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Katy Let Us Know Something Was Amiss


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Katy our nine month Newf went ballistic barking this morning, which is not like her at all.......She was barking and jumping at the window. We live on a quiet country road.

I was cross with her for barking, but thought I should check..........Looking out I saw our Clydesdale Johnno (Katy's friend) traveling on the road. The gate was OPEN!!!!!

Thank goodness for Katy, our warning system. We usually do not gaze out to the road. Still not sure how the gate got to be opened. It is padlocked today.......

I am very proud of our Baby girl.....the other two were just asleep :D

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Well done Katy for looking out for your friend :D and luckily you checked :)

A few years ago, my black lab girl was barking madly one night at some ungodly hr and I had been out for a girl's night out and got home quite late so was too lazy to check out what she was barking at, much to my regret :( as my car was stolen as it was parked outside on the street and she had obviously heard someone breaking in. My car was insured and it was located the next day, a couple of suburbs away out of petrol as some hoons had just taken it for a joyride and nothing was damaged luckily.

I learn't a valuable lesson that night and ever since anytime any of my labs bark, I check it out. All my labs have been very protective of me and my property and have never been nuisance barkers, so if they bark, I check.

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What a good girl!

Gypsy lets us know without fail if something is "wrong" (usually strange people next door, every day since they're building). She only barks until we go out and check and tell her it's ok, but she won't stop until we physically go and look (clearly wants to make sure we know exactly what the 'problem' is)

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Okay, paint me weird - but I am convinced I can actually differentiate between my dogs' differing barks - does anyone else do this??

As in, there is the "Alert Alert, Will Robinson, some scum are walking on OUR footpath", where I look through the window, then call the dogs to the back door and thank them for coming to me instead of shouting at innocent passersby...

Then, there is the "Get Out Here Quick, Mum, There Is A Bad Person!", which has so far resulted in my interrupting a lout letting down the tyres on the neighbour's car, supervising various suspiciously quiet late-night strollers out of sight down the street, and appearing like a jack-in-the-box when a stolen car was dumped a couple of houses down.

And of course, there is the "Outraged And Offended By The Possums Teasing" bark... very difficult to tell the difference between these last two, you have to listen carefully for the tone of incipient hysteria in the possum-barking...

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Okay, paint me weird - but I am convinced I can actually differentiate between my dogs' differing barks - does anyone else do this??

As in, there is the "Alert Alert, Will Robinson, some scum are walking on OUR footpath", where I look through the window, then call the dogs to the back door and thank them for coming to me instead of shouting at innocent passersby...

Then, there is the "Get Out Here Quick, Mum, There Is A Bad Person!", which has so far resulted in my interrupting a lout letting down the tyres on the neighbour's car, supervising various suspiciously quiet late-night strollers out of sight down the street, and appearing like a jack-in-the-box when a stolen car was dumped a couple of houses down.

And of course, there is the "Outraged And Offended By The Possums Teasing" bark... very difficult to tell the difference between these last two, you have to listen carefully for the tone of incipient hysteria in the possum-barking...

With my adult newf I can tell the difference, but Katy hardly ever barks and previously only in play. So this was a new one. I thought she was looking at a duck/herron on the dam and getting exited. but i know what you mean. With Annabelle i can definitely tell the difference in bark. And because she stayed relaxed i thought nothing much was happening........Annabelle was probably not concerned about Johnno :thumbsup:

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My boys give the "Bark ..... Bark ..... Bark" when there is a person walking around at night. This is basically their "we are watching you so keep moving" message.

Then there is the "Bark, Bark , Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark" when there is the something I need to check out.

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Okay, paint me weird - but I am convinced I can actually differentiate between my dogs' differing barks - does anyone else do this??


I thought it was only me, too, who could tell what the different barks of our tibs, meant. Then I found other people said the same about their dogs.

And, not long ago, I read some research (but can't remember where!) that backed up people CAN tell what various barks mean.

So clever Katy was sure saying something was urgent & needed attention.....fast!

Years back, our tib girl Angel started making 'screaming' noises at the side gate (she was looking out onto the road). I'd never heard her make that sound before....it was a distinct 'scream' that said 'Danger'!

I looked out & saw a small toddler (about 2 yrs old) standing, lost, in the middle of the road. I flew out & grabbed her. Just as we got to the footpath, a big white van came speeding around the corner. The little girl would have been dead, if Angel hadn't 'screamed'. I never, ever heard her make the same sound again.

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Well done Katy!

Last time I ignored a barking dog my nature strip was on fire!!! The CFA were out there putting it out and Brock was going nuts. I can tell the difference in their barks too.

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Good girl Katy! :):laugh::) Good on you for looking out for your mate and helping your mum out!!!

Okay, paint me weird - but I am convinced I can actually differentiate between my dogs' differing barks - does anyone else do this??

Nope your not weird at all - or perhaps we both are :laugh: ... :)

Cause Benson is a barker - especially at the neighbours he can't see and at possums but these are like a howly bark (almost like he's frustrated). But twice I have heard the "I am going to rip your ******* throat out" bark and one occurred when I was sound asleep and I woke in absolute terror. I got up and got him close to me yet he continued to growl viciously and that's when I swear I heard foot steps in the leaves out side my house. I just thank god that I had my guardian boy that night as I have no idea what might have happened otherwise.

Edit - The other time was at a Telstra door to door sales person who came knocking at night - I think he almost crapped himself LOL!

Edited by First Time Puppy Owner
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Hey there everyone.

Not sure if you would mind purchasing a dog bed online, but i stumbled across this site some time ago. I really love the patterns. How it works :

It's a mesh bag, that you can fill up with your old clothes, etc. Quite environmentally friendly dont ya think? :D My friend's dog absolutely loves it.


Hope this helps.

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Same thing virtually happened with me today. The neighbours have asked to let their horses graze on my grass in the unfenced part of my property, as they have none. I said they were welcome, but please only when they where home in case there was an incident of any sort. They have used electric tape as temporary fencing. My dogs are fine with the horses being there just beyond our fence. Today they were barking up a storm, and I went out to find one of the horses had gotten out under the tape and wondering off. I go to tell the neighbour - and sure enough no one home!!!! :p This horse is not keen to be caught. Luckily the neighbour had just popped out and drove in the driveway while I was still wondering what to do, and waving a carrot at her trying to get her to come to me :D

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