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Squeaky Toy In The Ring - Show Update!


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Anything impacting on another competitor is totally unfair. Squeeking toys are something we have at home and never take to a dog show, let alone in the ring. Teach your dog to respond to something else. Bait is perfectly fine and keep it in your hand, pocket, bra (speaking for myself!) etc. NEVER throw it. My heart sinks when I see a lovely competitor (they always are lovely people) behind me for Group waiting to go in with a Bull Terrier and a huge toy or squeeky. My boy understands to ignore it but the Bullies often end up bouncing all over him in a bid to get the toy. I truly hate it and find it bad manners. I ask them politely to give me a bit more room before we set up and I try and leave a little more in front of me to walk up into but we shouldn't have to do this.

A bit of training and discipline at home is what is needed rather than doing it in the ring.

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I don't think we can say that anything impacting on another competitor is unfair.

If that were the case, we would be showing our dogs one by one in an enclosed room... everything anyone does impacts on other competitors in one way or another. I think as long as we are being reasonable about what we do and making a reasonable effort to prevent our behaviour and our dogs behaviour from impacting on other competitors then thats all that we can do.

Someone squeaking a toy discretely shouldn't be a huge impost.... now if they're waving that thing around and squeaking it at full volume, that might be a different story.

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i would rather a squeaky to some constantly making weird noise and speaking jibberish at high pitches to their dogs... Then again it works for my dog :)

Squeakers, toys, bait if it works use it... Unless the judge says otherwise, but if you use a sqeaky near my dog you may end up with her on top of your dog trying to get the squeaky :eek:

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I don't show, but I have a very squeaky obsessed dog. I find even just putting a tiny bit of pressure to expel some air from the squeaker (without making a loud noise) is enough to get his attention.

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better than what the whippet guy done behind us today in puppy sweepstakes, and pick up leaves and throw them on my uber-excited 1st time in the ring OMG-a LEAF-bounce-bounce ON my dog.

he could have thrown them to the side, but no, right in front of him, ONTO my dog.

Id have prefered a squeaky toy, he would have turned but OMG he looks a treat when hes into something...

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Yay, she won baby puppy bitch at the ACD Specialty :laugh: Squeaker was in my pocket, but didn't come out.

Was nice to hear the judge say into his dictaphone that she was very balanced, full of substance and excellent expression.

Waiting around for baby puppy in show now.

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Yay, she won baby puppy bitch at the ACD Specialty :laugh: Squeaker was in my pocket, but didn't come out.

Was nice to hear the judge say into his dictaphone that she was very balanced, full of substance and excellent expression.

Waiting around for baby puppy in show now.


So the new outfit worked !!!!!!

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