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Feel Bad About Reporting Lose Dogs.


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Well me and zorro got rushed at AGAIN today it's like I'm all ways getting rushed at by aggressive dogs, I think some of you have read my other topics about the other ones,

OH took his mums/ his dog with us as he looked like we wanted an extra walk when we went past.( he is a GSD x ridgeback they adopted from the RSPCA when he was a pup) anyway we where walking along and a jack russle came running up to us hair on end teeth showing growling rusty went for the small dog went he came to close and just got away in time, mean while zorro has dropped to the floor shaking and scared by the whole thing.

Then the jack russle came at zorro and this set rusty of agin luckily OH had a hold of him but I kicked the dog it yellped, and finally backed off enough for us to get out of there and all I heard was this lady yelling something and next door naighbour yelling at her to keep her " little sh$@t locked up".

God I feel so bad that I kicked it but it was so aggressive and I dunno what it would have done to zorro I panicked.

Anyway I have just posted now as I have finished writeing the events down for the council.

I feel like I ring up all the time about aggressive dogs not under control, we have some lovely dogs in the area too like a lovely staffy that sits out side in the front garden when his owner is doing gardening he will come over for a pat and if the owner says stop e will and the owner will make sure he stays away unless you say it is okay for him to say hallo.

But god tonights events could have gone so wrong I see what people say now when you don't have much time to think.

I hope the newspaper dose publish somthing about dog laws it is so bad here.

I rang the council but only got a Mashine so I left my details but I think I will ring them again.

I just feel bad ringing like I'm dobing but the dogs I have called about have been really aggressive.

I have had dogs run up and bark buy don't come close I don't bother with them I just keep walking and ignore them.

Sorry just feel like I'm for ever posting on here about them or ringing someone about them.

Ps sorry for any mistakes I will fix them when I find them ( using iPhone)

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Antquin, don't feel bad about kicking the dog you were protecting Zorro and quite frankly I would have done the same thing.. Really annoys me dogs that are not contained in a fenced yard or owners that leave gates open...

I hope the council does something about this..

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Better the JRT gets a kick and you protect your dogs. If you left the job to your big dog - the JRT could end up dead and then your dog would be in trouble whether it was self defence or not because when it comes to your word against theirs, it's often the big dog that loses.

And good on you for writing it up too.

Have you written to the Newspaper about it? Sometimes that's the way to get started. Make sure you get someone else (a friend - not someone who lives with you) to proof read it for spelling and emotional excitement (which can be misunderstood).

Council should have an afterhours number for the dog ranger. Maybe ask them about that during business hours tomorrow. Otherwise if you know council are not going to respond - you may have to ring the police - if you think a dog or human's life is in danger - otherwise - just email the council and they will get it eventually.

Emails are good because it's easy to keep track of when you sent what and exactly what you sent... Phonecalls it's too easy for them to say it never happened.

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I would not be worried about any of it.

I will do what ever it takes to defend myself, friends and my animals from aggressive dogs. if it means I kick or a wallop with a stick, then so be it.

If the idiots cannot control their pets, are aggressive or a continuous spice of angst in the community, then they do not deserve to have a pet.

I would be reporting it, this time you deflected an attack. The next time it may be a young child and they will not be so lucky.

If the dogs in your area are as bad as you claim, I would be looking at attaching a small CCTV camera to your hat. They can be picked up pretty cheap on EBay and record any incident.

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Don't worry Atanquin, I think I would do the same if an agressive dog came at us, it would have been a good idea, to kick the owner as well, and wake them up :laugh:

It seems to me that it is always the smaller dogs that want to take on the big ones, as well.

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You need to be able to walk your dogs around safely, so I think if the owners are not going to do the right thing then it should be reported.

Two dogs across the road have been getting out, the first time I had just arrived home and one was on the road, and the 2nd time they came to visit me, because I had taken the Viszla inside so I could get a dog lead before he ran away :) Luckily they are nice friendly dogs, a Vizsla and a Golden Retriever, I just called them, they came and I took them home.

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Don't feel bad, yourself and your dogs must come first. I would have done the same thing. And good on you for reporting it, people need to do all they can to keep their dogs contained before accidents happen. If a dog gets hit by a car, I imagine it would be highly stressful for all involved - owner, dog, driver. And I agree with what has been said, perhaps an email or 2 would get the councils attention ;)

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Antinquin, please if you can go to the person who said to keep the dog locked up.

The only way the council will do anything is if they have more than one complaint. You need as many people as you can find to get the rangers off their backsides. I had one that was more worried about finding a cow.

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Antinquin, please if you can go to the person who said to keep the dog locked up.

The only way the council will do anything is if they have more than one complaint. You need as many people as you can find to get the rangers off their backsides. I had one that was more worried about finding a cow.

Depends on the council and rangers. Key words "Aggressive tendencies", "lunged" and "felt threatened" and "not the first time". You will need to give the council as much information as you can about the type of the dog, what time it happened and where it came from and went too after the incident. Much easier if the dog came out of a specific property, however you cannot always guarantee that is where the dog lives as it could have roamed into that property in the first place. (or half live there - ie, by It's choice rather than the people actually own it). If you can take a photo of the dog on your camera. Make sure you remain on public land (ie footpath) and if possible take a photo of the letterbox and front of house showing the property number, and also if possible, dog on that property. Try to keep to the facts and do lot let your emotion get the better of you when you make your complaint.

These are all things the ranger will(well should) be doing as well in the course of the investigation.

The council will want to protect their butts from being sued as well if they had a report of an aggressive dog on the loose and they did nothing to investigate.

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I feel bad for the poor bluddy dogs that are stuck with morons for owners :(

But at the end of the day you have to do what's right for your dogs... and id rather the owners get a wrap over the knuckles and learn to keep their dogs on their property than have them out and get him by a car.

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Okay I got on to the council, I'm so glad I wrote it all down once I got home. The lady said they would send a letter to the address where the dog was, as it was an aggressive attack. She told me to take a camaraderie with me while I walk so I take any pictures that would help them.

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They're going to send a letter? Really? I would tell the council that is unacceptable and the ranger should pay the people a visit. Oh, and they should get a fine. Just what has to happen for them to take proper action?

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Apprenty it is hard for them to prove it, as no dog was injured and I have no pictures. So they will get a warning letter from the council and if the dog is even sighted out of its yard again they will make a visit

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Please don't feel bad - you may have actually done the dog and it's owner a favour - that is, if the owner is clever enough to realise they need to keep the dog confined in the yard.

In my old neighourhood - I could even go 2 doors up the street without a snarling dog rushing out. I love how councils tell us they need photographic evidence - have they ever tried to assess the situation where there's an aggressive dog rushing you, trying to protect your dog and/or yourself and have time to take a nice picture to send them.

A dog up the road once copped a kick in the head (I didn't mean to get it in the head, I was actually trying to fend it off with my foot as I picked up my 30kg bull terrier to avoid a disaster) and the owner thought it was a hilarious sight. Of course we all know who would have been in trouble and had their dog taken away and put down if anything happened.........Her dog used to and probably still does roam the neighbourhood at will and the funny thing is, when her kids walk it, it has a muzzle yet the rest of the time just does what it likes freely. I got sick of sending photos of this dog on the loose to our council to do something and their constant assurances that they were taking the situation seriously.

You did the right thing reporting it - animal control in most council jurisdictions needs a major overhaul. I certainly wouldn't say it's an easy thing to manage, it's not but a lot of money is received through registrations and it should be used for the correct purpose.

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