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What Is Your Dog Scared Of?


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Random question of the day. :cry: Is your dog scared of anything? Our dogs are pretty good, they aren't scared of lawnmowers, vacuums, loud noises ect like a lot of dogs. Instead my dog is absolutely petrified of... feathers. :cry: Of all things to be scared of!! :cry: She nearly jumps a mile when she sees one or smells one.

What about your dogs? ;)

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We had a Lab who was not scared of anything much...except...GUITARS! :cry:

My daughter brought her guitar outside one day and Tazer ran a mile. He tentatively came back, and we were all laughing hysterically, she plucked a string and he ran off again. It was hilarious. He ended up hiding his head under my arm and sat in my lap and wouldn't move till the guitar was away. Happened every time he saw it.

I don't know where this all came from as he'd never seen one in his life before, and with 3 young kids the dogs are pretty used to everything.

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Of all things Flies, when he was about 9 weeks old he was laying on the grass playing with some flies, then we hear an almighty scream and couldnt find what was wrong until we turned him over and he had a big green ant attatched to the end of his little puppy bit. took us ages to calm him down BUT he thinks it was the flies that caused him all the pain and now 7 years later he is still terrified of flies.

If outside and there are a few around he will sit on someones foot just to protect his bits, or back into a corner, this is why he is a totally inside dog, and funnily enough he couldnt care less about ants.

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water. he is petrified of water.

when he was a puppy (we'd only had him a few days) he got through the fence around the pool. we thought that he couldn't fit through the bars but he could. no-one was home and he fell in. luckily it was near the steps and he managed to get himself out again but we came home to find him shaking and drenched sitting against the wall next to the pool.

now he won't go in puddles, doesn't drink from a water bowl he doesn't know (but if another dog drinks from it in front of him he will then have a drink) and is terrified of baths-having them and whenever we shower or bateh he freaks out if he can hear the water. though he is getting better as he gets older and we have worked a lot with him.

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We have a few wasps around here and Kaisie is paranoid about any small flying insect above her. She's always checking to see that they are not coming in for the kill. Poor girl - I think she has been bitten a few times. I can often work out where a new nest is by her behaviour - and I go in and get them for her.

She hates the new freezer. I think it makes too much loud noise. As soon as he sees me heading for it, she hops up and leaves, watches me do what I do, and then comes back and lies down again. A real routine.

Fortunately, she has overcome her fear of brooms, mops, hoses and even the vacuum since we got her. She now sees my presence is more desireable than her need to avoid the vacuum. :cry: :cry:

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We had a Lab who was not scared of anything much...except...GUITARS! :cry:

Woody was terrified of the bass guitar. Not the acoustic, not the electric guitar, only the bass. He is a bit better now, cause we did some training with him. He now realises it won't hurt him.

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if we a filling up saffrons water bowl or bath she is petrified but yet if we have the house out she gets all excited and runs thru it.

also her groomers blow dryer she stresses out and nips at it.

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Mini longhaired Dachies... and sometimes Standards too :cry: . I think he can't see their legs as he is so tall, and can't figure out how they move around!

Some other little dogs. Nothing else... :cry:

thats classic!!

The feathers one is funny too.

Oberon is afraid of my slippers. rhey're wooly and he first had issues with them whn they were on my feet. He's mostly over his fear but he is very suspicious of them. Also afraid of the hair dryer.

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Oh goodness, where do I start? Ziggy is a bit of a fraidy cat. Mainly, he is scared of men has hasn't met before (eg when a tradesman comes). Usually once he meets them a few times he is fine with them.

He is terrified of being in the hydrobath. I can't wash him in the hydrobath because he panics and starts thrashing around until it almost tips over (he is 35 kgs!). I have given up now and the girls get a nice warm hydrobath but Zig gets the cold hose in the back yard. The water itself doesn't worry him; it's being enclosed in the bath that is the issue. They don't get bathed too often anyway, so it's not a big worry.

He also gets a bit afraid of small fluffy dogs - he will tend to hide behind me when he meets them. :cry: Big tough guy he is not!!!

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raz is scared of advocate, ear cleaner, shampoo, basically anything i pull out of his tub that is for him

now if he hears the alfoil sound of me poping a nurofen (sounds like the advocate) he is out the door before i have the chance to swallow the thing haha he is funny

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We have a big woosy dog. When we adopted him, his foster carer warned us that he hadn't experienced much in life and was scared of plastic bags and her mobile phone ringing... so we have socialised him heaps and now pretty much the only things he's scared of are slippery surfaces, loud beeping noises (like when the smoke alarm runs out of batteries), buses and storms :cry:

Ava is scared of nothing :cry:

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My two are pretty good, and Fleming is exceptional considering his background. He finally, after 3 years, will only move to another room when I get the broom out rather than racing outside & hiding under his favourite bush ! Nothing really phases Tess out at all, although the first time I took her to the beach there was an old pier pile sticking out of the water which she really didn't like.

Mum has a rescue greyhound who for months wouldn't go up the corridor unless she took a long run-up & three or four attempts. To this day she won't go in the bathroom.

I'd love to know what it is with the feathers & guitars and other 'odd' ones that spooks them.

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