park is heaving, and you wouldn't see her darting between the cars.

Anyway, he comes in again....dog with it's face pressed against the door, and tries to dash out again when the next person comes in. Anyway, the guy makes a big deal about practising sit-stays with her, and then the nurse calls him to the counter, so he turns his back on his dog, who promptly runs to the door & presses her face against it again.

I can't bite my tongue any longer at this point, and the nurse clearly isn't game enough to say anyhting so I walk up to him & say "That dog needs to be on a lead". He looks a bit shocked & says "what did you say"

I repeat myself but he looks at me like I'm speaking an alien language.

I say "Put your dog on a lead before she gets hit by a bloody car, or someone with an aggressive dog tries to come in & your dog gets ripped to shreds in the doorway"

"I forgot my lead" he says

"so ask the nurse to borrow one!!!!"

I was about to grab one off the shelf & hand it to the nurse saying "here, just add this to his bill" but it was my turn to go in.

I have to say, if I had been trying to get in the door with my dog, and had been accosted by a big BC, there would have been a bloody dogfight!!!

What the hell is WRONG with people????!!!!

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I've come to the conclusion that these sorts of people either:

a) think the world revolves around them, or

b) are so genuinely stupid that they don't realise the consequences of their actions, or

c) are just plain damn lazy

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I regularly get the ones who waltz in with their offlead dog, it lifts its leg on the counter / chair / door, before I can slap a lead on it, and the owner has a good belly laugh & says..."he always does that when we get here".......

arrrrrgggghhhh !!

And I'm not including the one's who's dogs are scared, anxious, unwell who have an accident, just the morons who think its amusing....usually blokes who would consider having their male desexed a personal attack on their own nuts.


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I remember being there one day when there was a client I knew who had been working very hard to rehabilitate her DA beagle (the beagle was seriously atacked when she was a puppy). She had taken herself off to a quiet corner to wait, when a mum and (approx) 9 or 10 year old girl came in with a small fuzzy dog in the girls arms. She get sin the door, drops the dog to the floor and says "go play then" :) The dog charges up to the Beagle, whose owner gets in front & SCREAMS at the kid "GETTOURF******DOGAWAYFROMMERIGHTNOW!!!!"....to which girl goes white as a sheet & picks the dog up....couldn't have put it better myself!!!!

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..usually blokes who would consider having their male desexed a personal attack on their own nuts.


Roflmao I KNOW what you mean. There are dozens of blokes like that around here. Why doesn't it work the other way with women and female dogs???? Are they that insecure about their own "blokehood"???

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It's poor practice on behalf of the clinic to allow dogs off leash and cats out of cages in the reception area.

I agree, but you don't know they are offlead until they come barrelling through through the door !!!

And in a single nurse practice, you are often busy in another area, and go straight to reception when you hear the door, giving the loose dog a few seconds head start !!

we are trying to educate our clients :-)) most a wonderful though.


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It's poor practice on behalf of the clinic to allow dogs off leash and cats out of cages in the reception area.

I agree, but you don't know they are offlead until they come barrelling through through the door !!!

And in a single nurse practice, you are often busy in another area, and go straight to reception when you hear the door, giving the loose dog a few seconds head start !!

we are trying to educate our clients :-)) most a wonderful though.


Add the ones who you would have to actually physically toss out the door because they refuse to restrain the animals.

My cat stresses in a cage, my dog chokes itself, are just two excuses.

At very busy times it can be damn hard to do something about it quickly.

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Warls, have you worked in a busy clinic ? Your idea is good in theory - pretty hard to have 100% compliance.

One can have signs up the ying yang, be proactive & very vocal till the cows come home, pounce on people as soon as they walk in the door, have leads at the door for client use, try and head people off if you see their dog loose in the car park, run to the door with a cat cage....... but there are still those that will wander in with a loose animal.


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It's poor practice on behalf of the clinic to allow dogs off leash and cats out of cages in the reception area.

I agree, but you don't know they are offlead until they come barrelling through through the door !!!

And in a single nurse practice, you are often busy in another area, and go straight to reception when you hear the door, giving the loose dog a few seconds head start !!

we are trying to educate our clients :-)) most a wonderful though.


But it seems in this case the nurse new the situation & did bugger all.

Willow you keeped quiet longer than i would have :) .

We get clients who turn up to the kennels with no lead & they get a lecture big time. No lead no entry until we have brought one to them.

Its the height of rudeness to attend such a place with no leash but we all know about the people who dont have the same rules or common sense as the rest of us.

We no longer go in with dogs but leave them in the car.

When we use to attend or vet they werent savvy in ensuring clients would have ALL pets under control .

We occasionally got a comment from a staff member we are waiting for you ,

It was always greeted with if you ensured the waiting animals where under control you wouldnt have too & loud enough for all to hear.

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I did say to the nurse "someone needs to go get a lead for that guy" but she said nothing, smiled & walked off :mad

:( then she really failed,

as much as humanly possible, you have a duty of care to protect other clients & their animals. And your vet nurse obviously had the opportunity to take control of the situation & didn't.

Sometimes the culture of a practice depends on the vet or practice manager if there is one, some nurses aren't game to say boo in case they get into trouble.


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The best one I have seen refused to put her cat in a cage, and every time it came for a procedure the distressed animal had to be peeled off her and put in a surgery cage. Eventually she got sick of it peeing in the car and surrendered it to the pound. Give that one a big elephant stamp.

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