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Tell Us All About Your Dog(s)!


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Hi guys, I thought I'd make a fun survey for you guys to answer to tell us all about your dogs. :)







Where did you get them from?

How often do you exercise your dog?

Do they know any commands?

Compete in any dog sports?

Favourite treat:

Favourite toy:

Funny habits or quirks:

What's their personality like?

Do they get along well with other dogs?

Are they scared of anything?

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections?

My answers will follow later on. :)

If you have several dogs feel free to do this for all of them. :rofl:

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Name: Oberon

Nickname: Snoops

Breed: Borzoi

Gender: Dog

Age: 9 months

Picture: see sig

Where did you get them from? Registered breeder, NSW

How often do you exercise your dog? small amount twice a day.

Do they know any commands? sit, drop, shake, give, does 'off' count,

Compete in any dog sports? no

Favourite treat: whatever is on my plate

Favourite toy: plastic coke bottle

Funny habits or quirks: i think he's a cat in disguise, oh and he steals my underwear very sneakily. loves bras especially. also tries to raid the recycling box for coke bottles. currently into stealing toothpaste tubes.

What's their personality like? He switches from super sook to super confident and happy when he wants to play. He enjoys his cuddles, but really didn't as a pup.

Do they get along well with other dogs? Loves other dogs to a fault sometimes

Are they scared of anything? No, i'd say he's pretty bomb proof

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Corrections and praise.

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Name: Pepper

Nickname: Pep/Pepsi/doofus

Breed: Dally B/W

Gender: F

Age: 7


Where did you get them from?

A stupid BYB who had negligently caused the death of the other puppy by leaving them home alone in a paddock full of horses and other animals all day. A friend told me about it and that there was one 6 week old puppy left there in danger of something similar happening, so I grabbed this one to "look after" and ended up keeping her.

How often do you exercise your dog? Every day at least once, usually twice

Do they know any commands? Lots

Compete in any dog sports? No

Favourite treat: Bones

Favourite toy: Toilet roll innards LOL

Funny habits or quirks: Wont go anywhere near dog pooh - will actually wrinkle her nose and look all offended and kind of pick her way around it. Once there was some on a narrow path and I couldn't get her to come past it. She fought her way through prickly bushes instead ROFL

What's their personality like? She is the ultimate Diplomat. Tries to love every person and every animal she meets and tries to get them to play

Do they get along well with other dogs? Brilliantly

Are they scared of anything? Not that I know of

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections?

Positive reinforcement - a bit - mostly she just picks up on what I want really easily and just does it - with or without treats/reinforcement. But she gets told she's a good girl a lot - mostly coz she is :) No corrections needed with Pepper - even when she was a puppy - I think she just followed the lead of my other - well trained dogs. If I was going to enter her in some kind of competition I suspect I'd use a bit of correction training tho.

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Name: Oberon

Nickname: Snoops

Breed: Borzoi

Gender: Dog

Age: 9 months

Picture: see sig

Where did you get them from? Registered breeder, NSW

How often do you exercise your dog? small amount twice a day.

Do they know any commands? sit, drop, shake, give, does 'off' count,

Compete in any dog sports? no

Favourite treat: whatever is on my plate

Favourite toy: plastic coke bottle

Funny habits or quirks: i think he's a cat in disguise, oh and he steals my underwear very sneakily. loves bras especially. also tries to raid the recycling box for coke bottles. currently into stealing toothpaste tubes.

What's their personality like? He switches from super sook to super confident and happy when he wants to play. He enjoys his cuddles, but really didn't as a pup.

Do they get along well with other dogs? Loves other dogs to a fault sometimes

Are they scared of anything? No, i'd say he's pretty bomb proof

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Corrections and praise.

LMAO Snoops sounds like an absolute honey and looks gorgeous too!!

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I'll do one for Daisy, and then if I can be bothered, I will come back and do one for the other two :)

Name: Daisy (aka Semeru Bellis)

Nickname: The Evil Beagle

Breed: Beagle

Gender: Female

Age: Three years



(Hey - Daisy with a bag of food she's NOT EATING! ZOMG :) )

Where did you get them from? A pedigree breeder (see prefix name, LOL)

How often do you exercise your dog? Depends what you mean by exercise, I walk them a few times a week but we do high energy training just about every day.

Do they know any commands? Yep - we compete in obedience (see below) so she knows all the obedience basics - sit, stay, down, stand, heel, etc as well as hi-5 and hi-10. She also knows how to do a formal dumbell retrieval and can do scent discrimination.

Compete in any dog sports? Yep, obedience -

for an example :) and maybe tracking one day too :rofl:

Favourite treat: Anything edible, but especially donuts.

Funny habits or quirks: Being a ninja beagle who is very talented at stealing food and eating it before you realise.

What's their personality like? She's a bit independent, but a typical merry little hound as beagles should be.

Do they get along well with other dogs? Yep but she can be a bit disinterested in them (not a bad thing IMO).

Are they scared of anything? Not particularly.

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? I use a method called training in drive.

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I live with 5 beautiful Sammy's but will complete for my special two kids :)

Name: Shimmer "Aust Ch Airebis Kissed by Moonlite"

Nickname: "Shimmeroo", Rookid", "Shim shim", "Little lizzy", "the princess"

Breed: Samoyed

Gender: Female

Age: 28 months

Picture: (will upload later, unable to do it at work :eek: )

Where did you get them from? We bred her

How often do you exercise your dog? Daily

Do they know any commands? Yes, all show commands, as well as sit, stay, jump up (which is one leap into my arms), shake hands, talk

Compete in any dog sports? She has done a little herding (passed her instinct, we really should train for trails :) ), done a touch of agility too.

Favourite treat: pigs ears

Favourite toy: Shimmer has over 40 toys (spoilt much), so every month it is different, her brother Inka enjoys steeling them from her... such a boy!

Funny habits or quirks: every morning I am greeted with a toy, she then proceeds to try and talk with the toy still in her mouth. At the moment her speciality is dancing at shows though :)

What's their personality like? Shimmer is full on energy and could play all day, but also very much enjoys her cuddles. She just loves being with me!

Do they get along well with other dogs? Yes, Shimmer has many friends

Are they scared of anything? Nope, she takes everything in her stride

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? I don't do obedience, but positive reinforcement is what I use

Name: Sonnet "Airebis Moonlit Diamond Night (AI)"

Nickname: "Mr Cuddles", "Sondog", but lately "the gremlin"

Breed: Samoyed

Gender: Male

Age: just turned 8 months

Picture: (to be posted later)

Where did you get them from? We also bred Sonnet, his father is a NZ Champion who is a UK Import :p so he is a special kid.

How often do you exercise your dog? daily

Do they know any commands? Show commands, though he has forgotten heel lately

Compete in any dog sports? Not yet... still considering his career path :rofl: he is being shown and currently top Samoyed rising star nationally :rofl:

Favourite treat: Chicken, chicken and more chicken

Favourite toy: Any he can steel from Shimmer :)

Funny habits or quirks: Don't know where to begin, but everyday there is something new

What's their personality like? Super intelligent, with loads of charisma - a happy man, who loves everyone and everything

Do they get along well with other dogs? sure does, including other males, even though he discovered girls early, he enjoys cuddling with my boy inka & others.

Are they scared of anything? water off a ducks back ;) nothing fazes him

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement

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Name: Bandit and Meeka

Nickname: Bandy and Baby Girl

Breed: fox terrier x and spaniel x

Gender: boy and girl

Age: guessing .. 5-6 and 2-3


Where did you get them from? Adopt a Rescue Dog

How often do you exercise your dog? 40 minute walk a few times a week.

Do they know any commands? bandit - sit, wait, stay, on your bed, drop, roll over. Meeka - sit, wait, on your bed.

Compete in any dog sports? no

Favourite treat: Bandit - anything especially carrots. Meeka - liver treats, bits of chicken.

Favourite toy: Bandit - Balls

Funny habits or quirks: Bandit throws and chases his own balls. Meeka won't get up of a morning, prefers to stay in bed.

Do they get along well with other dogs? Bandit - not bad but must be careful with other boys. Meeka goes mad, shakes, crys but just wants to play.

Are they scared of anything? Bandit - men, took a long time to trust my other half but now does. Meeka - loud noises.

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Bandit = very clear commands, lots of praise, important not to yell. Meeka - positive reinforcement, lots of love and patience, she takes a lot longer to learn than Bandy.

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and ...

Name: Zac

Nickname: old man

Breed: Border Collie x bully

Gender: desexed boy

Age: 16


Where did you get them from? his previous owner had a baby and couldn't keep him. he was 5

How often do you exercise your dog? not much now, a slow walk when he feels like it.

Do they know any commands? when he was younger he went thru obedience and would respond to hand commands. Now he has either forgotten it all or can't be bothered. We don't expect him to do anything.

Compete in any dog sports? no

Favourite treat: anything, cheese ..

Favourite toy: balls and sticks

Funny habits or quirks: he is now very vague, but when he was younger he had a great sense of humour.

Do they get along well with other dogs? always has been fine, though now he is an old man he gets a bit grumpy.

Are they scared of anything? he used to be scared of loud noises but now is deaf so nothing worries him.

What training methods do you use? when he was young we used positive reinforcement and treats. now we have to yell otherwise he can't hear you, we don't expect him to do much ..

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Name: Maverick

Nickname: Mr Mav, Mavey, Pretty Boy

Breed: Malamute Cross

Gender: Male

Age: 16 Months



Where did you get them from? A Shelter

How often do you exercise your dog? Daily

Do they know any commands? Basic Obedience, Speak & Shake

Favourite treat: Lucky Dog Bickies

Favourite toy: Soft Toys! ~ To Destroy of Course

Funny habits or quirks: Leaning on you when he gets his pats and cuddles

What's their personality like? Independent, but loves his mummy time!

Do they get along well with other dogs? He Loves Other Dogs!

Are they scared of anything? Nothing in Particular

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement


Name: Hector

Nickname: Huggable Hector & Hectik

Breed: Husky Cross

Gender: Male

Age: 5 Months



Where did you get them from? A Shelter

How often do you exercise your dog? Daily

Do they know any commands? Basic Obedience, Shake, Hi-5, Roll Over

Favourite treat: Any Food!

Favourite toy: Soft Toys, chew toys & balls

Funny habits or quirks: He has a habit of trying to howl with a tennis ball in his mouth when he wants me to throw it!

What's their personality like? Energetic, playful, loving & loyal

Do they get along well with other dogs? He Loves Other Dogs!

Are they scared of anything? Nothing in Particular

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement

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Name: Nauglamir Bronte N Gold (HT pending - waiting, waiting, waiting for papers to be returned)

Nickname: Call name - Bronte Nicknames - Bront, Buppa

Breed: Collie (Smooth)

Gender: Female, desexed

Age: 15 months

Picture: See sig

Where did you get them from? Avoca VIC, Nauglamir Kennels

How often do you exercise your dog? During the week twice a day (walk/training/dog park), on the weekend 'whatever' and lots of it. Sat/Sun shegenerally gets a walk and one huge run/romp/dog play both days.

Do they know any commands? Heaps, we are training for her CCD, she also knows a few Herding commands, some trick commands and some general lifestyle commands like 'car', 'on your bed' and 'inside/outside'.

Compete in any dog sports? Herding, soon to start competing in Obedience and Agility will follow after that.

Favourite treat: Tough one - Food! She particularly likes Four Legs, which I use as training treats. She also loves Roolami.

Favourite toy: Ball/Frisbee, anything she can chase and fetch.

Funny habits or quirks: We call Bronte a Bubble Dog, as she should live life in a bubble because if anything could and would happen to her health wise it will.

What's their personality like? Super smart, loves to work, pretty happy go lucky, mummy's girl and a bit timid with men. Generally a quiet dog unless a ball or sheep are involved. She doesn't shut up when we are outside a sheep pen - it can be very trying.

Do they get along well with other dogs? Absolutely, she is every dog's best friend.

Are they scared of anything? Timid of men and loud, close up noises (who can blame her).

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement, no reward marks and very occasionally a correction if its something she knows and is ignoring. She is a very very soft dog, so corrections are rarely used or she caves emotionally.

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Name: Molly

Nickname: Miss Molly, Mole-y

Breed: Cocker Spaniel

Gender: Female

Age: 1 (and a bit)


Where did you get them from? a registered breeder

How often do you exercise your dog? once a day 3 days a week, and twice a day 2 days a week

Do they know any commands? the usual, sit, stay, wait, shake, drop etc

Compete in any dog sports? not yet but we are starting agility later in the year

Favourite treat: lamb flaps

Favourite toy: toilet rolls, or her pink flea

Funny habits or quirks: she loves to roo roo (a LOT)

What's their personality like? Molly is a typical happy, easygoing and very sweet & smoochy Cocker...

Do they get along well with other dogs? absolutely

Are they scared of anything? Molly is pretty bombproof - nothing we have found yet!

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections?

only positive reinforcement in this house!!! Molly has a tendency to be a little anxious, especially when excited, so we keep the corrections as low key as possible

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Name: Kivi Tarro

Nickname: KT, Sweetie Pie

Breed: Finnish Lapphund

Gender: Male

Age: 2

Picture: 4533752213_3474296d8f.jpg

Where did you get them from? Registered breeder

How often do you exercise your dog? Every day.

Do they know any commands? Sit, down, hang about, hold up, target, paw, other paw, hip, plays dead and rolls over.

Compete in any dog sports? No

Favourite treat: He gets pretty excited about dried cow ears.

Favourite toy: The big monkey puppet he found on the side of the road one roadside cleanup. I let him keep it.

Funny habits or quirks: When he's excited he has to put something in his mouth and then walk around with it.

What's their personality like? He's a crybaby, a mama's boy, and a cuddly teddy bear. He is extremely social, very easy-going, and smooches everyone. We joke that he's disabled. He is so placid and tolerant you kind of wonder if something is wrong with him.

Do they get along well with other dogs? Oh yes. He's the dog park diplomat.

Are they scared of anything? Not that I can think of.

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Strictly positive reinforcement.

Name: Erik the Tall

Nickname: E, E-squidge, Squidge puppy, Erikson

Breed: Swedish Vallhund

Gender: Male

Age: Nearly 1

Picture: 4533751273_eccf165d62.jpg

Where did you get them from? Registered breeder

How often do you exercise your dog? Every day

Do they know any commands? Heel, walks backwards, walks sideways, gives ten, target with nose, paw, pivot, down, sit, speak, shh, spins, rolls, paws objects

Compete in any dog sports? No, but we're just starting agility for fun

Favourite treat: He doesn't have a favourite.

Favourite toy: His custum bungee tug with sheepskin

Funny habits or quirks: He gives extreme cuddles. You can be fooled into thinking you have a child cuddling you.

What's their personality like? He is a firecracker! Way too smart, quite driven and persistent and he throws himself into everything he does. He's also outspoken and pushy. I call him an obnoxious twat and I reckon he swears like a sailor. :)

Do they get along well with other dogs? Yep, as long as they are up for a game of chase.

Are they scared of anything? Not scared, but he's a good watch dog and gets worked up by a lot of things. He doesn't like one of our cleaners for some reason. Won't go near him.

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? He is extremely responsive to rewards! Lots of clicker training and shaping with him. Also lots of distracting and redirecting. He's very busy.

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Name: Hope

Nickname: Hopey

Breed: Koolie/Border Collie

Gender: Female

Age: 9 years (had for 8.5 years)

Picture: (see sig)

Where did you get them from? Bendigo RSPCA shelter

How often do you exercise your dog? Several runs around the 20 acre property every day (walks down the long driveway to the gate/letterbox or dam), 3 - 5 fetching games and 1 - 3 informal training sessions.

Do they know any commands? Too many to list here...

Compete in any dog sports? Agility, Herding, used to attend Obedience and once Flyball

Favourite treat: people food

Favourite toy: Squeaky ball

Funny habits or quirks: Hunts bees most of the day, every day

What's their personality like? Very sweet, smoochy & loving with me...reserved with others. Very serious and wants to work all day (fetching games are considered work, not play), very high ranking girl who would love to usurp me as leader

Do they get along well with other dogs? Well with my other dogs, tolerates strange dogs unless they get too close to her toy, bee or people food

Are they scared of anything? Noise! (toaster popping, thunder, rain, smoke alarm, hiccups, gun shots, fly sprays, fly swats, hand slaps, coughs, etc.)

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement/clicker/dog listener stuff

Name: Fox

Nickname: Foxy

Breed: Kelpie

Gender: Male

Age: 8 years (had for 7 years)

Picture: (see sig)

Where did you get them from? Bendigo RSPCA shelter

How often do you exercise your dog? Several runs around the 20 acre property every day (walks down the long driveway to the gate/letterbox or dam), 3 - 5 fetching games and 1 - 3 informal training sessions.

Do they know any commands? Too many to list here...

Compete in any dog sports? Agility, Herding, Obedience & is a registered Therapy Dog

Favourite treat: Goat meat!

Favourite toy: Any new toy

Funny habits or quirks: Likes to have his paw held and massaged at any opportunity

What's their personality like? Very affectionate, calm, super friendly, loves people, loves learning and showing off

Do they get along well with other dogs? With dogs he knows.

Are they scared of anything? Thunder, gun shots, smoke alarm, rain (3 of those picked up from Hope)

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement/clicker/dog listener stuff

Name: Link

Nickname: hasn't got one yet (Linky?)

Breed: Kelpie

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year (had for 2 months)

Picture: (see sig)

Where did you get them from? Bendigo RSPCA shelter

How often do you exercise your dog? Several runs around the 20 acre property every day (walks down the long driveway to the gate/letterbox or dam), 3 - 5 fetching games and 1 - 3 informal training sessions.

Do they know any commands? Sit, Come, 'in your crate', 'in the car', and wait

Compete in any dog sports? Not yet

Favourite treat: Haven't discovered it yet - loves everything

Favourite toy: As above

Funny habits or quirks: Fly herding

What's their personality like? Playful, happy, friendly, but not very confident

Do they get along well with other dogs? Yes

Are they scared of anything? A raised hand, aggressive movements, strange places & people

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement/clicker/dog listener stuff

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Name: Charles "Charlie" Wentworth

Nickname: Puppy, Pip Pup, Mr Wentworth, Dude, Good Son

Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel x Shih Tzu

Gender: Male

Age: 1 years old +



Where did you get them from? A friend of a friend.. I was looking at either getting a Cavalier or Shih Tzu and a friend knew a person who had a Cav x Shih Tzu

How often do you exercise your dog? Everyday with walks and training

Do they know any commands? Yeah. Graduated Top Pup in Puppy preschool and he was going through very fast through obedience until he was forced into retirement due to his illness. He knows a lot of trick... there is a long list on what he can do. His latest trick is counting.

Compete in any dog sports? No. Due to his illness

Favourite treat: Any fruit.. especially manadrin

Favourite toy: His stuff Husky dog toy name Penelope

Funny habits or quirks: There is a lot, but most common is his hate for the camera. He always gives me dirty looks or he ignores it and walk away.

What's their personality like? Sweet, placid, gentle and calm

Do they get along well with other dogs? Yes he does. Although, he doesn't play with many. Only dog I know who can sleep in a middle of a dog park and sleeps in obedience training.

Are they scared of anything? Nothing phases this boy

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement. He works for cuddles, kisses and his goal in life is to make me happy

Name: Emmaline "Emmy" Winchester

Nickname: Feral Child, Miss Em, Little Miss, Lady E

Breed: Japanese Spitz

Gender: Female

Age: 3 months +



Where did you get them from? Register breeder in VIC

How often do you exercise your dog? Walks everyday (twice a day), a lot of play sessions and we do training everyday

Do they know any commands? She knows a lot of tricks, she knows the basic command. We do training everyday and she learns few new tricks everyday. Her latest trick is Commando Crawl.

Compete in any dog sports? In the future, we will be doing aglity and flyball.

Favourite treat: Anything. She is guts.

Favourite toy: Mr Hippo (massive stuff hippo that she sleeps with and plays with)

Funny habits or quirks: She still a puppy and we are always discovering new habits from her

What's their personality like? Feisty, bossy, demanding, very busy

Do they get along well with other dogs? Once she knows them and feel comfortable with them.

Are they scared of anything? She's still shy/skittish but give her time to build her confidence and she will meet anything heads on.

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive Reinforcement.

Edited by CW EW
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Name: Oreo

Nickname: Biscuit (in chinese)

Breed: Border Collie

Gender: Male

Age: 4 months+


Where did you get them from? Regitered breeder in NSW

How often do you exercise your dog? Twice (30 minutes each) a day

Do they know any commands? Basic Obedience and some simple tricks

Compete in any dog sports? No

Favourite treat: Anything with chicken in it

Favourite toy: Soft soccer ball bought from children's department

Funny habits or quirks: Always fart and run at the same time. :)

What's their personality like? VERY playful and energetic. Loves every person and dog he meets. Eager to please. Always wants to play and loves food.

Do they get along well with other dogs? Yes, he wants to play with every dog he meets.

Are they scared of anything? Nothing that I know of

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement + little bit of Corrections

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I was thinking exactly the same thing Katdogs. Way to much information for some unscrupulous people to use in scams and the like.

I hate to be the downer here but didn't this exact type of thread get cancelled last time when everyone realised how many passwords and personal details could be collected?
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Name: Mistral

Nickname: Misty or Bear

Breed: Samoyed

Gender: Dog

Age: 2



Where did you get them from? Reg Breeder

How often do you exercise your dog? Every day

Do they know any commands? Lots

Compete in any dog sports? He is a titled show dog and is training for his obediance titles

Favourite treat: Duck

Favourite toy: Tugg Rope

Funny habits or quirks: He will sit in a beg position so people will pat his belly

What's their personality like? Funny, loving, loyal and devoted

Do they get along well with other dogs? Very well, Misty is everyones friend

Are they scared of anything? No

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement and corrections.

Name: Alchemy

Nickname: Allie or Gothic

Breed: Samoyed

Gender: Bitch

Age: 1



Where did you get them from? Reg Breeder

How often do you exercise your dog? Every day

Do they know any commands? Yes

Compete in any dog sports? She is being shown to her CH title, we then hope to get her into agility

Favourite treat: Duck

Favourite toy: Ball

Funny habits or quirks: She tucks me into bed every night

What's their personality like? Kind, cheeky, loving, intense, loyal

Do they get along well with other dogs? Very well

Are they scared of anything? No

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcment and corrections

Name: Lestat

Nickname: Blondie

Breed: Labrador

Gender: Dog

Age: 5



Where did you get them from? Pet Store :)

How often do you exercise your dog? Every day

Do they know any commands? Yes

Compete in any dog sports? No

Favourite treat: everything

Favourite toy: anything he can destroy

Funny habits or quirks: if we have been away camping or just away from the house he has to roll on the bed when he gets inside

What's their personality like? quite, naughty, goofy, hungry

Do they get along well with other dogs? yes

Are they scared of anything? no

What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? positive reinforment and corrections

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I hate to be the downer here but didn't this exact type of thread get cancelled last time when everyone realised how many passwords and personal details could be collected?

Ohh, sorry. Do you think I should delete it? :)

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