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Getting Oil Into Dog's Diet


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My puppy has dry skin and the breeder has emphasised the importance of having oil in his diet to keep his skin healthy.

The first time I fed him sardines he ate them but he has refused to eat them ever since, and even mixing it into his other food hasn't worked. So, I'm looking for alternatives. Is there a good supplement that would do the job?

A special dry food isn't really an option either because he dislikes dry food (I've tried 5 different super premium brands and the only way he'll eat any is if I starve him until 9pm and then he'll eat a small handful but that is it, even if he is starving!)

Thanks in advance :D

p.s. Any tips regarding the dry food issue would also be greatly appreciated.


Edited by allie181
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What did your breeder feed your puppy.?

If you have been through 5 different super premium brands, and you are still having issues, your puppy, is I'm sorry to say, spoilt rotten. :rofl:

We kept two puppies from our last litter, who are coming up 6 months. They were weaned onto both Nutro and a homemade diet of minced chicken frames etc. Two months ago we went solely back to Nutro (for varying reasons) and have had NO issues with them not eating. Same goes for our 6 adults.

If we feel we need to supplement with oil we use human grade salmon oil and royal jelly capsules. Again we have NO problems with fussy eaters. :laugh:

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Dallas is a 6 month old Cavalier. The breeder said she didn't feed much dry food, but occasionally gave him some Eukaneuba and some Advance Puppy Rehydratable.

Until last week his diet consisted of 2-3 chicken necks for breakfast about 3-4 times a week and Eukaneuba dry food the other 3-4 days. Then I'd put dry food out and he'd get nothing else until he ate some dry food, which usually wasn't til late at night, then after he ate a small bowl of that I'd give him some nutro wet puppy food. He also gets a raw egg once a week (although I just read online that this is bad for them so I don't know whether to stop doing that).

I stopped chicken necks last week because he was getting an upset tummy (it was really loud and rumbling), dragging his butt along the ground and going off his food for 1-2 days and and I didn't know why, but after keeping a food diary I realised it was the chicken necks.

The breeder gave me Advance dry food but he didn't like that. Since then we have tried Eukaneuba, Artemis, Hills Science Diet and Nutro. I even bought a top end supermarket brand (Optimum) just as a test (I think of supermarket brands like lollies for dogs) but he didn't even eat that. I ended up putting them all on a large plastic plate to see which one he preferred and the one he ate - after he was left to go hungry til late - was the Eukaneuba.

We got given a sample of boxer junior Royal Canin from Doggy Day Care last week. I gave him that tonight and he sniffed it and walked away, but when he got hungry he did eat it and seemed to choose it instead of the Eukaneuba. So now I am thinking about going and buying a small bag of Royal Canin puppy (not the boxer one since he isn't a boxer, but just the normal puppy one). But it will probably end up just being the same struggle so I think I'll wait until we've finished the Eukaneuba - by then he may be 10 months old and ready to start on an adult dry food.

Yes, he is spoilt. :rofl: Although I am strict with his training and his behaviour generally. He is going to have manners and know how to behave like a polite young man. But with his diet I give in. I can't bring myself to let him go hungry if he doesn't eat his dry food, I'm too worried about him getting sick or being underweight.

Thanks Archie, I'll try some of those fish oil capsules :laugh:

Edited by allie181
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Decide what you are going to feed him, put it in a bowl leave down for 15 minutes. If he doesn't eat it, pick it up cover and store until the next meal. Offer again for 15 minutes and so on and so on.

He is being allowed to train you and he is doing a very good job of it. If he is otherwise healthy he will not allow himself to starve. If he continues as he is he will will end up a very finiky eater.

I am really sorry but ont his matter you need to toughen up a bit. He needs a balanced diet, be it raw or agood quality dry food. Buy the food, serve it up and when he is sufficiently hungry he will eat.

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Have you tried mixing a bit of nice mince meat in with his dry...most dogs couldn't resist that. Also have you been reading the threads to Black Hawk. If you ask them they will send you a sample which you can try to see if he likes it. My BC used to be hard to feed when she was a pup if I just gave her dry biscuits. I used to cook her up a mix of mince, vegetables & rice & mix that through her dry & she would lick the bowl. Second time around, I don't think I would bother with the cooking...but it was fun :rofl: Also, as with small kids, don't put a whole heap down in front of him, just a small meal, even make a game out of it, & scatter it, or get him to chase the bits of kibble.

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Nothing wrong with raw egg, so don't worry about what you've read about that - but you need to give the yolk and the white together and the whole egg including the shell is even better but good luck getting your fussy pants to eat that :rofl:

Instead of chicken necks try some other small raw meaty bone - lamb rib, veal rib, something like that

Oil - just pour some (very small amount to start with) in the bowl with the dry food (once you get him to eat that)

Decide what you want to feed the pup and stop swapping and changing. He started on Advance and has since had 5 different choices - and he's only been in your house 4 months. Can I come and live at your house please :laugh:

He can be spoiled and that's great, but it's very important for his long term health that he gets a decent diet both now and going forward, so meal times is not the time to do the spoiling!

Bowl down for 15 minutes then that's it, all over until the next meal. How much do you think he needs and how much of that quantity is he actually eating? Is he in good condition, healthy active and full of energy, then chances are however much he's eating is sufficient and perhaps you are expecting him to eat way more than he actually needs?

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Until last week his diet consisted of 2-3 chicken necks for breakfast about 3-4 times a week and Eukaneuba dry food the other 3-4 days. Then I'd put dry food out and he'd get nothing else until he ate some dry food, which usually wasn't til late at night, then after he ate a small bowl of that I'd give him some nutro wet puppy food. He also gets a raw egg once a week (although I just read online that this is bad for them so I don't know whether to stop doing that).

Sounds like he's getting quite a few chicken necks relative to his dry/wet food? That could cause dry skin in a baby (and other health issues). Like Ososwift says, I'd put him either on either a balanced raw diet (including organs & red meat & skin), a balanced commercial diet, or some combination of the two. Although it's quite OK to give a dog on a commercial diet bones & chunks of meat for dental health, substituting a substantial amount of his commercial diet with chicken necks alone may not be doing him much good.

As mentioned, fish oil is good for coat & joints (include vit E with it), flaxseed oil is also good for coats.

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Ososwift has it right

you're worried he doesnt eat until 9pm - considering the size of your dogs stomach and the size of his breakfast I'm not surprised he's not hungry. Be worried when he doesnt start eating for days not until 9pm :rofl:

Get a good dry food, give him breakfast and if he doesnt start eating it in 15 minutes pick it up. Then he gets a small dinner or a chicken neck later as a snack.

he's got you worked out but I think his diet has his stomach upset hence he's not that keen on foods. Fine one, stick to it, let his tummy settle and he'll be fine. Considering his diet is so mismatched and lacking I dont think you need to feed oils you just need to be consistent in his meals.

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Thanks everyone for the great advice. I'm going to start implementing it this morning.

He's started on me already ;) I put the dry food out, he gave it a sniff and went over to his other bowl (which I use for other types of food) and put his face in it and made a big point of telling me that it was empty. So from now on that bowl doesn't come out unless it has food in it (I kept it out because I have a tiny unit with no storage space, but I'll find somewhere to hide it).

Dry food will be out for 10 more minutes and then it goes away. I'm going to stay strong. :)

Thanks again!!

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Good on you - stay strong it will benefit you all in the long run.

I have never had a problem eater, but I am very strict with the eating rules. After a while you never have to worry about the 15 minute rule they just eat their meal :)

Let us know how you go ;)

Oh and be prepared for it to take quite a few days to break his bad habits.

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Good on you - stay strong it will benefit you all in the long run.

I have never had a problem eater, but I am very strict with the eating rules. After a while you never have to worry about the 15 minute rule they just eat their meal ;)

Let us know how you go :D

Oh and be prepared for it to take quite a few days to break his bad habits.

Thanks, I'll keep you updated. A few days isn't so bad, I was expecting it to take weeks. I can survive a few days of ignoring his pleading eyes :)

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Melrose OmegaPet Oil: http://www.naturalpetstore.com.au/d/MOP-80...3-liquid-250ml/

Available from most health food stores, some pharmacies and online.

Agree with the others about putting his food down for 15 mins and then removing whatever is not eaten.

If you still have no sucess with the dry food perhaps consider the pre-made BARF patties? Balanced, raw and would be financially viable to feed to a small dog: http://www.drianbillinghurst.com/products.php?pid=varieties

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OK, it is almost 9:30 and he's eaten about 1/2 a handful of dry food but that's all he's eaten all day. It is bed time in about an hr and I'm starting to think I'm going to have to put him to bed hungry. I'm going to stay strong, it is only 1 night after all and hopefully by tomorrow morning he'll be hungry for breakfast.

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OK, it is almost 9:30 and he's eaten about 1/2 a handful of dry food but that's all he's eaten all day. It is bed time in about an hr and I'm starting to think I'm going to have to put him to bed hungry. I'm going to stay strong, it is only 1 night after all and hopefully by tomorrow morning he'll be hungry for breakfast.

If he was hungry he would eat. Pick the food up and carry on with your life. :)

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Yes it will do him no harm at all. If he was hungry he would have eaten. As the others have said the more you pander to him the more picky he is going to get. A healthy pup will not starve itself. I've had quite a few Cavaliers come to stay and their owners have said they are picky eaters. Mostly they were fat and just not eating as much as the owners thought they should :) I'm sure your pup is not fat though.

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