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Anyone Want To Share The Secret?


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I don't want bling leads, at least at this stage, and it's impossible to get leads up here and I can't always get to shows down south. What I was wanting to know is how to make the leads so I can replace the leads I have as I need to.

Anyone want to share how?

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Paracord can be bought on ebay US, it's quite cheap - the shipping is not.

You would be better off getting someone to buy them for you and sending them up, would be more cost efficient i would imagine.

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if you can find a supplier of the paracord, then you can easily make your own

That's what I'm getting at. How? Are they stitched together? How do they make it so neat and almost like they loop inside to make a nice seam.

Paracord can be bought on ebay US, it's quite cheap - the shipping is not.

You would be better off getting someone to buy them for you and sending them up, would be more cost efficient i would imagine.

I've found it for $20 including postage. 1000ft is about $70.

I'm too picky to get others to do it for me :D

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I'm with Meg!

I'd love to try crafting my own lead and seen some leads others have made themselves, I'd want to try making one or two for my Min Pins to vary at different shows.

I'm also interested in knowing what sort of beads are being used and how do you know they will fit to the paracords.

I've googled to see if there is any lead making or crafting tutorials to make your own leads to no avail!

I'd often see some beautiful leads, but because I just love green too much, I want to make a few green ones with green beads XD

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Yeah I looked for tutorials as well but have come up empty handed. I'm considering buying a small length of the para cord and trying a few different things but don't want to waste it.

I'm all for supporting those making them around Australia but am looking to experiment a little with lengths of leads and attaching them to chokers and making slips as well.

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Megz, sent a PM.

I did some more research and found a couple, and now definitely have a rough ideas of how it is done.

I may give it a try, as I loved doing art and craft stuff and I even once did a line stitch tapestry that my grandmother gave to my mum (Talk about boredom, but hey it gave me an A+ for my version of garfield in Textiles when I was in Year 7!)

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I'd like to do the plaited kangaroo leather leads. Don't know where to get the thongs though. I have seen braiding books on amazon. I can make my own lampwork beads so at least they would be "unique".

Anyone know where to get thongs from? (No I'm not talking about butt floss thongs either :eek: )

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Yeah I would love to make them too :laugh: and found nothing with google

I am in the middle of trying different leads on toby and its just too expensive to buy nice ones while we overcome our "issues" and find what really works for him.

like others I would also like to just enjoy the arts and crafts side of it too and having a little toy dog I would like to make them with bling!! :laugh:


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Try getting the Kangaroo thong from the tannery in Melbourne. I do know they have an online shop. I do not know if they have a physical. There are some good yellow books on showing you how. You can buy skeins in 10, 20 and 50 metre hanks/rolls.

The only thing to remember when plaiting (I do my own) is the lighter the thong, it will get dirty looking very quickly. All colours will darken with age and use.

I use venetian cord in my thicker leads for added strength and plait around it. For thin leads, I may leave it out. Round plait uses about 2 x the finished length. So if you want a 1metre lead, you need to cut your strands twice the length. Flat plait uses 3x the finished length.

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Yep, you can teach yourself to plait from books, Ron Edwards as previously mentioned and RM Williams. Buy your pre cut leather thonging from Lefflers in Melbourne. It's not as good quality as if you buy a whole hide and cut it yourself but it's a good start.

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I find these series of books pretty good about $15 each:

Ron Edwards

Thanks for the link! I purchased "Plaiting - Flat and Round" for $12 including postage! :laugh:

Of course, it remains to be seen whether I do anything or whether it becomes another dust collector, but at that price I couldn't go wrong. :eek:

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