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Council Shocked As Dog Owners Offer Pit Bulls For Death


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IN an unprecedented move, Hume residents have surrendered their dangerous dogs to the council and want them euthanased - a move that has astonished officers.

Hume city infrastructure director Steve Crawley said about 12 pit bull mastiff-cross breeds had been voluntarily handed over to the council to be destroyed since the fatal attack on four-year-old Ayen Chol in St Albans on August 17.

All dogs have since been euthanased, The Hume Weekly reports.

"We've been approached and we're a bit surprised by that because we didn't expect that sort of reaction," Mr Crawley said.

Under a proposed amendment to the Crimes Act, owners of restricted breeds or dangerous dogs could face criminal penalties and possible jail terms if their dog attacks someone.

Restricted breeds include pit bulls and pit bull-cross breeds that match a visual standard guideline released by the state government last week.

Mr Crawley said what had probably scared people was the fact that the government was considering making dog attacks a criminal offence.

He said there had been incidents of dangerous-dog attacks in Hume.

"There was an incident a couple of years ago when five dogs were mauled [by a dangerous dog] and that was a devastating case," he said.

Dog owners who were unsure whether their dog fell into the "dangerous" category were urged to contact the council.

Last year, there were 203 reported dog attacks in Hume. There have been about 50 reported attacks so far this year.

There are 19,191 dogs registered with the council – 10 of these are among the declared dangerous breeds.

Lost Dogs Home managing director Graeme Smith said that since the attack on Ayen Chol, more dogs were being surrendered.

"We get one, two or three at the most pit bulls a week, which is about 1per cent [of all dogs handed in each week]," he said.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/environment/animals/council-shocked-as-dog-owners-offer-pit-bulls-for-death-20110906-1jv7s.html#ixzz1X8edF1YV

Source : http://www.theage.com.au/environment/animals/council-shocked-as-dog-owners-offer-pit-bulls-for-death-20110906-1jv7s.html


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What's the bet all these dogs did no wrong, but owners too scared now because of all the media hype that's going on :mad

This Is beyond sad It's downright tragic!, and to be honest If these people were so ready to condemn their dogs to death, they shouldn't even own a dog full stop!

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Maybe the owners knew the dogs were likely to be aggressive and handed them over before anything could happen, to avoid punishment should something happen. If that's the reason, then I think that's fair enough. Better to have a dangerous dog put to sleep than wait for something to happen and then put the dog to sleep.

But if they handed perfectly friendly dogs over just because they were a certain breed then that's a bit silly.

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I'v heard of this sort of thing before. When I got my old dog from a rescue group, the rescuer advised me of the circumstances surrounding the surrender of a Staffy pair that were also there. Typical Staffy's with the temperament you might expect, surrendered as a response to some attack that happened at the time allegedly involving the breed.

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Maybe the owners knew the dogs were likely to be aggressive and handed them over before anything could happen, to avoid punishment should something happen. If that's the reason, then I think that's fair enough. Better to have a dangerous dog put to sleep than wait for something to happen and then put the dog to sleep.

But if they handed perfectly friendly dogs over just because they were a certain breed then that's a bit silly.

If that be the case, which I still doubt, why not take them to your own vet and have the dog pts by your own vet? Why drop them off at a strange council pound where they would be frightened and confused and killed In the arms of strangers! I'm sorry but you owe the dog that much

Sorry I'm very upset by It all, so I'm not being rude just deeply sad and angry

I love the way Vic, tags RB's and DD dogs as the same :mad a RB Is just that a restricted breed It's not a dangerous dog!

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I would NEVER hand in one of my dogs to be killed due hysterical media hype so I am thinking the type of people that would do such a thing obviously dont have a great love for the dog and have never treated them as a family member anyway. :(

A person who would rather surrender a dog to be disposed of by a stranger in an unfamiliar, scary and stressful pound envoironment rather than to take it quietly to the vets and hold it whilst its life slips away is nothing more than a coward and doesn't deserve to own and be loved by a dog anyway :mad:mad:mad

Graeme Smith from LDH infuriates more more by the day with his hateful comments, that man is a dog hating sociopath who doesn't deserve to have a job such as he has, where are the calm cool headed people in this whole sad situation........

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IN an unprecedented move, Hume residents have surrendered their dangerous dogs to the council and want them euthanased - a move that has astonished officers.

Hume city infrastructure director Steve Crawley said about 12 pit bull mastiff-cross breeds had been voluntarily handed over to the council to be destroyed since the fatal attack on four-year-old Ayen Chol in St Albans on August 17.

All dogs have since been euthanased, The Hume Weekly reports.

"We've been approached and we're a bit surprised by that because we didn't expect that sort of reaction," Mr Crawley said.

Under a proposed amendment to the Crimes Act, owners of restricted breeds or dangerous dogs could face criminal penalties and possible jail terms if their dog attacks someone.

Restricted breeds include pit bulls and pit bull-cross breeds that match a visual standard guideline released by the state government last week.

Mr Crawley said what had probably scared people was the fact that the government was considering making dog attacks a criminal offence.

He said there had been incidents of dangerous-dog attacks in Hume.

"There was an incident a couple of years ago when five dogs were mauled [by a dangerous dog] and that was a devastating case," he said.

Dog owners who were unsure whether their dog fell into the "dangerous" category were urged to contact the council.

Last year, there were 203 reported dog attacks in Hume. There have been about 50 reported attacks so far this year.

There are 19,191 dogs registered with the council – 10 of these are among the declared dangerous breeds.

Lost Dogs Home managing director Graeme Smith said that since the attack on Ayen Chol, more dogs were being surrendered.

"We get one, two or three at the most pit bulls a week, which is about 1per cent [of all dogs handed in each week]," he said.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/environment/animals/council-shocked-as-dog-owners-offer-pit-bulls-for-death-20110906-1jv7s.html#ixzz1X8edF1YV

Source : http://www.theage.com.au/environment/animals/council-shocked-as-dog-owners-offer-pit-bulls-for-death-20110906-1jv7s.html


A dark, horrible day in Victoria. It's so ironic considering there is the Getting To Zero Conference on at the Gold Coast this week. May Graeme Smith follow the same path as Tom Skeldon of Ohio - he is a blight to the Animal Welfare Industry.

My thoughts tonight are with all the animals and families that are affected by such a barbaric law in this country.

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That is so horrible why would anyone that cared for any animal just dump them to be put to sleep, they would be scared and alone with strangers to be with them in their last hours, I am sorry but people that do this should be micro-chipped and put on a register that they NEVER have any animal under their care over their lifetime, because that is not CARE. I can understand some people being frightened as a result of media hype but if they can do that they NEVER should have had any animal in the first place. People don't hand their car and keys over at the impound because of other peoples road accidents so why hand your animal over because of something that your animal had nothing to do with grrrrr makes me so :mad

I would find some way to have our boys recognised as human (they already think they are) and legally adopt them as children before I would surrender them.

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Maybe the owners knew the dogs were likely to be aggressive and handed them over before anything could happen, to avoid punishment should something happen. If that's the reason, then I think that's fair enough. Better to have a dangerous dog put to sleep than wait for something to happen and then put the dog to sleep.

But if they handed perfectly friendly dogs over just because they were a certain breed then that's a bit silly.

If that be the case, which I still doubt, why not take them to your own vet and have the dog pts by your own vet? Why drop them off at a strange council pound where they would be frightened and confused and killed In the arms of strangers! I'm sorry but you owe the dog that much

Sorry I'm very upset by It all, so I'm not being rude just deeply sad and angry

I love the way Vic, tags RB's and DD dogs as the same :mad a RB Is just that a restricted breed It's not a dangerous dog!

I agree, I would never do that to my dogs, but a lot of people wouldn't even think that far, and they might not want to pay for the dog to be pts, and/or they think it makes no difference as the dog will be dead anyway. Who knows.

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Looks like its easy come, easy go for some owners.

It would probably cost more to euthanise their pet than they paid to get it.. and they'd be thinking that way too.

As for the council being "shocked".. what the hell did they expect would be the reaction to the changes in the laws. :rolleyes:

Edited by poodlefan
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Looks like its easy come, easy go for some owners.

It would probably cost more to euthanise their pet than they paid to get it.. and they'd be thinking that way too.

As for the council being "shocked".. what the hell did they expect would be the reaction to the changes in the laws. :rolleyes:

I think you are absolutely correct there.

A lot of the people who own such dogs (certainly in the area I live it) got them for free or next to nothing from no one de-sexing their animals and a ready supply of mongrel pups - the cost of taking the dog to the vet to quietly put it to sleep is prohibitive for many low income earners or welfare recipients for whom such dogs are the most common breed.

This is not surprising at all, I am surprised anyone least of all the council should be shocked.

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Just heard on the news that some owners are just locking their dogs out and not letting them back home. Is that more responsible than handing them into council? Agreed, if the owners do want them euthanized, then they should in my opinion be taken to their own vet, not dropped off like trash but unfortunately, there are trash dog owners out there.

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Is that 12 from one person though? Otherwise, it is a tad strange that 12 of the exact same cross breed have been handed in....

I'd say either the media or the Council are incorrectly reporting either intentionally or unintentionally.

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It may also be that the owner didn't want these dogs living a life as a 'dangerous dog'. Yes it is possible for someone to put the time into dogs with this label and all the associated restrictions, but if that is not possible for them then perhaps they did the right thing.

Shame on COUNCIL for putting silly restrictions like this on dogs because of who their parents are!

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It may also be that the owner didn't want these dogs living a life as a 'dangerous dog'. Yes it is possible for someone to put the time into dogs with this label and all the associated restrictions, but if that is not possible for them then perhaps they did the right thing.

Shame on COUNCIL for putting silly restrictions like this on dogs because of who their parents are!

Even if the owners didn't want the dogs living under the shadow of the "dangerous dog" tag they should still have had the courage to have the dogs humanely killed by a vet rather than dumping them at the pound.

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It may also be that the owner didn't want these dogs living a life as a 'dangerous dog'. Yes it is possible for someone to put the time into dogs with this label and all the associated restrictions, but if that is not possible for them then perhaps they did the right thing.

Shame on COUNCIL for putting silly restrictions like this on dogs because of who their parents are!

Even if the owners didn't want the dogs living under the shadow of the "dangerous dog" tag they should still have had the courage to have the dogs humanely killed by a vet rather than dumping them at the pound.

I agree with this I would NEVER let one of mine go without me, and not for something like this- must not have read it properly.

Although it is still better than them being poorly treated for the rest of their life in a cage with the owner ignoring them because it is too hard to get them out.

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I would NEVER hand in one of my dogs to be killed due hysterical media hype so I am thinking the type of people that would do such a thing obviously dont have a great love for the dog and have never treated them as a family member anyway. :(

A person who would rather surrender a dog to be disposed of by a stranger in an unfamiliar, scary and stressful pound envoironment rather than to take it quietly to the vets and hold it whilst its life slips away is nothing more than a coward and doesn't deserve to own and be loved by a dog anyway :mad:mad:mad

Graeme Smith from LDH infuriates more more by the day with his hateful comments, that man is a dog hating sociopath who doesn't deserve to have a job such as he has, where are the calm cool headed people in this whole sad situation........

I agree. I believe that these dogs are not loved family members in the first place but possibly dogs that were obtained as status symbols, possibly also poorly trained and handled and having even shown signs of aggression. And that the owners are running scared.

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