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As soon as the nights get dark earlier Zedley starts his routine of panting (like he has run a marathon), pacing with his tail tucked in, going in and out of his dog door. When I go to bed he happily jumps on the bed, appears to be relaxed and lies, sleeping (dozing) until I put my book down and turn out the light. He then gets off the bed and onto his own compay bed (his choice to sleep there).

The real problem then starts - I turn off the lights around 11pm, between 0130 and 0230 he wakes me up panting like a steam train, headbuts the window, tangles up my curtains.. If I let him out of the bedroom he will go to his door and run in and out (not going to the loo). Last night I put his bed into the bathroom and closed him in there (it is freezing at the moment) About an hour later he woke me crying to get out of the bathroom.

It is almost as is he is manic. As I take serious meds at night and have arthritis of the spine all this getting in and out of bed, being woken up a dozen times a night is rally frazzling me. I really feel I could choke the little b*gger.

I am back to the vet tomorrow to get him some knock out pills again, but I hate doing this to him.

Does any one have any ideas to hlep me to help him???

Edited by Loraine
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Covered crate with a night light?

Is he night blind?

He is not night bline, and I have tried the covered crate and he still dashes around the area like a dog possessed. I am actually serious when I say i think we may have a house ghost.

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Hate to have to suggest this, but get him checked for Lymphoma. Panting and restlessness during the night was the only symptom my dog had for a couple of weeks, until his lymph glands came up.

Snap! :grouphug:

However Zedley is apparently fine during the day Loraine?

I don't know what to suggest re ghosts though :laugh:

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Have to concur with the Lymphoma postings - we took our girl to the vet because she had developed a phobia - wouldn't cross tiled or wooded floors - a week later her lymph nodes came up

Edited by frufru
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Are you sure his night vision isn't deteriorating? It can happen quite quickly. He might not be totally blind, but his vision may be impaired.

Thanks to you all.

I do not think his sight is deteriorating, as he broke out of the front gate a couple of weeks ago, took himself through a very dark park to his mate's house. However I will have the vet give him the once over. We are off to the vet at 5 tonight, so I will enquire about the Lymphoma, OCD etc. He has been doing this for the last 2/3 years, but he does not do it in the summer months. All year he has the same access, same foods, same routine (yup I am boring :laugh: ). During the evenings when he starts this up, the house lights are on, the TV or radio is on. I have tried to distract him, but as soon as the game is over he is back to panting and shivering again. We do not seem to have any wild life that is bothering him.

If it is OCD (that seems quite likely) I wonder why it only happens in the winter months? Last night we went to bed, all seemed OK, then he started to pant and I was woken, got up to go to the loo and the swine ran outside asnd stood in the abosultely pouring rain crying right outside of his dog door. I had to go outside (nothing there) to catch him and bring him in, I put him in the bathroom again and left him there until this morning.

The vet visit is going to be interesting.

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Do you turn anything on/off at these times? heating/fans/ stereo/HW service/ does the freezer/fridge go on auto defrost or anything? Are you on a flight pasth ? is there a factory or anything nearby?

That had crossed my mind as I have a lamp on a timer switch, so I took it off timer. We are under a flight path, but it is not that bad in the evenings (same as in the summer anyway), no factories near us.

CavsRcute - he is now about 7, but he has been doing this for 3/4 years.

He is thunder scared, and I can handle that as he used to feel very safe in the bedroom on nights when we have storms, now I get the feeling that he just can't settle once it has got dark outside, although he is very happy to go outside (in fact he wants to go outside).

I'll give you al a rundown on the vet's opinion tomorrow.

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Any chance he can have a bit of a run later in the evening so he wears himself out a bit more before bedtime?

I suspect if it's been going on for so many years, it's an anxiety thing and it may be so hard to pinpoint whatever is actually triggering his anxiety at that time of the morning.

What is he like when his lab friend comes to stay?

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Any chance he can have a bit of a run later in the evening so he wears himself out a bit more before bedtime?

I suspect if it's been going on for so many years, it's an anxiety thing and it may be so hard to pinpoint whatever is actually triggering his anxiety at that time of the morning.

What is he like when his lab friend comes to stay?

GR he is well exercised, played with etc. When his lab mate comes he will return to being a 'normal' dog. I think it is anxiety but I am darned if I can work out what causes it in the evenings (never in daylight/time), he doesn't get strange if I have a neighbour over for a drink either. He just stares at the front door (straight into the living room), no barking (so I am thinking he does not expect anyone to be there), whilst starting he pants and shakes. I have taken him outside, walked him around the street, during which time he acts 'normal', then as son as we are home he turns odd!

Only 1.5 hours until I can talk to our vet, and at least get him checked over (don't want anything really sinister to get past me). My guess is something along similar lines to valium will be prescribed.

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Shaking and panting can also be pain related. Is he getting overheated with the heating on during the winter?

I would definitely be checking his vision as anxiety can be the first sign of deterioration of sight. I would do a full blood panel, and see what turns up. Good luck and I hope he is ok.

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Just back from the vet.

His eyes are OK.

No lymphoma.

No other thing wrong other than his heart rate is low (but he always seems to run on a low rate, to do with his thyroid).

Vet has an idea that it is an anxiety disorder and has prescribed some tablets, and we are to try them and see how he goes.

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