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Barked And Growled At By Other Peoples Dogs On My Property


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Okay... now I'm annoyed. I've just moved house in the past few weeks... and Im stuck in a 6 month lease which if I break I will of course have to pay.. So Id really rather not make a huge amount of trouble while i'm here as the new neighbour.

But Geeze Louise!!! other people and their roaming animals annoy me!!! Okay we have an open yard, but at the moment I dont need to keep anything "in" cos Brutus is at dads, and shutting the front gates to my house is a pain as they are heavy and dont work too well. Mum cant open the gates to get out if I close them and im not home so they are left open.

So.. Ive already had a roaming staffy in here... came up to my mum who was sitting in her garden swing, in the back yard and had a bark at her, then when she tried to shoo it away we got tail up hackles raised etc. Like we where on Its property or something!! The staffy has a collar and a council tag and is registered, it lives a few houses up and spends 70% of its time sitting out the front of its property. Obviously it seems very friendly to the kids in the street... but who knows. To come onto my property and bark as if its defending its territory?!

The guy who owns it looks rather intimidating so im not about to confront him directly, and since everyone in the street saw us moving in... a sudden complaint about this dog.. would be quite obvious as to who it is. So for now Im stuck. Havent seen the staffy on/in our property for a while now.

Now for the neighbours on the BACK side - Today... THEIR dog brown-labrador-retreiver looking thing breaks into our yard from some hole that must be in the fence that I cant find cos its overgrown on my side. Now ive heard this dog barking ever since we moved in... its a very agressive sounding dog and Id never seen it till today.. and again.. it came into our yard, hackles up, tail raised GROWLING and BARKING at my mother who was in the back yard... now I can only assume the dog was a bit confused.. he's wandered through a hole and found an intruder in what he probably thinks is an extension of his domain. But its a very scarey dog.. to come at like that. Mum was affraid to try and get inside incase it went for her.

By time I got something to try to restrain it with (I was going to call the pound on this one.. to come through our back fence and aggressively bail up someone not in its yard? wasn't going to take that at all. It was going straight to the pound.) it had gone back through the fence... and I didn't see where it came through.

Oh and to top it all off... the Neighbours CAT is attacking our flyscreens trying to get INTO my house to attack My cat cos it must think she is an Intruder!!! Its INSIDE my house bloody hell im not safe here at all!!

Sometimes I hate being a responsible pet owner.. how come everyone else seems to get away with not caring a stuff what their animals do?? So yeah... dont want to make unpleasant waves after just getting here but this is rediculous. I jsut spent $3000 on moving to get AWAY from an abusive neighbour who scared us so much I was scared to keep my dog at home in case he did something to him... now this?? :mad:cry: Neighbours Suck!

Rant over.

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What Pers said.

Just keep records for now and once you have settled in and been there for a while it might be worth making a complaint then.

Sounds like a really frustrating situation. With the fence can you notify your real estate/land lord that the neighbours dog is getting in and ask them to speak with the neighbors about fixing the fence. If you are bitten on landlords property (even if you are renting) he can get into trouble ie: you can sue him, especially if you have notified him of the issues with the neighbours dog getting onto the property and bailing you/your mum up. Not saying sue them but if you bring it to their attention hopefully they will do something.

Cannot really do anything about the front gates unless you can shut it most of the way and then block the gap with something your mum can move on her own.

Otherwise maybe do some research on dog repellants, not sure if there is anything safe or effective on the market but worth a look into.

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Absoultely agree with the suggestions regarding photos and records however it does sound really over the limit. As long as you stay firm, friendly and assertive you have every right to say that this is not necessary. I would be stating my case, first to the Real Estate managers regarding your concerns. See if you can get them or the owner to address the issue, otherwise I would visit the owners of the dogs in question and let them know what happened. You have every right, especially if you have animals (and your poor Mum :eek: ).

It is really their problem if they can't handle you coming to see them with your concerns. Growling like that is alarming!!

ETA If the owners should get stroppy or reactive, you cn always say "Look I've already had your dog growling at us, I really don't need you to start as well...!!:

Edited by FlyingFurball
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Maybe try and get introduced to the two dogs? See if you can develop a bit of a familiarity so that they are happy to be around and vice versa. Sure, you shouldn't have these dogs being aggressive towards you, but perhaps once they establish some knowledge they may actually be nice to have come visit occasionally! :) just looking for a positive way to end your torment without upsetting your neighbours.... :)

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Why should you tip toe around and not want to upset the neighbors.You have done nothing wrong,and you have a right to live in peace in your home.Go and introduce yourself to the owners of the dogs and explain what happened. They may actually do something about it;or you can ask your property owner to fix the gate so you can use it more easily and get the hole in the fence repaired.I take it your dog Brutus will need a secure yard himself.Will Brutus keep the stray cats away?.

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I agree with budgiew - I think you should speak to the neighbour. You have to give them the benefit of the doubt - they may not know their dog is getting through the fence.

It is not great the dog is barking at you in your yard. Maybe the previous tennants where not in the yard much so the dog thinks the yard is his.

I have been on the other side and my dog, would you believe that is a chocolate labrador, was getting out. I was grateful when our neighbour spoke to us. When we found out we did some work on the fence where she was getting out. We thought the problem was solved and then the neighbours told us she was still getting out. I would not have know if they did not tell us. Apparently she was running about the street annoying the neighbours :eek:

As for the cat - this is not good! What makes this hard is cats owner can be hard to track! We have a white cat that wonders around our property - who know where it lives.

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Might be worth a phone call to your landlord to let them know of the situation as well.

Agreed. If the landlord is not willing to provide secure fencing, you may well have legitmate grounds to break the lease.

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Been and Had a closer examination of the "overgrowth" in my back yard.... seems that after one of the neighbours built a new fence (which.. doesn't go all the way to the ground.. and I'm pretty sure its HER cat coming in) - She has already been over and had a go at us because my cat escaped the house one night and to stop her from going under the fence while i was trying to catch her I put some plastic/wood and cardboard... anything I could find.. it was dark and i was in a hurry to not let our cat go under the fence while I was trying to catch her... she came round the next day screaming at us about how sick she was of stuff going under her fence and crushing her plants and it just cost her thousands to have the garden redone etc etc.. :eek: I'm thinking We haven't even been there a month how is this OUR fault??? - So yeah her new fence goes into the back corner, clearly she had her fence done professionally and it doesn't match up with ANYONE'S fence in the back corner of the yard.

So the Labrador could have come from 3-4 possible yards ugh. Im all for dogs that visit... Would not worry me. But it worries mum she's not overly fussed on dogs and is a bit of an old fashioned a big stick is the best defence against a vicious dog type. And Brutus already has a thing about lab's.. Yellow ones anyway cos when he was at a boarding kennel once, two lab brothers got into his pen and attacked/bullied him for sometime before someone found that and seperated them :mad

So I think for the moment till i locate where this lab has come from more accurately.. Ill be working on putting up just a wire barrier infront of the overgrowth thats covering the "fence" so if it comes in it cant get up close to the house to harass mum while im not home and if I see it when Im home Ill try to make friends with it and see whos yard it lives in.

I saw the staffy being walked on a lead this morning around the corner, Ill try some citronella repellant crystals out the front to stop it from coming in the garage (and hopefully this will deter the neighbours cat too) Brutus does bark at and chase strange cats.. but Id hate to deal with the fall out of if he actually caught a neighbours cat. He is fine with our cat.. they will sit nose to nose and not care..

And Ill complain about the poor fences to the Real Estate agent, but the landlord lives over seas so i dont see anything happening fast there...

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and if I see it when Im home Ill try to make friends with it and see whos yard it lives in.

The dog needs to be squirted with a hose, or something - not have friendly overtures made ;) You don't want it to escape to your yard because it knows there's friendly folk there, do you? You want it OUT of your yard .

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Buy one of those powerful water blaster thingiess that kids have, fill it with water and some vinegar (or lemon juice) and squirt the dogs/cats that come into your yard. (don't aim for their eyes).

I'd also tell the R/E agents that dogs are coming into your yard and bailing you up, that's not on.

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funnily enough mum DID try to spray it with the hose (new house.. untested hose....) she grabs the hose turns it on and.... *trickle* I mean I know it isnt funny but... well it is a little bit.

Ill also put some citronella oil along the back boundary too.. I've found this to be the most successful at detering things. But yeah.. seems that all these animals think that my backyard is THEIR property and we are intruding... get the feeling the previous tenants just invited them in all the time or something?

I mean I like other animals yeah... but not ones that are gonna bite us >_> I mean I have a Dobe.. can you imagine if he even Barked at the kids over the back fence? OMG OH NOES your VICIOUS dog is after my kids!! :eek: (lick them to death and suffercate them with slobber more like it)

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** UPDATE **

Okay the lab was back, sometime this afternoon... same routine barking and growling, standing its ground and snarling in our yard at my mother. (basicly in case your wondering.. mum is a disabled pensioner and spends most of her day outside sitting on a garden swing reading or playing with her darn iphone...) I was even affraid to get out of my car tonight incase it was around in the dark and I startled it or something.

Now we cant trace whos yard it belongs in, because it simply vanished (and theres at least 4 possible yards it could go to) Went round to the other street but there are so many damn trees and bushes there I cant see which houses back onto ours, Cant see the house numbers... (thanks google for NOT being accurate!)

Useless sunshine coast council has no proper after hours contact, too much time has passed for the duty officer to be sent out to look for the dog. Emergency contact said to call back as soon as it was in the yard. :mad

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Loose unknown dogs are not fun. Can you get a ladder or a chair and look over the 4 adjoining fences to find out where the dog is coming from? Then speak with its owners, they may not be aware it's getting out if it's all overgrown. I know one of my dogs has a mighty bark and I know exactly when someone is on my property because of it, doesn't mean she'd eat em for breakfast ;)

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It's a Staffy, it loves people, but not necessarily other animals. Best build a fox, other animal fence around your delicate areas. Management is the name of the game. Fox proof, - feral dog proof, be safe. Love the staffies but respect them.

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It's a Staffy, it loves people, but not necessarily other animals. Best build a fox, other animal fence around your delicate areas. Management is the name of the game. Fox proof, - feral dog proof, be safe. Love the staffies but respect them.

This isnt a staffy (the staffy came in the front of my house from up the road and just the once), its a Labrador or a cross one. Its a rental I dont really have the option or money to go sticking up new fences. I cant see or hear any sign of this dog at the moment, ive heard it bark before but nothing is setting it off at the moment... so unless its gone out of my yard to somewhere else now since its gotten out?

I will be calling the ranger if it comes back. its really not my responsibility to keep other peoples animals "out". Its my responsibility to keep my animals in. (Brutus isnt here at the moment, upsettingly I had to get him to live at my dads while I was worried for his safety from my last neighbour... so this whole situation is quite upsetting, so I still cant have my dog till I get all this sorted out :( )

And I cant sure up the fences because its overgrown on my side... and again its a rental its not up to me to go ripping out the bush to get to the fences, or fix them. Its not overgrown on the sides where the dog could be coming from. Oh well cant call anyone till monday now... so ill see how many times it comes back over the weekend.

and I am calm.. im not about to do anything crazy... but Im not here all the time and mum's here by herself... ranting she wants to call the police... over a "dangerous dog" that should be destroyed etc. I dont want something like that to happen. But I dont see why I should feel "bad" reporting an unconfined dog to the council... if it wasnt acting in a threatening manor and it could be returned civily to where ever it belongs and the fence fixed then it wouldnt be an issue :(

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