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2011 Training Wishlist


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In 2011 there are my goals;

- Train Toby through his bike phobia and get ET (if his vet ok's it for his joints) if not just the bike phobia

-Train Toby to an RN/CCD level. Maybe enter a trial (but not likely :laugh: )

- Do tracking! Maybe TD :laugh:

-Keep learning and having fun! :thumbsup:

Well less then a month into 2011 and I am well into one of my goals! This morning me and my mum went for a bike ride with Toby, he was trotting between the two bikes and was more concerened about looking for birds and kangaroos then the bikes :) He isn't 100% but is much closer, yesterday when we were at the park a bike also rode past and he didn't seem bothered by it although he definately noticed it :rofl:

Need to start on skateboard phobia next.. :laugh:

We also have a tracking harness on the way so are at least taking a step in that direction too. :rofl:

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Ok I've got a new goal to add to my list...

I'd really like to have Daisy ready to enter an agility trial by the end of this year! I don't know how we'll go with that as we just started agility for fun, but hopefully we'll get there :D

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Ok I've got a new goal to add to my list...

I'd really like to have Daisy ready to enter an agility trial by the end of this year! I don't know how we'll go with that as we just started agility for fun, but hopefully we'll get there :)

It's certainly a realistic goal! I didn't start training Ruby until term 2 classes and she entered her first novice jumping trial in December (clear round and first place :)) Best of luck! If unco me and a Lab can do it, anyone can :D

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  • 2 months later...

- Hopefully get Akira to walk on a loose leash 100% of the time, rather than 90% some days and 20% other days :laugh:

- Get to grade 4 in obedience (on days when Akira concentrates, this is entirely possible and hopefully now that she's starting to listen more might be doable)

- Get Akira to concentrate in distracting environments (training in drive will hopefully help this)

- Work towards trialling in agility

- Hopefully start training in flyball


- Have fun with her being a puppy :D

- Train an extremely solid stand before starting work on obedience


- Have fun and hopefully become a better handler

Just updating a little. Nothing major, but I'm quite proud of both my girls.

Akira's LLW has significantly improved this year - just walking she still pulls a fair bit, but we're probably at 40% LLW all the time now. At obedience, we're at 90% LLW which is fantastic and she only really pulls when she's not concentrating. We've worked out how to motivate her now and she's concentrating stacks better. She's also realised that I'm fun (and normally have food) so she has stopped running off during stays, and is allowed to train offlead at agility now.

Halo has started obedience - her stand isn't solid but she has heaps of fun with obedience so I thought I'd get her started. However I am most proud of her fantastic recall - she could be playing with another dog fifty metres away and if I call her she will come. She's definitely proving already that she has the drive and willingness to please that is really useful for training.

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Apparently Figure of 8's are designed for:

a chance to get a pat from both judge and steward


take a shortcut around the front of the person and pick up a perfect heel position as I go around

Never ever done that before.

At least I was consisent-I paniced and assumed Cindy was broken! :hug:

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Apparently Figure of 8's are designed for:

a chance to get a pat from both judge and steward


take a shortcut around the front of the person and pick up a perfect heel position as I go around

Well duh, of course they are! Sometimes we just have to accept that our dogs are smarter than us and move on :hug: :D

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Apparently Figure of 8's are designed for:

a chance to get a pat from both judge and steward


take a shortcut around the front of the person and pick up a perfect heel position as I go around

Well duh, of course they are! Sometimes we just have to accept that our dogs are smarter than us and move on :D :laugh:

It is the moving on part I have trouble with-honestly my nerves are Cindy's biggest handicap!

BTW I already knew she was samarter than me :hug:

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In 2011 there are my goals;

- Train Toby through his bike phobia and get ET (if his vet ok's it for his joints) if not just the bike phobia

-Train Toby to an RN/CCD level. Maybe enter a trial (but not likely :whee: )

- Do tracking! Maybe TD :clap:

-Keep learning and having fun! :o

Well less then a month into 2011 and I am well into one of my goals! This morning me and my mum went for a bike ride with Toby, he was trotting between the two bikes and was more concerened about looking for birds and kangaroos then the bikes ;) He isn't 100% but is much closer, yesterday when we were at the park a bike also rode past and he didn't seem bothered by it although he definately noticed it ;)

Need to start on skateboard phobia next.. :cheer:

We also have a tracking harness on the way so are at least taking a step in that direction too. :mad

Ok so we are at;

-Toby is very good with bikes still but won't be doing ET as the long distance trotting on hard ground makes him a bit sore, so we have been advised only short rides by his vet/physio.

-With his obedience we are heeling now :rofl: And he is much happier to train around other dogs.

-Tracking won't happen in 2011, I don't have enough time :mad

-Definately still learning and having fun :rofl:

-May be doing agility again :winner: Toby's soundness has come forward in leaps and bounds!

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Good news on Toby, I'm really pleased for you.

Cheeky Cindy! Don't you love how they always have a spanner handy to throw in the works. Are you trialing at CD now or was this a training run?

It was a trialling run.

Shhhh! I am aiming for Berwick double trial. (Better be better than my CCD effort at that venue. :) )

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  • 2 months later...

So it's about half way through the year - thought I'd review my goals :)

I sort of thought I wouldn't do goals for next year, because I want to not care if Jess passes of not, as long as she's having fun (in agility, she's having almost too much fun though!!) but I gave in, I like goals :eek:


-CDX title

-Start Utility training *undecided*

-JD title (only one more leg!)

-AD title

-Leg(s) towards JDX, JDO, SD, GD

-Finish teaching the bloody see-saw then..

-ADX + ADO trials

Goals for me would be to not get so nervous in the ring, focus on the good more than the bad and to better my crappy agility handling!

Kind of finished two goals already :)

So to that I'll add:

-GD title

-have a go at pairs

In April Jess got her JD and this month she got her AD and CDX.

Need one more leg for her GD.

First trial in agility excellent will be on the 9th of July. :eek:

I haven't been entering opens, entry fees without extra runs are bad enough :laugh:

And we've sort of started the bases of UD training.

Not too bad for half way through :)

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Great job DSO I wish I had goals like that :)

My goal this year with Orlando is to get CCD DONE , we have come close in our pass marks but yet so far, Hastings Obedience trial on Sat :crossfingers: we get our 1st pass of the 3 we need

We did get our ET which was not even on our goal list

our goals for next year 2012

Malika :: ET, CCD, CD

Orlando :: CD, CDX maybe UD

Sarge :: CCD, CD

Dodger is learning Agility, not old enough to compete yet

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Here we go......

I want to get Wikki to the stage where she is playing flyball and trialling by the end of the year. (When she is 18 months......) We've given up on Flyball with all dogs for the minute, but her agility is coming along brilliantly. She has more skills now than Xena did when she started trialling. Looking good for a November debut. :)

Xena - would be good to get her Excellent titles for all our ANKC agility classes and Masters for at least jumping. We are on the way with this, although I'm not sure we will do enought trials to get there. She has her JDX and is well on the way to JDM. GDX is only one card away with the others all only needing 2 cards. Except SPDX which she needs 3 for.

With ADAA I want to get her IAD title as well as make some good progress towards our snooker and gamblers titles. (for ADAA these are 7 cards, all at Open standard). IAD is harder going than I had imagined - so many good dogs to have to beat, but we are over half way and looking good. Games are getting better every time we go out so fingers crossed it keeps improving.

CK - I just want to keep CK fit and happy and playing all the games we do. I don't really care what titles he achieves as long as he is having fun. Mr CK is just amazing. I didn't ever thing he would achieve anything other than being a beautiful boy to live with. He has all his Novice ANKC agility titles and is well on the way to most of his Excellent level ones. WOO HOO!! He's even managed to get his ADAA games dog and SAAD titles as well. He even looks like an Agility Dog sometimes when he forgets himself! Love my boy.Not that much to ask for really. :laugh:

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- I'd really love her CDX title next year, but my goal will just be for her to be focused in the ring again (happy isn't an issue, she's happy as Larry - but off with the fairies! Or off mugging judges or stewards!)

- Trial in Novice Jumping and hopefully get her JD title. If that happens, I'd like us to make a start on JDX (even if it's just purely giving it a go!)

- Perhaps trial in Novice Agility at some stage, but am not actually aiming for her AD title as I don't want to push her (she has only just gotten her confidence back to go over the full sized dogwalk!)

- If Rally-O becomes official, her RN title.

- Keep up training in retrieving, but have no solid goals for this one as I honestly have no idea how far we'll get with this sport. I just want her to enjoy it!

- Maybe try Tracking, and if I can find the time to train for it, do the ET with her.

- Get a Really Reliable Recall!

2 passes towards CDX. Pleased to say she hasn't run off to mug a steward or judge during a heelwork pattern in a while now (think I might have just jinxed myself!!! eek1.gif)

JD title achieved, 1 more pass needed for AD title (dogwalk phobia suppressed for the time being!), + 2 passes towards JDX so far.

Making progress with retrieving. May enter a trial towards the end of the season, but it's looking more likely we will start trialling next season. Will enter Retrieving Ability Tests (if WA ever hold them!) to aim for her NRA title.

Tracking and ET are out, just no time.


- Trial in Open obedience and get her CDX title.

- Trial in Novice Jumping and hopefully get a pass towards her JD title.

- If Rally-O becomes official, her RN title.

- Maybe try Tracking, and if I can find the time to train for it, do the ET with her.

- Get a Really Reliable Recall!

2 passes towards CDX.

JD title achieved, 1 more pass needed for AD title. JDX debut on the weekend.

Training in retrieving also. Will enter Retrieving Ability Tests (if WA ever hold them!) to aim for her NRA title.

Tracking and ET are out, just no time.


- Stop being so nervous and so serious, and just have some fun, dammit!!! (can't guarantee this goal is achievable, but will try! :D)

- Be strong and hold off on puppy purchase! :eek:

No puppy for me! But the parents are getting a puppy so I will get to play with her in the meantime smile.gif

And um, I still get nervous, but we're having fun! biggrin.gif

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* CD Title

* CDX Title

* Train Scentwork for UD

* FDX Title

* FDCh Title

* JD Title

* JDX Title

* AD Title

* Neutered Champion Title

* Maybe a HT pass if we get around to it

We are working towards our CDX now, but I would be happy with just one pass for this year. And realistically I am aiming for just a JD for Agility because I'm cutting back on the number of trials I enter after next month with my exams coming up. He may have enough points for his AFDCh but I am waiting for them to update the point score.


* CCD Title

* CD Title

* Train for CDX

* ET Title

* AFDCh Title

* Delta Therapy Dog certification

* JD Title

* Train for TD

* Maybe a HT pass if we get around to it

Soaks has 2 passes towards her CCD. She is entered in her ET and she may have enough points for her AFDCh as well. She needs a little more work for Jumping, but she might get there.

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