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Question For Purebred Dog Owners


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As some of you may know, my Australian Shepherd girl recently passed away. I considering am getting another dog, but I am not sure when.

However, a number of people have basically "told" me to get a resuce animal from the pound or rescue groups RIGHT NOW. When I tell them my next dog will be another Aussie Shepherd, they make me feel really bad and guilty about not rescuing a dog.

The reasons why I want another Aussie Shepherd are:

- They are smart, fun and easy to train

- They suit my lifestyle, which is quite active- I like going running and for long walks.

- They are very pretty :rofl:

- I know to a degree what their personality and exercise/training requirements will be like as I have had previous experience

- I just have a feeling they are the breed "for me" (vague I know but I can't really describe)

If I was able to afford two or more dogs, I would consider a shelter dog as well as an Aussie but I don't think I will be in that position for a while!!!

Do you think I am being selfish by getting a purebred aussie over a shelter dog?

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Hell no! I volunteer at a shelter and have fostered a rescue dog and support them wholeheartedly but i've made the decision to own purebred pedigreed dogs - it's your decision what dogs you want to own as long as you're acting responsibly and going through a registered ethical breeder.

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I think you should do exactly what you want to do. Don't be influenced by others. No one has the right to make you feel guilty over something that you feel is right for you.

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I guess a little, but is that a bad thing - aren't we all a little selfish in some ways? Every time I buy some little luxury for myself rather than donating the money to charity, I'm technically being selfish. But we can't all be perfect every minute of every day - we'd be pretty insufferable if we were. Everyone spends money on themselves, and if your "little luxury" is buying a purebred dog, well, I don't think that's so bad.

Deep philosophical answer, sorry. :rofl:

If you're concerned about the shelter situation, then perhaps get your purebreed and donate some money or time to a rescue. Or perhaps look for a dog of your chosen breed in rescue, and if a suitable one doesn't turn up by the time you're ready to adopt, then get your purebred puppy (in the knowledge you've at least given adoption a bash)?

But as long as you're not buying from a petshop, or supporting an unethical breeder, or contributing to the shelter problem yourself, I wouldn't let buying a puppy keep you awake at nights.

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Don't feel guilty, as a Resposible Dog Owner you have every right to choose the Breed and sex, age, colour etc. of the Dog that you will take responsibility for...for the rest of it's life.

Many people will try to tell you that you MUST get a rescue dog, whilst admirable, purchasing a dog from an ethical outlet (ie. registered Breeder) is equally admirable.

People who try to make others feel guilty about personal decisions should really rethink what they say.

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It's not selfish, and don't feel guilty for wanting a pure bred dog! If i came across a rescue dog that 'clicked' for me then i would seriously consider the dog - but in general my preference is for a pure bred dog/pup from a responsible breeder :rofl: And there is nothing wrong with that.

But also consider teenage or adult dogs from breeders as well, dogs that have been run on etc, and keep an open mind as we all know some fantastic pure bred dogs turn up in Rescue through no fault of their own :)

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I think the most important thing is to get a dog you will be happy living with and looking after for the rest of its life. If it's an Aussie that calls your heart, and it's an informed choice, that is what you should get.

I find people who use emotional blackmail to push their agendas onto other people's life choices quite offensive, whatever the cause.

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I think the most important thing is to get a dog you will be happy living with and looking after for the rest of its life. If it's an Aussie that calls your heart, and it's an informed choice, that is what you should get.

I find people who use emotional blackmail to push their agendas onto other people's life choices quite offensive, whatever the cause.

x2. get the dog you want. choose a good registered breeder and go for it.

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You're not being selfish.

I have had rescue dogs in the past, in fact many of my dogs up until now have been rescues.

But now that I have my own breeding plans it makes it much harder to take on a rescue when the alloted number of dogs I am allowed has already been taken.

I feel we make up for it by having rescue kitties, horses and weirdly enough rats and chickens.

There are times when I would like to get a small rescue dog and one day I might (if I can convince the OH), just not right now.

Edited by Wolfsong
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Agree with all said, so far.

Just adding that by getting a purebred dog from a responsible breeder, you'll be preventing dog dumping. Research has found that puppies raised & homed by registered breeders are less likely to go on to have the kinds of problems that get dogs dumped.

RSPCA Qld's February newsletter has picked up this point. As well as encouraging people to consider adopting a temperament-tested shelter dog (or one from a reputable rescue), they also recommended going to a good breeder for a purebred dog.

BOTH options help dogs, in some way. First option supports getting a dog directly out of shelter situation, the second prevents dogs getting there.

And BOTH options will likely provide a good pet.

Edited by mita
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No your not being selfish. Go get your pure bred dog from a registered reliable breeder.

Why take on someone else's problem from a shelter.

With a pure bred at least you will know you will be getting type and temperament

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As some of you may know, my Australian Shepherd girl recently passed away. I considering am getting another dog, but I am not sure when.

However, a number of people have basically "told" me to get a resuce animal from the pound or rescue groups RIGHT NOW. When I tell them my next dog will be another Aussie Shepherd, they make me feel really bad and guilty about not rescuing a dog.

The reasons why I want another Aussie Shepherd are:

- They are smart, fun and easy to train

- They suit my lifestyle, which is quite active- I like going running and for long walks.

- They are very pretty :rofl:

- I know to a degree what their personality and exercise/training requirements will be like as I have had previous experience

- I just have a feeling they are the breed "for me" (vague I know but I can't really describe)

If I was able to afford two or more dogs, I would consider a shelter dog as well as an Aussie but I don't think I will be in that position for a while!!!

Do you think I am being selfish by getting a purebred aussie over a shelter dog?

You have to live with the dog - get what YOU want, and yes I have had rescues and I do rescue for Belgian Shepherds in WA. So I can understand what those people are saying, but it is still your decision and one that you will have to live with hopefully for a long time. Whatever you choose - good luck:)

I can understand the "vague" feeling about feeling like Aussies are the breed for you - for me it was love at first sight with the Belgian Shepherds, I just love the breed and could not imagine living with anything else:)

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As some of you may know, my Australian Shepherd girl recently passed away. I considering am getting another dog, but I am not sure when.

However, a number of people have basically "told" me to get a resuce animal from the pound or rescue groups RIGHT NOW. When I tell them my next dog will be another Aussie Shepherd, they make me feel really bad and guilty about not rescuing a dog.

The reasons why I want another Aussie Shepherd are:

- They are smart, fun and easy to train

- They suit my lifestyle, which is quite active- I like going running and for long walks.

- They are very pretty :rofl:

- I know to a degree what their personality and exercise/training requirements will be like as I have had previous experience

- I just have a feeling they are the breed "for me" (vague I know but I can't really describe)

If I was able to afford two or more dogs, I would consider a shelter dog as well as an Aussie but I don't think I will be in that position for a while!!!

Do you think I am being selfish by getting a purebred aussie over a shelter dog?

Never feel guilted into anything. If you want a rescue dog then get one, if you don't want a resece the get a Pedigree.

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Do you think I am being selfish by getting a purebred aussie over a shelter dog?

Absolutely not.

Whilst it would be nice to be able to take them all in you need to make the best decision for you. If that is to get a dog from lines you are comfortable, with a more predictable temperament and known health issues then I think anyone who suggests you are being selfish is just plain out of line.

Apart from (arguably) the puppy farm/supply and demand argument you are taking the same risks adopting a dog from a shelter as you are buying one from a pet shop. I can totally understand anyone who decides not to go down that path.

If you want a pedigree dog then I would not let yourself be pressured by others with a different, but definite agenda.

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