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I wouldn't hand ANY money over to this woman for the pup. Maybe I'm getting too cynical but "I need to sell a 3 week old pup to pay for a vet bill" sounds very dodgy to me. Even if it is genuine, this sort of thing shouldn't be encouraged by giving her money.

I agree with this.

I don't believe a dog lover will ever sell a pup that young to save their other dog. It's just sounds odd to me. If she can sell one of them, then most likely she will start selling the others before they are ready to leave too.

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I wouldn't hand ANY money over to this woman for the pup. Maybe I'm getting too cynical but "I need to sell a 3 week old pup to pay for a vet bill" sounds very dodgy to me. Even if it is genuine, this sort of thing shouldn't be encouraged by giving her money.

I agree with this.

I don't believe a dog lover will ever sell a pup that young to save their other dog. It's just sounds odd to me. If she can sell one of them, then most likely she will start selling the others before they are ready to leave too.

I know, I do completely agree with both of you. And I wouldn't be surprised if the vet bill story is untrue, given the way the ad was worded. If it is true, and she can't afford vet bills for the dogs she has, she shouldn't be breeding more anyway (regardless of all the other unethical x-breeding issues).

Incidently, I had a quick look at WA legislation and couldn't see anything about at what age you can / can't sell puppies :)

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My first thought was to send an angry email, but that isn't going to help.

I sent her an email explaining how serious it is to remove a puppy from its Mother at such a young age. I also mentioned puppy farms and how advertising her puppy as a breeders dream isn't responsible. I also touched briefly on the issues with cross breeding.

I'm fairly certain she won't listen to me, but I couldn't do nothing, and like everyone else there is no way I'd encourage it by giving her money.

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"for your information these dog were abndonded and i took them in to my home she had four pupies and i have sold them to good people i do an iteview before im accepting payment for them. i dnt have a large enough house to keep them that long and iv taken them all to the vet and the vet has told me they are both pure breds so you shouldnt call people a lier i did a good thing for these dog and it sick that i get people like you telling me what to do

THERE NOT MY DOGS I DNT WANT THEM Bbut i am not as cruel to leve them in an abandond dirty house."

That is the response I got back from her. Ugh.

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Oh it gets better, apparently her friend is a vet and they told her that the dog can leave after 4 weeks.

She also doesn't want to give the dogs to a rescue organisation because she looks after the dogs better than they can and all they want to do is make money.

It's like smashing my head against a brick wall.

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She replied that $500 was the minimum price as the father was hit by a car and she needs the money for his vet bills.
for your information these dog were abndonded and i took them in to my home she had four pupies and i have sold them to good people i do an iteview before im accepting payment for them. i dnt have a large enough house to keep them that long and iv taken them all to the vet and the vet has told me they are both pure breds so you shouldnt call people a lier i did a good thing for these dog and it sick that i get people like you telling me what to do

THERE NOT MY DOGS I DNT WANT THEM Bbut i am not as cruel to leve them in an abandond dirty house.

Lets just see if she can get the story straight first?? Maybe check her spelling?!

If she is rescuing them, why not hand them over to an organisation and free herself of the burden? - edit: posted as you did. Answers that question!!

Edited by Jenni87
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I told her that advertising your dog, at such an early age, for such a large amount of money with "Breeders Dream" as the title makes her appear as she's only doing it for the money.

I've sent her a puppy development timeline. I probably shouldn't bother, she's not going to listen, but I don't know what else to do.

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Sadly I don't think you can do anything.

It's terrible but there are many more out there like this and that is the problem.


Wait for the next litter and see what story she comes up with then.

(sorry if I am being presumptuous but do you blame me?)

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How disgusting :cry:: these people and their stupidity and the fact that they LIE so easily makes me sick. I am actually really mad about this. What hope do we have of ensuring the future of pet ownership when such stupid, irresponsible people are breeding?

So angry.

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i dnt have a large enough house to keep them that long and iv taken them all to the vet and the vet has told me they are both pure breds

How much room can you seriousley need for 4 puppies that size???If they are 3 weeks now, how hard is it for another 5 weeks (minimum).. Seriously in it for the money.

And she must of had them DNA tested or seen the papers to know that they are pure breds... I forgot you can be 100% sure by just looking at a dog.... :cry:

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i dont get i read the whole post she says in ur reply they were abound but then why would she sell a puppy so young when the dad dog got hit by a car and shes selling the puppy to pay for him to get fixed yet she states there not her dogs?

poor puppy poor poor puppy :rainbowbridge:

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I don't get it either Jess, her whole story sounds very strange to me.

I think if she really cared about dogs (not just $$) and didn't have the room or the money to take them all in and care for them properly she'd have found a more suitable home or rescue for the whole family, or at the very least for the mum and pups together until they are old enough to leave :rainbowbridge: Very sad.

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What a disgusting person! :rofl: . There is quite obviously something wrong with her.

If this was on a pet classifieds website, most of them have regulations about the minimum age of puppies being advertised. Maybe that's why it was removed.

I would love to have 5 minutes alone with this woman . It's amazing that in this day and age people still think this sort of thing is okay :rainbowbridge:

I'm really upset about this :( . With her sort of mentality it's a pretty safe bet that she's going to do it again. She's obviously lying about the situation.

... Would this be an RSPCA issue?

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I wish these people who sell crossbreeds would at least learn to correctly spell the breeds they are crossing :(

I'm generally gobsmacked when in these types of ads they quote the pups they are marketing as purebred malt/shit/pug and so on and so on. If it wasn't so sad it would be laughable. This makes my pound pups pure ummmmm

3wks old - these dropkicks deserve nothing but just that, a drop kick - bast@#^s

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