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Well that's given me something to think about re the lump, he doesn't seem worried by it at all but I can see it becoming troublesome if it gets too much bigger as it is under his arm.

Thanks for all the replies, it helps when we worry about these things!

App is tomorrow morning at 10.30. Might be an interesting visit, I've never taken 3 at once before!

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I'm a bit late to the party, but my old Mini Poodle had a couple of growths that looked EXACTLY like that. One was removed and was found to be some sort of benign growth. It was some years ago now (5 or 6) and I can't remember what the actual diagnosis was, but it was one of those 'he's just getting older' things. I assume the others were as well. One became a big problematic as he picked it or somehow ripped into it and it bled and kept re-opening, but they weren't anything serious.

Hopefully you'll get a similar diagnosis. Good luck!

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My old Mitchell had lots of lipomas ..and apart from looking a bit weird , they were never a problem.. he had them on his chest/shouldersand backside....

My old girl Gyps had a couple of those lipoma things, one in the same place as your boy TLC (almost identical in appearance too) and one near her foot and they never caused her any grief.

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I think your right MG, to begin with the vet was happy to leave it, but the size it has grown to is really worrying now. If the vet is in doubt I might use your quote!! :laugh:

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Well we are home from the vets, She was lovely, young but very good. It went exactly how I thought it would go, she said we could leave the lump under his arm and just do his face with a snip and cauterize, and I said the lump under his arm is twice as big as it was this time last year so if we leave it, it means they will have to cut more away, and thats another surgery down the track, she agreed. So next Friday he will go in. She was looking at the calendar to make a date and when I said Friday would suit me, she said ok yes Friday will work and look at that its friday the 13th :eek: So now I am doing my best not to be superstitious! :laugh:

I explained to her a few past issues we have had with Cooper and our journey to getting him to be the best dog he can be and she said they will sedate him while I am there and when he wakes up they will put a note on his cage that he is to be left alone to I get there to pick him up. So I am really happy with that. I must say today was the best I have ever seen Cooper at the vets ever, he was a real champ, from a dog that had to be muzzled and held down for examination to a happy tail wagging fella. :) he looked a little worried when she pulled out the stethoscope but it only lasted for a second!

So fingers crossed it will all go smoothly, she said the thing on his face is a benign cyst, she didn't mention anything about sending it away to be checked to I must remember to ask about that when i go in.

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Just try to breathe and relax about it, if you can. It will be harder on you than on him. If you want either lump biopsied you'll probably have to ask for it. When I had the first removed from my dog Finn the vet was sure it was benign, so I didn't undergo the expense of a biopsy. When he developed a second one, we did have the lab work done, and it too was benign.

Fingers crossed for you both.

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I'm sure your right Moosey and thanks to everyone for the reassurance. I'll have a friend here next week when he goes in so she will be a good distraction for me on the day!

Just try to breathe and relax about it, if you can. It will be harder on you than on him. If you want either lump biopsied you'll probably have to ask for it. When I had the first removed from my dog Finn the vet was sure it was benign, so I didn't undergo the expense of a biopsy. When he developed a second one, we did have the lab work done, and it too was benign.

Fingers crossed for you both.

The lump under his arm has already been checked with a FNA and they could tell it was just a fatty cyst. I will ask them if they think the one on his face needs to be biopsied and be guided by what they say.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well CJ had his surgery today and all went well, he had a general anesthetic and it didn't take long they rang me only one hour after I took him in as he woke up and was screaming/howling the place down, he is not a fan of the vets at all.

So got him home and he has spent most of the day sleeping. Funny I realize now how right pawed he is, both lumps are on the right and he goes to step up/down with his right foot and has to stop to think about it then uses his left. Also he always lays on his right side. He might be a lefty once he has healed up. :laugh: as is its now officially not Friday the thirteenth any more I can happily say it was one that went off without a hitch.

He does look very sore and keeps looking at me with the big sad eyes, I'm sure he is thinking why have you done this to me. :laugh:

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