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Whats The Best Gossip You Heard About Yourself Or Your Dogs?


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Rumour has it, Cody is the most awesome dog ever. Of course I started that rumour. :D

But really, I haven't heard anything about myself that I can think of. Of course people talk but I got over caring about that when I was 14. I'm a growed up now.

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I had two dogs die of heat exhaustion last year apparantly. The same two that were lying out in our backyard (alive and kicking) when I got the email from a good friend to inform me.

Angry oh yeah understatement. Actually saw the person who started the rumour 6 months ago(a fellow breeder) but hubby just told me to let it go. I didnt say anything to them. I will never respect them as a person of worth ever again. They werent worth the effort to confront but they did get told by my friend that the story was completely untrue. They never did apologise though.

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Rumour has it, Cody is the most awesome dog ever.

Funny, there's the same rumour about Spencer at mum's work. Apparently everyone she works with thinks Spence is a genius dog or something. She tells me that even when she goes interstate for work, people there will come up to her and say, "I hear you have a really smart dog.". It's bizarre.

Better not tell them that Spence often hits his nose on the wall when he turns around in the hallway. He's lived here for nine years and still doesn't know how wide the hallway is...he's no genius :D

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Rumour has it, Cody is the most awesome dog ever.

Funny, there's the same rumour about Spencer at mum's work. Apparently everyone she works with thinks Spence is a genius dog or something. She tells me that even when she goes interstate for work, people there will come up to her and say, "I hear you have a really smart dog.". It's bizarre.

Better not tell them that Spence often hits his nose on the wall when he turns around in the hallway. He's lived here for nine years and still doesn't know how wide the hallway is...he's no genius :D

:thumbsup: Wow, those rumours spread far and wide. Spencer must be cool. I'll spread your rumour if you spread mine. :D

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Not EXACTLY about me, but a very well-known breeder of Standard Poodles (also into Agility) used to call me, putting on a fake accent, to tell me that my husband was having an affair with a woman at the local park. I nearly kacked myself and told her that is she was going to put on a fake middle European accent, she should get rid of her American accent first :D

I see her at shows occasionally & we studiously avoid each other.

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Well apparently I only keep 'those big dogs' for kinky sex !!! oh and I was a lesbian until OH moved in !!

had a neighbour come running down to tell me that not long after I moved in here !! she stood there gaping, waiting I assume for my hysterical denial, when I burst into fits of laughter !!! she kept asking ..."WELL???" and I just thanked her for the heads up and went inside !!!

I watched her shuffle as fast as she could back to the nearest gossip queen's house !!

OMG that kept me amused for a long time !!!


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Apparently there are some people who have been trash talking about me...they don't think I know about it, but I do. :laugh: No idea what they are saying exactly, because I'm simply not that interested in them or what they have to say, but I am told it is all negative. Hypocrites that they are, they are always nice to my face, because they think I don't know they are being nasty behind my back. :D Whatever... :D :thumbsup: I'm far too busy with life etc to be bothered with stuff that should have been left in the playground. ;)

Edited by New Age Outlaw
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:D oh but you are totally huski - you should not tease that poor Beagle by making her work for Krispy Kreme Donuts. I heard you even made her work for a lesser brand donut - thats just plain horrible and cruel.

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:D oh but you are totally huski - you should not tease that poor Beagle by making her work for Krispy Kreme Donuts. I heard you even made her work for a lesser brand donut - thats just plain horrible and cruel.

Yes it's true, once I asked her to work for a Coles brand donut :thumbsup:

You can tell just watching her she's terribly unhappy.

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Quiet a few people in the canine world thought my sister and I were Lesbian lovers rather than sisters.......while I love my sis, I have to wonder how they come up with that as we do have quiet a family resemblance. We have a good laugh about it as we are both single and hang out alot together and even with family the other is always jokingly refered to as our other half.

No harm done as long as there isn't a cute single fella getting the wrong idea and it gives us a laugh. :D

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No good goss about me but I hear that Teebs' Atlas is a super lazy dog....

Oh hang on that's not goss, it's true :thumbsup:

But I hear that sometimes she ends up carrying him home when he won't walk...

Oh hang on that's true too, I got nothing :D

:D ;) :laugh: :laugh:

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The guy at the puppy preschool has apparently been telling other trainers that Hugo "bullies" the puppies in his playgroup.. Which is complete bullshit, because more often than not, he's the one trying to get out from underneath another dog that's dominating him :D

Didn't you say in another thread that Hugo barked incessantly at the other puppies and had to be given a time out several times? That may have been constituted as bullying the other dogs...

Knuckles did that once at puppy preschool, but it was a 'stop teaching me things I wanna play!!!' bark. Possibly the same thing for Hugo?

sorry OT.

He was incessantly barking while we were in preschool, not in playgroup. :thumbsup: So yeah, it was more of a "I wanna play" bark then. He only kept getting put into time out because this bloody Cairn Terrier puppy wouldn't leave him alone and they'd both end up fighting (with Hugo always being on the bottom, growling at the terrier to get off him) every time the Cairny was set loose on him..
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:laugh: oh but you are totally huski - you should not tease that poor Beagle by making her work for Krispy Kreme Donuts. I heard you even made her work for a lesser brand donut - thats just plain horrible and cruel.

Yes it's true, once I asked her to work for a Coles brand donut :laugh:

You can tell just watching her she's terribly unhappy.

That's it I am calling Beagle Rescue-- we got to get that poor poor Beagle out of there :laugh:

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I was interested to find out I'm a prank caller.


... and you didn't prank me? I feel left out now Powerlegs... hahaha!


:laugh: If it makes you feel any better I'm notoriously hard to catch on the phone.

But what can I say? You know how it is, sit up late, bored, and go through the address book ringing people so I can whisper&giggle then hang up on them. :laugh: :laugh: LOL

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god, where do I start? i would be here all day. There is/was a lot of crap on DOL about me, one was that i was trying to steal someone elses partner?

They even started a thread about it, I had no idea it was about me till someone told me it was - god, think i would know if i was trying to steal a man :laugh: (this was years and years ago - thread isnt on DOL anymore)

I have also had people make things up, tell other people that i told them and shit hit the fan over it, i still dont know what it is that I was not meant to tell anyone :laugh:

I just stay away from those people now :eek:

Nothing about my dogs, (that i know of? :laugh: )

Sh*t that's funny. :laugh: You little man stealer.

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